MSA Club News The format will be similar to previous years with hot chocolate, water, food (served), games, merchandise and distanced socialization. Masks will be required. Our Facebook page will be the source for any further updates Prior to the snow/rain/ice storm 12/5/20 the trails were open. Need- less to say, there are issues with blow downs that need attention. So, just put your chainsaw to work if you can help. It will be greatly appreciated. We have purchased a new wide track Skandic as we seek to replace the 1988 Alpines and 2001 and 2004 Skandics used for trail grooming. There is some snow forecast for the next week that may give break in time for the new sled. That is all, except to wish that all had the happiest of holidays and the best for the new year. Happy trails! Your Cub Reporter READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS Readfield, ME Find us on Facebook Winter has not officially arrived yet, it is now mid-December, but like all MSA newsletters this message is written a month in advance of when it appears in print. As I write this letter, I’m looking out my window at some snow cover, which is great. However, the streams and lakes and bogs still have quite a way to go before freezing over. It appears that the normal date of December 15th for the opening of trails (particularly those up north and in the mountains) will be delayed. Last year at this time The Read- field Blizzard Busters were very happy, and proud, to announce the newest addition to our groomer fleet. Through the generosity of Parks Per- formance in Winthrop we are now in possession of a “new” 2001 Chevy Blazer. Parks Performance donated the Blazer and coordinated with John Signs to donate the lettering of the Blazer. Many thanks to Mike Parks, and John. This addition turned out to be a great asset during the season last winter,as was expected. Unfortunately, this year the Bliz- zard Busters annual fundraising event at Central Maine Power Sports in Lewiston has been cancelled due to COVID concerns. In years past the crew at Central Maine Power Sports has graciously allowed our club mem- bers to have a free gift-wrapping table in the store. The event is normally held at Central Maine Power Sport’s annual Customer Appreciation Day. We hope Central Maine Power Sports had a successful day with everyone following COVID guidelines.
Also in December, was the MSA Super Raffle Drawing. The drawing follows the monthly MSA directors meeting held in December. Hopefully your name was drawn to receive one of the many prizes donated by Maine businesses. The Blizzard Busters hold monthly meetings the first Wednesday of each month at the Weathervane Restaurant at 7 PM in the lower level. All COVID guidelines are followed and if you attend, please do, masks are required. You are encouraged to attend and please, join a club. Without the local clubs there would be no trails. As usual, THINK SNOW and please RIDE SAFE! Marge and Lee Livingston Club reporters COCHNEWAGEN TRAILBLAZERS Monmouth, ME I’m sure we are all hoping for a happy, snowy winter. We started out the month with a couple of decent storms. Even the lakes were starting to freeze up. The forecast isn’t looking so favorable though with warm weather and rain. Let’s be optimistic and hope that the rest of the winter months won’t follow the same pattern as last year, snow then melting, then snow and melt- ing again. The heavy snow and winds have done some damage to our trails. Members have been out taking care of them when time and weather allows. One big project that has some logistical difficulties is the Waugan bridge. It is in need of some major repairs and until that time is not safe to cross. On a happier note, we had our annual Christmas party at the begin- ning of the month. It felt like old times, when we were in the old school house in E. Monmouth. Our youngest member unknowingly picked out our tree. Cameron Wright was out with Chad, his dad and our trailmaster, cleaning up some fallen trees and he pointed out the resemblance of this evergreen to a Christmas tree. Chad put it in a bucket of water in hopes that it would keep it from drying out and by gosh, it worked. Unfortunately, Cam, Chad and the rest of the fam- ily opted out of attending in order to stay healthy. We did, however, have a small group of attendees. We had a good time, good food and Christmas music playing over the hum of the heaters. We did miss those that we know would have attended given a “normal” year. Hope to see everyone back at next year’s festivities. Don’t forget that we are still sell- ing Snowball Raffle Tickets. We are heading into the last month of getting them sold. Please help by selling and/
or buying some or many. Contact any club officer and we can hook you up with some. For up-to-date information about club happenings and trail conditions, check out our Facebook page, Mon- mouth Cochnewagan Trailblazers. Think Snow! Roberta Kemp, V.P. ABNAKI SNO-RIDERS sc Madison, Maine www.abnakisnoriders.com Find us on Facebook We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. The club has been able to get some additional volunteers so we have been able work on several re-routes. There is still more work to be done, but we have made progress. As with most clubs, we are still in need of volunteers, people to take positions on the board, and people to attend meetings. Please reach out to our President Penny Hay on our Face- book Page or by e-mail at pjhay@ icloud.com if you wish to volunteer or if you have questions. It is becoming even more important to remember to respect our landown- ers and ride on the marked trails. We try very hard to keep our landowners happy. They generously let us use their land and some of the landowners have critical land that if we were to lose permission would shut down ITS 87. It should be said there should be no littering on the trails. If you bring items to eat and drink with you, please take your trash with you. Please make sure to rejoin or join your local club or even multiple clubs. In order for clubs to keep open and keep trails great for riding, we need all the support we can get. Club meetings are the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 P.M. at the club- house (unless changed due to holiday – please check our Facebook Page to be sure!). We encourage you to attend the meetings and to join! We are always looking for people to help brainstorm during the meetings. We are always looking for help, so if you can, reach out to us! Be safe and happy riding!
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ride right and stay safe! ANASC
LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS sc Lexington Twp, ME Tis the Season! This is the time, especially during this extremely challenging year, to take the time to express our sin- cere gratitude for all of the wonder- ful gifts that we have been blessed with. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, we have opted to look at the glass half full. We are going to focus on all of the positive things that have taken place, and that we are thankful for. We have been “socially distanced” working on the addition to our club house, and even though we were unable to host our annual Christmas party this year, we were able to donate all of our 50/50 raf- fle monies (actually 100/100 raffle because no one ever takes their 50) to the New Portland Town Hall giving tree to purchase gifts for those less fortunate children. We are blessed by having a very tight and giving com- munity, that always works together to help those in need. As we all know we have had some difficult times this year and we have and will get through them! These events have made us stronger and have strengthened our already strong bond that we share. We are encouraging you to take this rare opportunity to get back to our grassroots and encompass some of the things we have learned along the way. Please take this time to make that personal phone call, to check up on a family member, or an old friend or to sit down and actually write a letter or send a card to let someone know what’s been happening and to enjoy the art of keeping in touch, the old way. To go back to the Maine way - “The Way Life Should Be!” It’s time to give thanks for all the good things that have come to you this year. You know what I say, “There is good in every one, it’s just sometimes you just need to dig a little deeper, but it’s definitely there!” I look forward to getting together with all of you soon and seeing you out on the snow-covered trails! Have a wonderful and joyous holi- day season! God Bless Lori Nunes, Club reporter
COBBOSSEECONTEE sc West Gardiner, ME www.cobbosseeconteesnowmobile- club.com Thank you to the dedicated mem- bers who have been out almost every Sunday clearing trails. Just when you think you’re close to being done, along comes not one, but two storms that raise havoc on them; trees and debris come down, all of it time- con- suming tasks. Our crew did an awe- some job opening up the trails again. Now we are awaiting rideable snow so we try out our new drags. Due to the pandemic, the club has had to change our normal meetings/ functions. Meetings will be held the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse, masks are required. We are no longer serving suppers, trail work breakfasts, or holding a Thanks- giving feast or Christmas celebration. As much as we miss our traditions, we prefer everyone to stay healthy. Received the new C4 maps, they are extremely user friendly, and clear to read. Thanks Doug, and the Rome Ruff Riders for organizing and updating. Any high school student in need of community service, contact Dave Cogley, Trail master for dates/times to help. Get out into the outdoors, help your local snowmobile club and dedi- cated volunteers and gain the commu- nity service you need. Charlene McFarland Club Secretary Happy New Year to all! We are not having meetings because of COVID. We miss seeing everyone and hope your all doing fine! Mike, Kim, John, Ted, Kevin and Troy and his crew are still busy doing trail work. It seems as though trees and branches just find their way onto the trails! Everything is ready to go, just waiting for a good snowstorm. Thank you to our new business members, Engstrorm’s Auto Service inGuilford, Powerline Construction Inc.in Sebec,and Land Lubbers in Athens and all our business and trail board advertisers. If you need any information give John a call@ 628-1003 and check out our face book page for any updates. Don’t forget to thank a landowner, ANSON-NORTH ANSON sc Anson, Maine
NORWAY TRACKERS Norway, ME Find us on Facebook
Embden Travelers sc North Anson, ME Find us on Facebook
Happy New Year All, We have been fortunate to have had several crews out working on trails this fall. Some of our members have been able to hit the trails during the
Plans are going forward for the Snow Fest February 13 from noon to 3 PM at the Embden Pond boat landing.
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