Chebeague Island Council Calendar
#11 | November 2020
November 2020 • Issue #11 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar
On the Cover The Chebeague Island Council wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving! Even if we cannot all be together, we are all part of the Chebeague Family and are grateful to part of this wonderful community. About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www. chebeague.org) or www.chebeagueislandcalendar.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (PO Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Road) or emailed (cheabeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.chebeagueislandcalendar. com. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission.
Contents Notes From The Council 3 From The Town Office 4 Recompense Fund News 4 Marty’s Memories 5 CTC News 7, 8, 9 CUMC 10 Community Matters 12 Library News 13 Island Commons 14 It Could BE worse 15 November Calendar 16 Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Jennifer Hackel, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Sarah Hopkins, Ester Knight, Marjorie Stratton, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Road Publisher Chebeague Island Council
Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com
The deadline for submissions for the December issue is noon on November 20.
Notes From The Council
We are happy to report that the Council’s Annual Flu Clinic had a record number of Islanders take advantage of this on-island service. There were three nurses and they gave 79 Flu Shots! That is almost double the number compared to previous years. And once again, Mac and Beth came through with those wonderful homemade donuts, they are such a treat, Thank You . And Thank You to Ann Belesca as well for volunteering to working at the sign-in table. Ann has been there helping at the Flu Clinic for as long as any of us can remember and we hope she knows how much we appreciate her. It seems like every day the mail brings another heartfelt plea to donate to an important, worthwhile Program. These exceedingly difficult times make the needs greater just as folks’ financial resources may seem less secure. Some may feel that they are not
able to make a financial contribution at this time. However, there are so many ways that we can all help to lighten the burden. Please continue to reach out to your neighbors and offer to help – pick up groceries or supplies, take a load to the dump, a ride to the boat – all the things we often do. These acts of kindness, so much a part of the Chebeague way of life, take on a heightened significance when we may be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted just as we head into winter. That said, the Council does depend on donations to make sure Islanders have the fuel they need to stay warm. This assistance is available to everyone, there are no forms to fill out or questions asked. If you can, please consider donating to the Council’s Samaritan Fund. Fuel assistance requests have started to come in. If you need help staying warm, please call Ester at 846-4178. All requests are confidential. Thank you.
The Wellness Center with a MaineHealth Nurse Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and
Health Information. No appointment needed. No charge for these services. Tuesday November 10 th and 24 th 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Message From Dr. Larson Direct Primary Care is a way to maintain access to all the essential elements of your health care. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve residents and guests of Chebeague Island and am happy to meet with you at the Wellness Center or in your homes. Working together to build on a foundation of listening, trust, and understanding, we can manage nearly 100% of your acute and chronic care needs together. What a relief to know that your doctor is but a phone call or text message away, ready and eager to support your physical and mental health, on your time and when it is convenient for you. Please stop by to say hello Friday mornings in front of the Wellness Center.
Dr. Larson will be at the Wellness Center every Friday morning 9-11:30AM. No appointment needed. Please see her website for the full range of services she can provide. www.heidilarsonmd.com She will see folks who are not in her practice for a fee of $50.00. She does not bill insurance.
From the Town Office
Town Office – T he Town Office is open to the public. We have a plexi-glass shield separating customers from office staff. Only one person at a time is allowed inside. If you don’t want to come in the office, we can still do business by telephone, email, credit card and / or drop box outside the office door. Whatever you are comfortable with! Please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to answer your questions and assist you in any way possible. Call 846-3148 for information. We will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday during the transition for a new Town Administrator. The Town Office will also be closed Wednesday, November 11 th in observance of Veteran’s Day AND Thursday and Friday, November 26 & 27 in observance of Thanksgiving. Absentee Ballots for November 3 rd – There has been a lot of buzz in the news about absentee and mail-in voting so we have gotten many questions. Please contact the Town Office if you want an absentee ballot or if you have questions, 846-3148. You can vote in-person at the Town Office up until November 2 nd . We have a bright red secure lock box next to the door at the Town Office for completed ballots. November 3 rd Voting at the Hall – We will be at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for in-person voting. Masks and social distancing will be enforced. Hand sanitizer and gloves will be available as necessary. Voting booths will be sanitized between voters. Please call if you have questions. The Recompense Fund The Recompense Fund expresses its sincerest appreciation to our donors for believing in and supporting our mission: Sustaining Chebeague as a year-round community through supporting its nonprofit organizations. The 6 th Annual Report of The Recompense Fund will be arriving in your mailboxes this month. We havebeenblessedwithabundance, andwehumbly continue to support Chebeague nonprofits as they work to make our island a more viable year-round community. All of this could not happen without the extraordinary generosity of islanders, summer residents, visitors and everyone who supports our island from near and far. The Recompense Fund, Box 42, Chebeague Island, Maine 04017
Transfer Station hours changing November 1 st – The Transfer Station will be open Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Transfer Station is closed on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Recycling News – We did better on our last load of Recycling. It was 2% contaminated. The contaminates included 20+ empty plastic bags, padded mailers, and plastic straps. Please take a moment to review the items you and your family put in the recycling bin. If you need assistance, please ask Gail Jenkins, our Transfer Station attendant. If you are in doubt, please just put it in the trash bin. Dog Licenses – Dogs must be registered by December 31 st . We have the new tags available now. Please stop by the Town Office. Taxes Due September 30 – The tax bills were mailed at the end of August. Interest will begin to accrue October 1, 2020. Please call the Town Office if you have any questions. We have installed a drop box outside the Town Office door for tax payments or you are welcome to come in on the days we are open. Thank you for your support and remember to be kind, and listen to one another. Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Open to All! The Chebeague Island Methodist Church hosts a Food Pantry every Sunday from 11:30-1:00. Donations are welcomed!
October 16, 2020 Dear Chebeague Community,
I‘ve had an amazing and wonderful five plus years on Chebeague, but it is ti111e to say farewell or better, until we 111eet again. My hope is to stay connected to Chebeague Island and to maintain the friendships that have developed over the years. l will especially miss the music and all the people I have practiced and performed with over the years. It is difficult to put into words what the past five years have meant to me. The Town Administrator job is difficult at times and I am certainly not a perfect person. I have tried to be fair and treat everyone the same. I’m honest and direct and so111etimes that gets me into trouble, but I believe telling the truth as I know it is better than wordsmithing and playing politics. I only wish the best for Chebeague Island and everyone that is lucky enough to reside in this special place. Nick and I purchased a home on Vinalhaven two years ago and I will make that my permanent residence. I was the Town Manager there for twelve years from 2002 to 2014, so we have many connections and friends. I love the islands! Keep the music flowing,
Contact us for a confidential conversation about selling or buying, on the mainland or here on the island.
Karen Thompson 207. 329.6729
Jodi Federle 207. 215.4006
Jane Leonard 207. 831.9951
Marty’s Memories - The Challenge of Gray by Marty Trower
I am back at my clothesline again. I never took it down, not even after I got my used dryer a week ago. The line stretches from one birch tree to an another and then to an oak but I hardly interact with them except to roll and slip on the oak’s endless carpet of acorns. When I am awake early sometimes the birches catch the slanted orange light of sunrise. I see it quiver on their white skins and watch a day begin. I am back again thinking of my mother while I stretch and hang the clothes, always remembering her complete joy and satisfaction with life while at the clothesline on a buffeting, breezy day. It has taken much meandering over the past thirty years without her for me to come to this point of unraveling and appreciating her insights. I think it has something to do with seeing the color amidst all the gray.
The sheets I fling over the taut line are spankingwhite and breathing the nippy air torn from the sea. They will bring all this good stuff from the natural world into my home and I will make the bed as carefully and lovingly as my mother used to. She would tell us after dinner that we had -Oh boy -clean sheets to look forward to that night! I really should rake up that river of acorns but I know I never will. Instead I will find and pull up dozens of little red-rooted oak trees on the ground next spring and grumble about them trying to take over. It will be worth it though, I’ve accepted that. Already, the ominous gray of winter weather is slipping in, the fog and drizzle fitted in between the mosaic of pulsating red and flaming orange leaves. I’ve watched those colors glow next to their faded green and brown siblings and known that they will soon all fall and become part of the ground.I will take the clothesline down and look for color in the sunset hours. Lake & Co. now offering Family Meal. All the comfort and decadent items we make for events, to heat and serve in your own home. We love bringing you healthy and hearty homemade foods each week.
The Lake & Co. THANKSGIVING MENU coming NOV 1ST.
From our family to yours.
Hannah & Chuck White 207-798-9983
November 2020
CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY What’s New at CTC? A letter to the Community...
FREE BOAT DAYS December 5th December 12th
The highest priority of the Chebeague Transportation Company’s board and management is maintaining CTC’s financial solvency so the company can continue to provide the island with safe, dependable service for years to come. The CTC board wants the island community to bet- ter understand the financial challenges the company is currently facing. Ridership, CTC’s major source of revenue, is down by nearly 70 percent this year compared to 2019. Net income in July, typically our most profitable month, was just $1,685 compared to $116,489 the previous July. Cash flow projections into 2021 paint a worrisome picture. CTC estimates it will lose $800,000 between the start of 2020 and June 2021. The likelihood of additional federal or state emergency aid is by no means certain. Nor is there any clear indica- tion when the economy (and life in general) will return to normal. Based on current projections using our reduced schedule costs, CTC may reach its minimum working capital as early as May or June 2021, the soonest we can optimistically begin to record positive revenue. Returning to our former schedule now, as some have requested, could hasten that date to April. Reduction of expenses, which has partially been achieved by reducing our schedule, has been one way that CTC’s board and management have slowed the flow of red ink. Recognizing that these cutbacks have an impact on the community, the board and management have worked diligently in recent weeks to review schedules in light of this increasingly bleak financial pic- ture given all the unknowns about the pandemic’s duration. As a result of that review, the board has determined that expanding ferry service (especially a later evening boat) is not reasonable for two reasons: Financial and the welfare of our crew. CTC recognizes the difficulties our reduced schedule has on some islanders and is actively ex- ploring options, including subcontracting with a water taxi service to provide an evening trip from Cousins to Chebeague. Discussions are now ongoing, and we will notify the community if and when a workable plan can be crafted. The viability of the Chebeague community depends on CTC’s remaining financially solvent and resilient. We are working hard to ensure that we remain a strong and sustainable company.
Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Linnea Schwarz -11/5 Basil Morrison -11/6 Kim Munroe-11/9 Happy Birthday! John Wilkinson (CTC bus driver) is offering his service to clean off and shovel out your car after storms at both the Route One & Cousins Island lots. He will start your vehicle and even drive it briefly to charge the battery at no additional cost. Con- tact John at 207-671- 8305. Snow Removal Services Designated Com- muter Parking at Cousins Lot starts on November 1st. EMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYS
Holiday Schedule
Annual Parking Applications Applications for annual parking per- mits will be mailed to current permit holders in early No- vember. Applica- tions for Cousins permits must be received by the CTC office or post- marked by Decem- ber 1st.
7:45 AM
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM 10:15 AM
11;45 AM
12:15 PM
3:30 PM
3:45 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
5:00 PM
5:45 PM
6:00 PM
6:15 PM
CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS Key: l crew assistance available Key: m crew assistance unavailable Key: hx TRIP CANCELLED DUE TO EXTREME LOW TIDE 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 0.7083 0.7708 0.8125 0.8438 0.8958 0.9479 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:10 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:00 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:25 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:15 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 11 - 1 Sunday l l l l m m m 11 - 2 Monday m m l l l l l m m m m l 11 - 3 Tuesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 4 Wednesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 5 Thursday m m m l l l l l l m m m 11 - 6 Friday m m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 7 Saturday m m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 8 Sunday m m m l l l l 11 - 9 Monday l l l m m l l l l l l m 11 - 10 Tuesday l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 11 Wednesday l l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 12 Thursday l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 13 Friday l l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 14 Saturday l l l l m hx m m l l l 11 - 15 Sunday l l l l hx hx l 11 - 16 Monday m m l l l l m m hx hx m l 11 - 17 Tuesday m m m l l l l m m hx m m 11 - 18 Wednesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 19 Thursday m m m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 20 Friday m m m m l l l l l l m m m 11 - 21 Saturday l m m m l l l l m m m 11 - 22 Sunday l m m l l l l 11 - 23 Monday l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 24 Tuesday l l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 25 Wednesday l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 26 Thursday l l l l m m m m m l l l 11 - 27 Friday l l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 28 Saturday l l l l m m m m l l l 11 - 29 Sunday l l l m m m m 11 - 30 Monday m l l l l l m m m m l l 12 - 1 Tuesday m m l l l l m m m m m l Nov 2020 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVID CRISIS C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVID CRISIS C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVI D CRISI S
CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS Key: l crew assistance available Key: m crew assistance unavailable Key: hx TRIP CANCELLED DUE TO EXTREME LOW TIDE 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 0.7083 0.7708 0.8125 0.8438 0.8958 0.9479 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:00 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:15 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:15 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 12 - 1 Tuesday m m l l l l l m m m m l 12 - 2 Wednesday m m m l l l l m m m m m 12 - 3 Thursday m m m l l l l l m m m m 12 - 4 Friday m m m l l l l l l m m m m 12 - 5 Saturday m m m l l l l m m m m 12 - 6 Sunday m m l l l l m 12 - 7 Monday l m m m m l l l l l m m 12 - 8 Tuesday l l m m m l l l l l l m 12 - 9 Wednesday l l l m m m l l l l l m 12 - 10 Thursday l l l m m m m l l l l l 12 - 11 Friday l l l l m m m m l l l l l 12 - 12 Saturday l l l m m m m l l l l 12 - 13 Sunday l l l m hx m l 12 - 14 Monday l l l l l m m hx hx m l l 12 - 15 Tuesday m m l l l l m m hx m m l 12 - 16 Wednesday m m m l l l l m m hx m m 12 - 17 Thursday m m m l l l l l m m m m 12 - 18 Friday m m m l l l l l l m m m m 12 - 19 Saturday m m m l l l l m m m m 12 - 20 Sunday m m l l l l m 12 - 21 Monday l l m m m l l l l l m m 12 - 22 Tuesday l l l m m l l l l l l m 12 - 23 Wednesday l l l m m m l l l l l l 12 - 24 Thursday l l l l m m m m l l l l 12 - 25 Friday l l l l m m m m l l l l l 12 - 26 Saturday l l l m m m m l l l l 12 - 27 Sunday l l l m m m l 12 - 28 Monday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 29 Tuesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 30 Wednesday m m l l l l m m m m m l 12 - 31 Thursday m m l l l l l m m m m l Dec 2020 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips
Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org COVID-19 Plans – Access to our buildings is currently restricted, with programming held online. To access our schedule, visit www.chebeagueumc.org/current-events for links to all our gatherings. For any event, visit www.zoom.us and enter in the meeting ID first, and then the password 20152020 when prompted. Send questions to chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com . Weekly
Mondays at 7 PM, Book Study with Gloria Brown. Current Study is Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad. All are Welcome! Meeting ID: 899 7984 6008 Thursdays at 1 PM, Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study on the Psalms. Email her at gjbrown58@gmail.com to receive class materials. Meeting ID: 232 499 191
Sundays at 9 AM, Cheryl Hillicoss will be doing Deep Blue Kids Sunday School online! Meeting ID: 571 956 097, Password: 018994 Sundays at 10 AM, Worship. Bring a candle and items for communion. Details will be shared about what we’ll be exploring together via our enewsletter. Meeting ID: 308 728 697
Please visit our website or our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc ) for additional information and opportunities. And be sure to sign up for our enewsletter on our website. Food Pantry Update As you look to close up your seasonal home, please keep the food pantry in mind. It has been a joy to serve so many friends and neighbors over these summer months, and we anticipate an even bigger need for the food pantry in the winter. We accept donations of unopened food and can store perishable items. Drop off during food pantry hours (Sundays from 11:30 AM – 1 PM). You can also contact Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 to schedule other times. FMI visit www.chebeagueumc. org/food-pantry and see what we have available. You can also email the food pantry at chebundance@gmail.com . Thanks to everyone for your wonderful generosity! Annual Meeting – Save the Date for CUMC’s Annual Meeting will be on December 13th from 1 – 3:30 PM via Zoom. Details TBA. We will spend time giving thanks for the work of this past year as well as look ahead to God’s work through the church in the coming year. All are welcome to attend. “Quality Real Estate Practice Becomes Great Community Services.” Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northeast Real Estate
208-2 US Route One Freeport, Maine 04032
Call Kelly Wentworth 207-831-4934 Island Assistant Specs Eaton
I have a buyer looking for a year round home on the island; are you thinking of selling?
Chebeague Island Historical Society
Shop Locally Presents feel more special when they come from the island, so we’re presenting two opportunities to shop local. The museum store will be open Black Friday and Saturday. Wear a mask, socially distance, and get a great start on your Christmas shopping. As always, our shop online is open and a terrific way to support the mission of the Historical Society.
Mark Your Calendar Tuesday, November 9 7pm via Zoom Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series: Earle Shettleworth, Maine State Historian, will discuss Portland during the Colonial Period. This is the first of several Shettleworth lectures about Portland that will take place over the next year.
Community Matters
Gail Jenkins, Transfer Station Attendant, aka Dump Goddess
Chris Bogle and Bill St.Cyr, FedX & UPS delivery
This is just a small example of the rapidly increasing pile of cardboard waiting to go into the recycling compactor. Almost everything we want to buy can now be ordered online. This makes life so much easier, especially living on an Island! Avoiding trips to the store is now more than a matter of convenience when trying to stay healthy during a pandemic. But as someone recently pointed out, “this stuff doesn’t just fall from the sky”. All the extra time and energy required to make this happen puts additional stress on Shelia and Kathleen at the Post Office, and Billy and Chris with FedEx. And we all know getting trash off the island is a challenge as well. The Town is in the process of installing another recycling compactor to handle the increase in cardboard waste, but all those cardboard boxes must be broken down before going into the recycling compactor. Thank you Gail, Shelia, Kathleen, Billy, Chris, and everyone who takes the time and makes the effort to shop wisely and help where they can to keep us all safe and healthy.
ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott 40 South Road • 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com
Fuel &
Medication Assistance Please call Ester Knight at 846-4178 if you need help with fuel or medication assistance. All requests are confidential.
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Chebeague Island Library
NEW BOOKS Midnight Sun by Stephanie Myer • 1919 by Eve Ewing Lost Atusville: A Black Settlement from the American Revolution by Marcus LaBrizzi • Monogamy by Sue Miller DARK COMEDY – cuz that what COVID is…. Parasite • Arsenic and Old Lace • Harold and Maude • The Producers • A Serious Man COVID CURBSIDE/DELIVERY HOURS Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Call or email to let us know what you would like to take out. We will let you know when your materials are available for pick up. You may return your library materials through the book slot. NO NON LIBRARY ITEMS PLEASE.
SERVICES We can still fax, copy and scan. Inter-Library Loan may take a bit longer, but it’s happening.
The 2020 Island Directory is for sale at the Library. Please update your directory with these additions and corrections. Please let us know if we made an error, send all changes to gulldirect@hotmail.com Thank you!
BROWN, Peggy & Scott McGovern, 53 East Shore Dr 846-6356 252 Middle Hancock Rd. Peterborough NH 03458 603 924-4226 Peggy peggy.brown252@gmail.com Scott scott.mcgovern17@gmail.com BUTTERS, Marilyn (Hanson), 85 Cottage Rd 846-8715 Marilyn mhbchebeague@gmail.com 207 329-9222 CRAPSER, Richard & Sally (Layng), 30 Hamilton Hotel Rd 846-3043 20 Danielle Rd, Granby CT 06035 Rich rcrapser@gmail.com 860 604-9671 Sally sallycrapser@gmail.com 860 604-9671 DYER, Chloe , 16 Cushman St, Portland ME 04102 207 650-5691 EARNEST, Robert & Nancy (Brown), 12 Rose Point Rd Bob ripple963@gmail.com 207 807-7256 Nancy nancyearnest@gmail.com 207 321-8007 KAUFMAN, Peter S & Theresa, 50 Carters Point Rd 846-6444 7 Paradise Drive, Scarsdale NY 10583 Peter psk@gordiangroup.com 207 650-3995 Theresa tpkaufman1997@gmail.com 917 697-9290 LAYNG, John G & Amanda, 11 Zaugg Ln 846-4111
MARTIN, Scott & Heidi,126 Roy Hill Rd
Scott tsmart824@hotmail.com 910 540-4397 Heidi hhmartin1113@gmail.com 910 540-7809
McGEE, Betsey, 275 South Rd 846-5271
7568 Florian Way, Liverpool NY 13088 315 436-2463 Betsy betseymusic@gmail.com RAYMOND, Nancy 16 Rickers Head Rd 846-9720 11137 Callisia Dr, Odessa FL 33556 Nancy nrathome@msn.com 435 901-2017 SEARWAY, S cott, 54 East Shore Dr 846-5657 21 Baysite Ln, Falmouth ME 04105 Scott ssearway@maine.rr.com 207 841-7785 WEBB, Morrison DeSoto & Stacie Jacob, 55 Cottage Rd 847-9349 48 Ridge Rd, Portland ME 04103 207 613-9954 Stacie sljw48@gmail.com 207 210-1714 Toby tobywebb1947@gmail.com 914 589-0929 WHELDON, Charles & Janelle, 37 South Rd 846-5874 225 Woodfield Ct / Fuquay Varina NC 27526 Charlie 207 846-5874 Janelle 207 947-0017 WHETHAM, Erin, 65 Eddy Rd, Edgecomb ME 04556 Erin trillium3177@gmail.com 207 415-1095 WINSLOW, James & Amy (Freeman), 28 Artist Point Rd 846-8604 1704 Balmoral Ln, Montgomery IL 60538 630 220-0702 Amy afwinslow@hotmail.com
707 Willowwood Ln, Naples FL 34108 John jlayng@me.com 917 596-1207 Amanda ablayng@me.com 203 979-5123
Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com
A Short, but Sweet, Season: Although the Red Studio wasn’t open all summer, it was a good season, with lots of purchases, some great donations and an opportunity to say hello (behind our masks) to our many friends. Thanks to all who support the Red Studio. Watch for details about the always fun Christmas Shopping Spree, including Kids’ Only Shopping Event. The Red Studio Elves are already at work. Share a Water Taxi: To enable our weekend workers from the mainland to return home after their shifts, the Island Commons has a standing reservation with Fogg Water Taxi on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm from Stone Pier to Cousins Island . If you’d like to book a spot on that run, please call Fogg directly to see if space is available and the price of the fare. 415-8493. Fogg will also be able to alert you to other trips Island Commons has booked for our mainland crews during the week. (The schedule varies. Fares charged by Fogg may also vary. ) ** Heather Beach of Old Orchard Beach joined us as a full-time CRMA. Welcome aboard, Heather! Chebeague’s own Jenny Hackel is joining us as a much-needed per diem caregiver to get us through staffing emergencies. Thank you, Jenny! ** VISITOR POLICY: We love to see you, but please remember that all visits must be scheduled in advance. Please call Amy Rich (401-439-5760) in advance to schedule your visit. Availability is Monday – Thursday. Fridays may be available if staffing levels permit.
WWW .M AINE I SLAND E NERGY . COM 207.808.3222
It could be worse – it could be 1970
The past few months have been good to many of us. More time with family, time to indulge hobbies, a chance to reconnect with nature. For others, though, these times have been difficult, if not hell. The challenges have been daunting. Things just haven’t been the same. But it could be worse. It could be 1970. Think of it – no Internet. That means no Zoom meetings, no e-mail, no Facebook, no YouTube, no Netflix, no online gaming, education or banking, no telecommuting, no dating sites. Even job hunting would have to be conducted by U.S. Mail and telephone. Without Internet, we would have no e-commerce; no Amazon, no Ebay, none of hundreds of other online retailers. In addition, we wouldn’t have online versions of traditional vendors, such as Sears, Target, and other bricks-and-mortar stores. In 1970, Walmart was just getting started. One would have to go to an actual store to procure critical supplies. Even medicine would be different. We wouldn’t have online telemedicine and diagnostics. Many pharmaceuticals had yet to be developed. On the plus side, we hadn’t yet had to deal with AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Ebola, or Zika. Business itself would be different. Remember typewriters, secretaries, business meetings, printed memorandums, fax machines, and business travel? Remember white-out? And reading newspapers actually printed on paper? Education would be far less productive without the resources
provided by the Internet and the ability to search the world’s knowledge base. The verb to “google” had not yet been invented. Safety would be far less important than it is today, as evidenced by the development of seatbelts, airbags, environmental laws, and product safety. You might have been fortunate and had cable TV in 1970, but satellite TV didn’t fully evolve until the 1980s. All of your tele viewing pleasure had to be satisfied by just a few local channels, maybe just one or two (or none) if you lived in a rural area. And if you were fortunate enough to be able to watch TV, your set would be less than 25 inches in diameter, not 55 or 65 inches (or more), like modern televisions. It might even have been in black-and-white, not color. There wouldn’t be cellular phones. Consequently, there wouldn’t be FaceTime, Angry Birds, Mapquest, GPS, your music collection, photographs, or (gasp!) text messages. Of course, with everyone effectively confined to their homes, their soon- to-be-abandoned landlines would suffice. Taken together, these advances in technology enable us to better cope with the challenges of the pandemic, while reducing the danger associated with interpersonal contact. Plus, we can be thankful that we don’t have it as bad as it must have been in the pandemic of 1918! David R. Hill Chebeague Island, Maine
TAGGING STATION We don’t have a Big Game Registration Agent on Chebeague Island for this hunting season. It would obviously be difficult for our hunters to take game to the mainland for tagging. If you would like to apply, please contact me. I have some information and the application forms. Marjorie E. Stratton 207-863-3148
Book StudyGroupwithGloria Brown Current Study is The Me and White Supremacy by by Layla F. Saad. All are Welcome!
Mondays at 7 PM FMI: gjbrown58a@gmail.com
6 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
Food Pantry 11:30-1:00pm CUMC worship,10am
Election Day
Veterans Day
Nurse Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
Food Pantry 11:30-1:00pm CUMC worship,10am
20 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
Food Pantry 11:30-1:00pm CUMC worship,10am
27 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
Food Pantry 11:30-1:00pm CUMC worship,10am
Nurse Wellness Center, 9-11:30am
2 Happy Thanks- giving
Food Pantry 11:30-1:00pm CUMC worship,10am
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