Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com
Early response to our Annual Appeal has been heartfelt. Your donations are always appreciated, but never more than in this extraordinary year of COVID-19. Know that your gifts are already hard at work, keeping us stocked with supplies and well-staffed so that everyone stays safe, healthy and happy. Chebeaguers, you truly are a part of the dedicated team that keeps the Commons going, 24/7/365. THANK YOU! Equipment Loan Closet -- new procedure: Our insurer now requires a release from every person borrowing equipment. For that reason, coupled with COVID-19 safety guidelines, self-service is suspended. Please call 846-5610 to set up a time for pick up. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Visitors: This winter, the Red Studio building is dedicated to resident use for family visits. Thanks to the Town of Chebeague’s “Keep Maine Healthy” grant we have a rebuilt Monitor heater and a plexiglass shield for safety. Please call Amy Rich (401-439- 5760 or 846-5610) in advance to schedule your visit. Availability
is Mon – Thur. Fridays may be available if staffing levels permit. We are grateful that visits – so appreciated by our residents – are again possible. Stay Up to Date: CDC guidelines frequently change as the COVID-19 situation evolves. Visit our website i slandcommons. com for any important updates or policy changes. Stay well! Shopping for the Holidays? You can make an impact while you shop for Black Friday deals. Simply shop at smile.amazon. com/ch/01-0496139 and AmazonSmile will donate to Island Commons Resource Center, at no cost to you. On-Island Employment: Seeking an experienced part-time CRMA for Saturday overnights. Visit www.islandcommons.com/ careers to complete and send a job application to Amy Rich. Commons Wait List: Call Amy to add your name to the Commons Wait List. The list is growing and we’re currently full. No obligation, just a little peace of mind, always a good thing.
Chebeague Island Historical Society Don't miss the next CIHS Ellsworth Miller Lecture on Monday December 14 th at 7 pmwhen GerryWiles will present: Christmas 1941 . America had just gone to war and FDR and Churchill met in Washington. Gerry is a great storyteller who brings history alive! Hope to see you on ZOOM 829 6247 6056 ! Chebeague Historical Society Museum Shop Black Friday Starts Now! The Good News is that everything at the Museum is 20% o now thru Christmas. Please use the code: CHEB2020 toreceive the discount! The Bad News is that because of the surge in COVID the Museumwill not be open for in person shopping for the upcoming holidays. The Bad News is that because of the surge in COVID the Museum will not be open for in person shopping for the upcoming holidays. That said our online store is open and ready for business! Purchases can be picked up outside on the bench or if you aren’t on the island we will ship to anywhere in the Continental US. Shop early for the best selection! Just go to Chebeaguehistory.com and click on Online Museum Shop. And don’t forget to enter the coupon code at checkout: CHEB2020 Please consider doing your holiday shopping with the CIHS. Your purchases support the work of the Chebeague Island Historical Society and strengthen Chebeague connections and a sense of place.
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