The MSA Super Raffle has wrapped up for this past year. In 2020, the MSA helped the snowmobile clubs of Maine raise over $30,000 to help with trail maintenance and other projects. Quite an accomplishment considering many clubs lost their normal place to sell Super Raffle tickets. All the fairs and other events were canceled leav- ing clubs to push harder to make it happen. Maine snowmobile clubs are hard workers and this only goes to show it. Some of you may not know, but we
couldn’t hold our annual dinner meeting and raffle drawing. With the spike in COVID- 19 right after Thanksgiving, the MSA didn’t want to risk endangering folks at such an event. At the last minute, Reggie’s Ski-doo of Leeds, offered their dealership showroom for our drawing. A big thank you to the Reg- gie’s crew for their hospitality. As with many events in these times of COVID-19, we live streamed it on Facebook and our website. As great a plan as it was, we did have issues with bandwidth and our livestream suffered
glitches. We apologize and please know we were at the mercy of the “internet gods” who were not helpful that night. Brian Day, of Milford, won the first prize, a 2020 Ski-doo Renegade 600. Candice Cowan won the Arctic Cat Z120. Grant Hanscom won the Aluminum 2-place trailer and Gwen Brodis and Teresa Bone won $500 Kittery Trading Post Gift Certificates. The MSA would like to thank all the Super Raffle sponsors and Maine snowmobile clubs for making this raffle a success.
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