MSA Club News
and see some of us out clearing them stop and lend a hand or at least give a wave and a thank you. That goes for any trails in the state you ride and see people working hard to make them safe. Until Feb. BLUE RIDGE RIDERS Rockwood, ME Happy New Year from Blue Ridge Riders in Rockwood! We know you’re as excited as we are to welcome in a new year. Good riddance, 2020; hello, 2021! Great news: The weather in Rockwood is white! While Moosehead Lake isn’t frozen as of this writing, it never fails to disappoint. As you consider where to ride this season, keep Rockwood in mind. Our trails offer beautiful scen- ery, winding trails, as well as wide open spaces! And, of course, “The Lake”! We’ve been diligent in getting signs out, working on trails, training new groomers, and listening to local busi- nesses in regards to how better serve riders as well as our community. Blue Ridge Riders is an active club who currently is selling calendars as a fundraiser. Grab one locally or con- tact our Club President, Mark, at 207- 205-0414. Names are drawn each day in February for a cash prize of varying amounts. We appreciate your support of our Club. BRR continues to plan and save for the purchase of a new groomer. New this year to our trails is a roller. It will be used to pack snow and firm up trails. This project is the result of vol- unteers of time and donations A huge thank you to all involved. Club meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month at the home of Brad Scott on Apple Tree Lane in Rockwood. Join us for a potluck meal at 6 P.M. followed by the meeting at 7 P.M. We welcome your attendance. Stay safe out there, everyone. The Officers, Directors and Members of CASC
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SHIRLEY BOG TRAIL BUSTERS Shirley, ME Check out our website https://sites.google.com/site/ shirleybogtrailbusters Like us on Facebook: Shirley Bog Trail Busters Get in touch with us at
EBEEMEE sc Brownville, ME
is ready for snow! Thank you to Dan Sullivan of the Trailer Shop in Danvers Massachusetts for sandblasting and repainting our brush guard! Thank you to Pete Plourde for all your hard work and thank you to Dave Silvia for your wonderful guidance and help! EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS 263 Levenseller Road Holden ME 04429 Find us on Facebook Our 50th year!! As I write this it is one week to Christmas two weeks to New Year’s and it is currently snowing! Cold tem- peratures are here, the ground is start- ing to freeze and the water is starting to tighten up. That means it won’t be long until the clubhouse will be open and the trails will also be open! We have put in well over 300-man hours so far on reroutes, bridge recon- struction and placement, and brushing and clearing of trails so far! Thank you to all of those that show up on regularly scheduled Sunday mornings at the club for trail work, and to those that pitch in on their own or with trail master Larry during the week. Sadly because of coronavirus restrictions and regulations we did have to cancel our Christmas party and meeting and going forward please check our Facebook and email for updates as to when we can meet again at the club. So along with that means that fund- raising is pretty much at a standstill and very little income coming into the club. One easy thing for everyone to do is please join a club or two or three and register your snowmobiles that money goes directly to the fund. We also still have unsold tickets for our 300 club drawings where we give away $1,000 every month. It is $5 a month and your ticket stays in all year.! You can contact Don Noble at 207-365-7182. Upcoming events January 17th board of directors meeting 5:00PM. club dinner 6:00 PM and club meeting 7:00 PM. February 21st board of directors meeting 5:00 PM club dinner 6:00 PM and club meeting 7:00 PM. So for now think snow and we hope to see you soon on the trails or at the clubhouse! And happy New Year! Troy G. Trail Grunt CARMEL sc Carmel, ME Hello MSAMembers, Hopefully everyone had a Merry
without a great group of volunteers. Without our remarkable crew we wouldn’t exist and neither would our amazing trails. Please consider vol- unteering a few hours of your time. ~ Chelsea Stratton EASTERN REGION
Hello winter from the Great North Woods! As I write this, I can hear the pond making ice! We have had a run of very strange and damaging weather up here. We received over 6” of rain over the course of two weeks in late November. That damaged our new last year Pocomoonshine bridge. Big shout out and thank you to Doug Ames of Ames Construction, Sebec for stopping by with an excavator on his way home. He was able to put the skidder mats back in place for us! Phew! After that, we received about 10” of wet heavy snow accompanied by wind. Not good! We have had crews working on the trails getting them opened back up. Still more to go though! Please reach out to Traci if you are available to help out…MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK! We also need to send a big shout out and thank you to Mike Rioux of Rev Limit Sports in Millinocket for once again donating their time to complete the tune ups on the three groomer sleds! Very much appreciated! Give Mike a call and he will take great care of you… tell him Ebeemee sent you! Pete has been busy running back and forth keep- ing sleds in front of him so we can get them back quickly for trail work! Logging in our area should be all wrapped up by the time this goes to press. Our foresters from Prentiss and Carlisle have been fantastic to work with. We are so fortunate to have such great landowners up here. Bridge deck redone at Gauntlet, so much to do! We will be initiating our Adopt- A-Trail program shortly. I will have Kathie post details once we have it all nailed down. This seems like the safest way to raise money, at least this year. Our clothing catalog is available online as well if you would like to order some Ebeemee clothes! Sorry this is so short! See you on the trails and remember, Yield to the groomer, ride right, ride safe, ride sober! Laurie Plourde
ShirleyBogTrailBusters@gmail.com We had a nice start to the snow sea- son in December, but that was it. By the week of Christmas, we are in need of more snow just to get the trails ready. There is too much snow to use ATV’s and too little for snowmobiles to get around to set out signs and clear trails. Our wet heavy snowstorm in December left our trails with blow downs and lots of alders and small trees down over our trails. We again needed to spend hours and hours cleaning up the trails so we can have great trails again this season. We are still working with three logging companies on trails. They all seem to be cutting in and around Shir- ley. With a little prayer we will have a trail system for our new groomer to use! We hope you are ready for the sea- son and are planning for some great rides. Bring you masks, wear them when in public, and be safe! See you on the trails! Debi Lynne Baker, Secretary
CLIFTON AREA sc Clifton, ME Welcome to 2021 Everyone!!
It’s near the end of December when this is being written and guess what? IT SNOWED!! Some places in Maine received almost two feet of the “white gold” on Dec 17th! Let’s hope it is still here as we all read this with soooo much more after it and we are all social distancing on the trails some place in Maine! We at CASC hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and found a way to celebrate safely with family. We keep saying 2021 will be better, and at this time things are looking a little brighter with a vaccine in place. Keep hoping for the end to this soon! CASC has held a few in person meetings thanks to Nancy Hatch and the Town of Clifton. We have met in the town office/library area which gives our little club plenty of space to spread out and social distance. Being a club who have some members of age, we all need to talk a little louder to be heard through our masks, but we are getting it done! The wind/rain storms in December raised havoc on some of our trails and bridges. We had to re-position a cou- ple bridges that floated off sideways, and put approach ramps back in place. Next were the trees, blowdowns and branches. Keep in mind this club only has less than twenty members and the trail work is done by a few of them. Just like all the other clubs in the state, we work really hard to clear the trails in the fall and then when we get massive wind and rain storms it causes us to go back and do trails over. So, if you are lucky enough to have snow and our out riding the trails in Clifton, why not carry a small saw with you and when you come across trees or brush in the trail, just take a few minutes and clear it away. We sure would appreciate any and all help! That’s all from us for this month! Keep hoping for more and more cold weather and snow, then get out there and enjoy the beauty of Maine in the winter. If you ride on the Clifton trails
Again, Happy New Year! Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodemer, Secretary
Why would anyone do this!! Our vandalized kiosk on the west end of the CCC Road also known as the Shirley Tote Road. Two of the kiosk legs were gone as well as many of the signs. Only one sign was left, Moxie. Shirley Bog Trail Busters Inc. 36 B & A Railroad North Road Shirley, Maine 04485 shirleybogtrailbusters@gmail.com
Left - Jeff VanKnowe and on the right Pete Plourde
These two great guys are busy remounting the brush guard. The BR
Blue Ridge Riders Photo above was taken in a previous year.
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