MOUNT CHASE Shin Pond Pub, (207) 528-2069 Shin Pond Village, (207) 528-2900 NAPLES Keefe Marine, (207) 693-3075 Krainin Real Estate, (207) 576-6349 Q-Team Inc, (207) 693-3831 Reinhard Excavation, (207) 787-3830 NEW PORTLAND Bianco Properties Plus LLC, (207) 491-8087 NEWPORT Kelly-Smith Printing, (207) 368-2505 NEWRY Field Plumbing & Heating Inc, (207) 357-8462 Mahoosuc Guide Service, (207) 824-2073 NORTH BRIDGTON Lakeside Pines Campground, (207) 647-3935 NORTH MONMOUTH Dan Niles Plumbing & Heating, (207) 933-2750 NORTHEAST HARBOR BCM Construction, (207) 276-5766 NORTHPORT Carquest Auto Parts of Belfast, (207) 338-1880 Little River Redemption, (207) 322-2668 Wentworth Family Grocery, (207) 338-1897 NORWAY B.C. Abbott Trucking, (207) 212-5767 EA Smith Plumbing & Heating, (207) 527-2881 Hillside Cottages, (207) 291-5096 Morse Logging, (207) 743-6483 Norway Brewing Company, (207) 515-2989 Smokin Dave’s Backyard BBQ & Grill, (207) 744-2578 The Lake Store, (207) 743-6562 OLD TOWN DBA Governor’s Restaurant, (207) 827-7630 Dubay Auto Parts, (207) 827-5593 John T Cyr & Sons - Cyr Bus Line, OQUOSSOC BMC Diving Inc, (207) 864-5840 Oquossoc Grocery, (207) 864-3662 Portage Tap House, Pow’r Point Generator Power Systems, Rangeley Garage Doors, (207) 864-9050 ORRINGTON Crescent Lumber Co, (207) 825-3317 Joyce Brothers Electric, (207) 478-5284 Kings Mountain Christmas Trees, (207) 852-6699 Lots Of Love LLC, (207) 825-4474 M&N Operating Co, (207) 650-4085 OTISFIELD Bolsters Mills Country Store, (207) 743-3297 Brett Farm Storage, (207) 743-8251 OXBOW Umcolus Sporting Camps, (207) 561-6499 OXFORD Austin Associates, PA, CPA’s, (207) 743-7777 Crestholm Farm Stand, (207) 539-2616 Record Building Supply, Inc, (207) 539-4219 Ryan Kane Trucking & Custom Sawing, (207) 739-0004 Twin Town Homes, Inc, (207) 539-4472 PALMYRA Ben’s Autobody, PARKMAN Car Wash Inc, (207) 876-4941 Glidden Lumber, (207) 876-3632 KC Country Store, (207) 876-4111 PATTEN Central Maine Powersports, (207) 689-2345 Conklin’s Lodge LLC, (207) 528-2901 Debbie’s Deli and Pizza, (207) 528-2012 Eastmill Federal Credit Union, (207) 528-6222 Ellis Family Market, (207) 528-2457 Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, (207) 532-4216 Hangar Pizza, (207) 528-2555 Haymart LLC, K&C Quik Stop & Service Center, (207) 528-4401 Katahdin Embroidery & Katahdin Welding, (207) 356-9533 Katahdin Lodge, (207) 528-7731 Katahdin Trust Company, (207) 528-2211 McNally Farms, (207) 528-2110 Miss Theresa’s Day Care, (207) 538-8536 Mt View Daily/Weekly Rentals, (207) 356-5126 Nate Holyoke Builders Inc, (207) 356-6349 Patten Drug Co LLC, (207) 528-2244 Richardson’s Hardware, (207) 528-2235 Sheehans, (207) 528-2402 El Cheapo Storage, (207) 838-0898 JBK Construction, (207) 890-7630
ROCKWOOD Gray Ghost Camps, (207) 534-7362 Lawrence’s Lakeside Cabins, (207) 534-7709 Misty Morning Cottages, (207) 534-7357 Moosehead Area Rentals dba Rockwood Cottages, (207) 418-7299 Moosehead Bait & Tackle, (207) 534-2261 Moosehead Sled Repair & Rental, (207) 534-2261 Rockwood Bar & Grill, (207) 534-0202 Rockwood Convenience Store, (207) 534-0204 The Birches Resort, (207) 534-7305 Tomhegan Sporting Camps Assn, (207) 534-7712 ROME Carter’s Marine & Storage, (207) 495-2852 GPS Trailmasters, (603) 493-5474 PO Box 218, (207) 495-2852 PO Box 218, (207) 495-2852 ROXBURY Concord River Fabrication, (207) 357-3412 Jim Hart & Son Home Improvement, (207) 576-3348 NWP Lawncare, (207) 418-5771 River Bend Farm, (207) 418-0371 The Knotty Moose, (207) 670-8778 Thomas Aviation LLC, (207) 369-9585 RUMFORD Adley Auto Sales & Services Inc, (207) 364-3700 Russell Appraisal Services, (207) 364-2726 SACO Casey Construction, (207) 590-6968 Webb Law Firm, (207) 283-6400 SAINT FRANCIS Connors Trucking, (207) 398-3548 Joe’s Country Store, (207) 398-4172 SANFORD Sanford Denture Clinic, (207) 324-4611 SEBAGO George Anderson & Sons Excavating, (207) 787-2195 Jordan’s Store, (207) 787-3866 Krista’s Four Seasons, (207) 787-5037 Shea’s Auto Sales, (207) 787-2050 Sportsman’s Kitchen & Keg, (207) 787-5209 SHELTON, CT TM&K Partners, (203) 929-2547 SHERMAN C McDonald Trucking, (207) 267-4606 Charles Lane Inc, (207) 365-4606 Earl J Cummings Trucking, (207) 365-6106 Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, Jay E Moore & Son, (207) 365-7137 Katahdin Valley Motel, (207) 365-4554 McGraw Mechanical LLC, MDJN Enterprise dba Sherman Thriftway Gen Store, Mitchells Auto Body, Mountain View, (207) 290-4119 Taylor’s Katahdin View Gateway Shell LLC, (207) 365-4856 Taylor’s Katahdin View Gateway Shell, LLC, (207) 365-4856 Wally’s Garage, (207) 365-4267 SHIN POND Wilderness Variety Store, (207) 528-2626 SHIRLEY Baker’s Maple Syrup, (207) 717-7372 Gagne’s, (207) 695-3886 Later’s Mini Excavation, (207) 695-2117 Lindy Arey Logging & Trucking, (207) 695-3325 Pudgy’s Lawn Service, (978) 388-9585 Symonds Appraisal Service, (207) 695-3222 SKOWHEGAN Central Maine Septic, (207) 474-7216 Kyes Insurance, (207) 778-9862 SMITHFIELD D&L Country Store & Redemption, (207) 465-3439 Tri Pond Variety, (207) 362-2300 SOLON Griswold’s Country Store & Diner, (207) 643-2771 SOUTH HIRAM Locklin’s Campground, (207) 625-3121 SOUTH PARIS
Shin Pond Village, (207) 528-2900 SJS & Son Logging, (207) 528-2974 Spruce Street Business Services, (207) 528-2804 PEMBROKE Johnson Shell, (207) 726-5566 PERHAM Rustic Retreat Lodge, LLC, (207) 930-5935 PERRY Strawberry Patch, (207) 853-4004 PITTSFIELD Burky & McCarthy Attorneys at Law, (207) 487-2431 Huff Powersports, (207) 487-3338 Northeast Planning Assoc Inc, (207) 487-5306 RJD Appraisal, (207) 487-5005 PORTAGE LAKE All Travel, (207) 227-3014 Aroostook Real Estate, (207) 391-9911 Coffin’s General Store, (207) 435-2811 PORTER RC McLucas Trucking, (207) 625-8915 SB Propane Services, (207) 205-0283 SC Day Carpentry, (207) 625-7394 William A. Day Jr & Sons Inc., (207) 625-8181 PORTLAND Dobson Roofing, (207) 772-7710 Fresh Approach Market, (207) 774-7250 PRESQUE ISLE Arndt’s Aroostook River Lodge & Campground, (207) 764-8677 Bradley’s Citgo & Car Wash, (207) 764-6130 Chad Brewer Insurance Services LLC, (207) 764-1962 Irish Setter Pub, (207) 764-5400 Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell, (207) 764-0734 Maine Farmers Exchange, (207) 764-4433 Theriault Equipment, (207) 764-4405 PRIDES CROSSING, MA Benevento Companies, (978) 569-5200 RANGELEY AJ’s Fat Bikes, Blue Flame Gas Co & Rangeley Fireplace, (207) 864-8008 Bosebuck Mtn Camps, (207) 670-0013 Carolyn Smith, Realtor, (207) 491-5800 DM Kolodziej Trucking, Inc, (978) 977-3177 Ecopelogicon, (207) 864-2771 Hight Family of Dealerships, (207) 474-3334 Keep’s Corner Café, (207) 864-2262 Kutting Edge Property Management, (207) 864-2367 Lakes Region Power Systems, (207) 520-1957 Lakes Region Power Systems, (207) 520-1957 Lakeside Convenience & Marina, Inc, (207) 864-5888 Lyons Lakeside Cabins, (207) 864-5899 M&H Construction, McManus Electrical Contractors Inc, (845) 620-9729 Mike Cerminara Landscaping Inc, (207) 864-7321 Morton & Furbish Real Estate-Rentals, (207) 864-9065 Noyes Real Estate Agency, (207) 864-9000 Pleasant Street Inn Bed & Breakfast, (207) 864-5916 Propane Plus Corp, (508) 252-3359 Rangeley Building & Remodeling, (207) 864-3925 Rangeley IGA, (207) 864-3346 Rangeley Lake Resort, (207) 864-2180 Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, (207) 864-7311 Rev-It-Up Sports Shop, (207) 864-2452 RKH Tile, (207) 864-2829 Sarge’s Sports Pub & Grub, (207) 864-5616 Sparky’s Garage, (207) 864-5900 The Country Club Inn, (207) 864-3831 The Rangeley Inn & Tavern, (207) 864-3341 The Red Onion, (207) 864-5022 Tina Falasco, LMT, (207) 864-5805 Town & Lake Motel, (207) 864-3755, RAYMOND Berry Water Solutions, Inc., (207) 383-5153 Brake & Exhaust Center, (207) 655-3037 READFIELD Weathervane Restaurant & Lounge, (207) 685-9410 RICHMOND Lara Bailey ( Enbridge), (207) 737-8249 Gil’s Sanitation Inc, (207) 769-0711 Governor’s Restaurant and Bakery, (207) 769-2274
MSA Business Members Support Maine’s Snowmobile Trails Thank them by using their services
STOCKHOLM David Buzzell, (207) 896-3491 The Railbed and Bunkhouse, (410) 490-7073 STOW Stow Corner Store, (207) 697-2255 STRONG Central Maine Powersports, (207) 689-2345 Glenns Garage, (207) 491-7414 Moosehorn Sportshop, (207) 491-3117 Sandy River Self Storage, (207) 684-2990 Strong Hardware & Lumber Inc, (207) 684-4101 TOPSHAM Atlantic Federal Credit Union, (207) 373-5127 Brillant Motors, (207) 725-6388 Central Maine Powersports, (207) 689-2345 Maine Mall Auto, (207) 522-6121 Six Rivers NEMBA, (207) 232-9753 Topsham Fairground Café Inc, (207) 729-5366 Urban Elements, (207) 406-4891 Woody’s Performance Center, (207) 729-1177 WALDO MJ Abbott & Son, (207) 722-3621 WALDOBORO Gordon Libby Forest Products, Inc, (207) 832-6313 Lessner Construction Inc, (207) 832-2251 WARREN Mid-Coast Waterproofing Inc, (207) 542-7140 WASHBURN Certified Auto & Truck Repair LLC, (978) 365-2311 Cole’s Construction, (207) 227-1241 Country Farms Market LLC, (207) 455-8057 Gass Horse Supply & Western Wear, (207) 866-8593 Mary’s Diner, (207) 455-4062 Masse Earthworks, (207) 498-4111 Scott Appraisal Services, Inc, (207) 455-8251 Thompson’s Tree Service, LLC, (207) 769-9383 Washburn Rotary Club, Washburn Trailside LLC, (207) 455-8200 WATERBORO Waterboro Blast from the Past, Lakeside Market Inc, (207) 247-8440
Little Ossipee Lake Campground, Webb Law Firm, LLC, (207) 283-6400 WATERVILLE B2B Auto Sales and Serv ice, (207) 873-3328 WELD 32 School St, (207) 585-2595 WELLS Mike’s Clam Shack, (207) 646-5999 WESTBROOK Second Amendment Sports, (207) 233-0127 WHITING Whiting Store, (207) 733-4432 WINDHAM DiMatteo Carpet and Floor Care, (207) 329-4521 Hall Implement Co, (207) 892-6894 James E Cummings Inc, (207) 310-8818 Jane Bell Agency- Allstate Ins, (207) 839-4324 Paramount Homes LLC, (207) 749-8198 Paul’s Boutique Nursery, (207) 210-1993 Perkins Flooring, (207) 892-7886 Richardson’s Boat Yard, (207) 892-9664 Rustler’s Steakhouse, (207) 892-8808 Sebago Cam, (207) 232-0804 Southern Maine Renewable Fuels, (207) 892-3702 Subway (Subco Enterprises Inc), (207) 893-0465 WINSLOW Big G’s, (207) 873-7808 Courtney’s Countertop, (207) 872-0938 Maintenance Plus General Contractor Inc, (207) 872-6277 Stan’s Home Building & Remodeling, The Pointe Afta, Inc, (207) 872-0521 WINTHROP Audette’s Ace Hardware, (207) 377-2711 Cobbossee Bait, (207) 557-4308 Gene’s Auto, (207) 377-8915 Hoyt Chiropractic Center, (207) 933-4246 SJ Wood Construction, (207) 377-8543 Thomas Agency, (207) 377-2121 Winthrop Fuel Company Inc, (207) 377-8414 WISCASSET Cubbyhole Sports Pub, JSD Welding, (207) 892-6885 Legal Label, (207) 894-3400
(Continued on Page 24)
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Colby’s Arctic Cat, (207) 743-0886 J Palmer & Son Plumbing & Heating, (207) 890-8776 SOUTHWEST HARBOR Chalmers Enterprises, (207) 266-3035 SPRINGVALE Smith’s General Store, (207) 738-2171 White Glove Drug & Alcohol Testing, (410) 458-8276
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