
MSA Club News P.S.---Long johns on Charlie?? P.SS --- Get those reups in we are headed for 100!! P.SSS --- Any birds Ray?? P.SSSS --- Nice job on the planks Patrick!! 2020 has brought many changes to our lives and with these changes CRRSC is hoping all is well with you and that all of our members and landowners are staying safe. Please check out how Christina Olsen in managing our Facebook page. Great job Christina! My previous posts were not included in the newsletter, due to an error on the email address with a change in staff. Sorry, but this letter is essentially what you missed. We suspended our meetings in March and did not hold our election of officers in April. The directors have met and made the decision to keep all officers as they are until April 2021 and to suspend all club meetings until they are approved by the state. Until then the directors are meeting as needed. Also postponed is our huge indoor yard sale, but we will resched- ule this. These are trying times for everyone, not least of all, county busi- nesses. We will watch this situation carefully. Landowners will be contacted this month for permission to keep trails on their properties. The club has pur- chased an older, small bulldozer to smooth the trails that are being badly rutted in the summer and also to install culverts where needed. Written prior permission is required from landown- ers when a bulldozer is used to do any work on their property and we will be doing some dozing work. Check out Facebook for a list of improvements and projects in the works. This summer our sign sponsor boards were vandalized and signs were removed. Word spread quickly and 4 offers were made to replace the signs and repair the damage caused. We could not believe how kind peo- ple were. Condon’s Signs, Theri- ault Equipment, Brian and Sarah Buchanan of Patten, and John Gibbs from New England Sled Talk all offered to replace our signs. We are so fortunate to have great friends in the recreation community. Thank you all so much! Some of the signs mys- teriously reappeared on the steps of the sign shed though most were dam- aged. Terry Hanlon has gotten them all replaced as well as adding some new ones! The signs are a big boost CHAPMAN RIDGE RUNNERS sc Mapleton, ME

nize the signs and take a moment to reflect on just how much dedication goes into making the trails what we all want and expect them to be. Lastly, club meetings have changed and are now the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Pot Luck/Social Hour starts at 6 with the Business Meeting starting at 7 pm. I’d like to thank all of you that have already sent in your membership renewals and challenge all of you to introduce a friend or fam- ily to our family. If you wish to join for the first time, please contact us on FB for an application. We can send via Email, FB or US Postal Service. In the meantime, stay safe and with any luck we will see you all very soon. Respectfully Submitted Timothy Stitham – Club President 2020-2021 Hi Gang, Typing on the deadline -as usual! The partridge are falling like flies - best harvest in 40 years I am told! Hunters are also taking some huge moose - life is good!! The Snowgang is in the midst of some pretty serious trailwork, with heavy work being done on ITS#83 - Sherman/Whetstone, and Munici- pal #70 - Benedicta/Whetstone. Two major bridges will be redecked,one on each trail.ITS#81 -Sherman/Mat- tawamkeag Cuttoff is in great shape, as that trail had the canopy taken out last year. There will be a reroute on 81 this season from Sherman to Ben- edicta due to heavy logging - stay tuned for that. Our club meetings, which are held on the 2nd Tues. of the month will be determined on a month to month basic due to the pandemic. We will not put any of our family and friends in harm’s way just to hold a meeting - the phone or internet are always an option. As far as our agenda goes, the only thing on the docket at this point is our annual fishing derby. I will keep you updated on that. I have also been told that Keith Sanford & friends will hold at least three hot dog roasts on the trails. As far as our Caribbean Cruise Raf- fle goes, they are almost gone so if you want one call me at 365-7276 and I will try to get you one. Remember the drawing is the first Sat. in December. Well, guess that’s it for now, have a great Thanksgiving - STAY SAFE!! Jim Splan, Reporter @ Large BENEDICTA SNOWGANG Benedicta, ME Edie Okenquist - Secretary edo04217@yahoo.com

for our club. As far as trails go, we are getting ready, with Allen Michaud mowing the entire trail system single-hand- edly! Tim and Dianna Cotton, and Chad and CJ Hersom re-stained the entire clubhouse! Many work- ers also turned out to do some work at the groomer barn. Thanks to all! Also, we have a dedicated crew of the white-haired guys working almost daily on the trails and groomer barn. We will set up a couple more work days to finish sealing the Bull Pen and a pad for the dozer. Watch Facebook. We’ll hope to see you on the trails! Sue Maynard Secretary The Meduxnekeag Ramblers have been working all summer on repair the groomers and some trail work done by the trail. The new Deculla Trail will need some grooming before the groomer can get thru. A new bridge was built on Club Trail 81 by the Trailmaster. We are planning a drive-thru mem- bership drive supper due to COVID. Pray everything comes together. Memberships have been sent out, so hopefully will get a good return with the winter predicted to be extra snow and cold. Clubhouse is available for rentals please call Sandra @ 207-538-9042 for availability. PORTAGE LAKERS sc Portage Lake, ME Contact Us! portagelakersmembership@gmail.com MEDUXNEKEAG RAMBLERS Littleton, ME It’s trail work season. A few proj- ects need to be completed. If you are able to assist, please get in touch with Beech Kenney or Glenn Cusack. It’s time to join your local club. Please contact us at portagelakers- membership@gmail.com - or visit www.portagelakers.org Portage Lakers would like to thank all the landowners that allow access to our trails! We’re able to have some incredible trails thanks to you all and we greatly appreciate it! Our club meetings are held on the first Friday of the month, 6:30 PM, October-April. Be sure to look at our Facebook page for locations! Upcom- ing meeting dates are; November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, March 5 and April 2. We are currently working on our Or visit us on the web: www.portagelakers.org Find us on Facebook!

calendar of events. It’s looking like it’s going to be another fun filled year with lots of activities to do! Members of our club should be getting our cal- endar of events and few other things in the mail sometime this month, if not sooner! It’s time to start thinking about all your favorite stops to make this upcoming season! We’ve got amazing places to eat and stay in the County! Be sure to check out a new spot, the Rustic Retreat Lodge off of 90 in Per- ham! You won’t be disappointed! Look for details for all our events in next month’s paper or visit our Face- book page for the time being. Until then, be sure to send in your member- ship application and lend a hand to get the trails ready. We are looking forward to another great season. ~ Chelsea Stratton MOLUNKUS VALLEY SNO-DRIFTERS Sherman, ME Hello from Molunkus Valley Sno-drifters. We hope everyone is staying well through the COVID. You can check us out on Facebook: Mol- unkus Valley Sno-drifters. We meet the first Saturday of the month. Sup- per is at 5:00 and meeting is at 6:00. It sure was a nice summer and hopefully all enjoyed it. We had our first meeting since June and it was our landowner appreciation night. We had to cancel some of our events due to COVID. We sure missed our duck race and hope things get better so we can have it this coming year. It sure has been a different kind of year that no one will ever forget. We had our voting of officers in June: President Debbie Long Vice President Roger Bouchard Secretary Kimberly Qualey Treasurer Steve Bechard Membership Heather Willett Thank You to all that have helped and supported our club through the years. Hope all have enjoyed the fall. The trees were very pretty and full, but as I am writing most of them have fallen off. Stay safe and well. Kimberly Qualey club reporter EASTERN REGION


WASHBURN TRAIL RUNNERS sc Washburn, ME Like Us on Facebook washburntrailrunners.org Hello All! As I have stated in previous months, we here at Washburn Trail Runners have been quite busy. As with most years, now is the time for preparing the Grant paperwork, tracking down Land Owners and getting everything squared away before the real fun hits us. In addition to all the “normal” work, we have taken some time to review our lighting situation outside and are looking to convert to LED lighting to provide better nighttime illumination around the clubhouse and the parking lot. Kevin has been out in the Cat taking care of some small issues in the trails that we found needed attention and we are full steam ahead with getting posts, markers and signs ready for deployment. It won’t be long now, that’s for sure! In our September meeting we decided to wait until the December meeting to make a decision on whether or not to open for the season. While there is a slight chance we may not be able to serve you, that doesn’t mean you won’t have 24/7 access to the clubhouse with the use of your swipe card. We are absolutely moving ahead with the understanding that we will be open, but should that not happen, we will go week by week to determine if there is a change that will allow us to serve you all. I hope you are looking forward to it! I know we are!! I’d like to take this time to thank the Town of Washburn, the Town Coun- cil Members and especially our Town Manager Donna Turner for making it possible to properly Hot Top our road and provide the patrons of our clubhouse with a nice smooth, clean road down to the clubhouse. I cannot express my thanks enough to all of you for making this a reality. Our partner- ship with the town is strong and we are very grateful for the support shown to us. Thank you all very much!! During the month of November we will be dedicating sections of trails to members that are no longer with us. New signs are in the process of being made and arrangements with family members are being worked out as well. It goes without saying that the dedication of these individ- uals resulted in the direct success of our clubhouse and I’d venture to say the snowmobiling industry in Maine in general. We hope you all recog-


CASC held their first meeting of the season in October. It was great (Continued on Page 10)

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