Community Matters
Gail Jenkins, Transfer Station Attendant, aka Dump Goddess
Chris Bogle and Bill St.Cyr, FedX & UPS delivery
This is just a small example of the rapidly increasing pile of cardboard waiting to go into the recycling compactor. Almost everything we want to buy can now be ordered online. This makes life so much easier, especially living on an Island! Avoiding trips to the store is now more than a matter of convenience when trying to stay healthy during a pandemic. But as someone recently pointed out, “this stuff doesn’t just fall from the sky”. All the extra time and energy required to make this happen puts additional stress on Shelia and Kathleen at the Post Office, and Billy and Chris with FedEx. And we all know getting trash off the island is a challenge as well. The Town is in the process of installing another recycling compactor to handle the increase in cardboard waste, but all those cardboard boxes must be broken down before going into the recycling compactor. Thank you Gail, Shelia, Kathleen, Billy, Chris, and everyone who takes the time and makes the effort to shop wisely and help where they can to keep us all safe and healthy.
ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott 40 South Road • 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com
Fuel &
Medication Assistance Please call Ester Knight at 846-4178 if you need help with fuel or medication assistance. All requests are confidential.
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