Northern Region VP
Western Region VP Make sure to get your trails signed to make them safe and never leave it up to the rider. Signs are finally in as I’m writing this article. I always say you can never have too many signs. Remember to register your sleds and get as many members as you can to join your club. Until next month enjoy the ride and stay safe. -Jim
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. It’s time to get the season started. It makes me really happy to see the enthusiasm clubs have this year brushing and repairing bridges and a couple reroutes. Hopefully things get back to normal and we can ride and forget this year ever happen. Most clubs are in a holding pattern until we can have gatherings again. If you’re like me I can’t wait to climb into the groomer and forget about everything but making perfect trails for all to enjoy.
There is good & bad with that. It sure is nice to put up signs, cut blowdowns & walk potential re-routes without snowshoes or snowmobiles & maybe the ground will freeze up a bit to make a long-lasting base. Regardless of the weather, clubs have been very busy with trail work underway almost every weekend. All this trail work can be very expensive, and clubs may have a different set of guidelines to follow this winter for fundraising. Please reach out where you ride your membership dollars will count even more this winter. By the time you get this paper, the super raffle will be right around the corner and we will get to see who has won. Hope you all had a great time selling the tickets and met some new folks along the way. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below Matt Stedman
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Road Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com
Central Region VP H ere I sit looking out the window with snowflakes in the air and 27 degrees on November 18th. It is coming “WINTER FUN”. The pre-snow trail work is mostly done in the central region. As I travel around, fields are staked. Not a lot of signs yet as hunting season is not over. Central Region is hosting a showcase weekend in January, Friday the 22nd (come in), Saturday the 23rd (ride) and Sunday the 24th (head home). Located at Sky Lodge in Moose River, just north of Jackman. This is contingent of course on Covid-19 and what we are allowed to do. Check in with us around New Years and make sure that everything is still a go; we hope to see you there. three months, I have been able to see firsthand the work you are doing and the new members as well as returning mem- bers you have submitted. I have said it before and will continue to say it, I am extremely proud of ALL the clubs in this region. You go out of your way to reach people and educated riders on what your area has to offer. Keep up the GREAT work and give your self a pat on the back as you all deserve it. Hopefully by the time everyone reads this there will be a new office manager for MSA. In mid-November the steering committee was interviewing people and had some very qualified people apply. If that has happened by now, when you call the office welcome whoever answers the phone. If Al Swett is still there answer- ing the phone, give him a BIG THANK YOU for manning the office during our busiest time, September through now. Enjoy your holidays everyone! Stay healthy and stay safe! 2021 is just around the corner! Eileen
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)
If you would like to bring along a friend who would like to try snowmobiling, 201 PowerSports rent sleds in Bingham, the Forks and Jackman. Their number is 1-207- 672-3772. To check in with Sky Lodge the number is 1-207-668-2171. To check in on how things look for the weekend in January the number for the MSA office is 1-207-622-6983. I realize this is my last contact with most of you before Christmas and New Years, so from my home to yours have a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. Keep smiling and I’ll see you in January at Sky Lodge. Remember I’m here if you need me Jack Lord
PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com H ello fellow snowmobilers, Well, the end of this November sure looks different than the last two… just a bit of snow along the Crown of Maine. The last 2 years we have been knee deep in snow for 2 weeks already.
Coastal Region VP
Jack Lord (207) 672-3915 jacklord5256@gmail.com
Eastern Region VP
W ell, December is here and the virus is still causing many changes in everyone’s lives. Another holiday has passed and with more holidays this month, who knows what they will look like. To all the MSA members who have experienced this illness first hand, I hope you are in better health now and ready for the snow to come and riding to begin. MSA did hold its November directors meeting in Guilford with all CDC guide- lines in place and socially distancing. We even had people via video conferencing. Thanks to the Four Winds club mem- bers who helped set this up and make it happen. The new MSA facemasks were rolled out at this meeting as well. If you would like to purchase one or more, check out the MSA on line store. While you are there take a look at all the other merchandise you can order. The nice thing about it is, you can have it shipped directly where you want it to go. By the time this is read the MSA Super raffle drawing will be almost, if not already over. Tickets have been going out of the office and coming back at a good pace. Without all the fairs, festi- vals, club suppers and other usual fund-
raisers, sales are down from past years but many clubs are finding new ways to make the best of it. One thing that isn’t stopping or slow- ing down at this time is trail work. Club trail masters across the state have been organizing workdays, doing re-routes and brushing trails, to get them ready for cold weather and snow. If you happen to see one or more than one of these dedi- cated men and women out there clearing a trail, stop and offer to help or at least thank them! Remember without all the work they do in the fall and early winter; you wouldn’t have the quality ride you do when the snow finally gets here. At this time, we are planning to have an Eastern Region Showcase Ride like we did last year. It is tentatively set for Feb. 20, 202. There will be more details on this as it gets closer, so keep looking for them. That will also be the day of the MSA directors meeting which will allow people to come ride in the morning and afternoon then attend the directors meet- ing that night. A shout out to all the Eastern Region clubs for your hard work in getting mem- berships in to the office. For the past
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd
East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com H appy holidays!! I hope that everyone has enjoyed this season, SNOW is falling in many places across the state as I write this, let’s hope snow gods & Mother Nature bless us with a fantastic season!! Sleds registered? Sled’s ready? Trips planned? if you haven’t made plans you need to do so. Maine is going to be “The Hotspot in Northeast,” Congratulations to all the winners from our snowmobile raffle. I’m ready to ride, snow dance is in full swing, enjoy our season. Always be safe ride right, ride safe. Brapp fire em up!!! -Dave
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com
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