
Tributes to Our Members Who Have Passed

Capital Equipment Grants & USDA Rural Block Grant Continued from Cover

Henry A. Hudson Jr. Harrison Friendly Riders Harrison,Maine Please join us in honoring the life of Henry A Hudson Jr. He was an avid member and dedi- cated trail master of the Harrison Friendly Riders. His commitment and dedication to the sport rivaled no other. RIP Henry!

are from all over the state and rep- resent small clubs, large clubs, club grants, municipal grants, snowmo- bile related businesses and MSA. Each volunteer as well as the snow- mobile division director and staff scores each application. They are then compiled and the “winners” are awarded a grant for what equals 40% of their purchase after trade difference or sale, down payment and any other grants they receive. This program started in 1995 and has helped clubs all over the state put new equipment “on the trails”. Secondly, we’ll talk about the USDA Rural Block Grant Pro- gram. This is a federal program that allows clubs to apply for a Rural Block Grant. The Rural Block Grant is a grant that helps commu- nities keep or increase jobs in rural parts of Maine. As you know, most of Maine is rural so almost any club can apply. When applying for a USDARBG, you just contact the USDA office. I would recommend the office in Bangor. Ivana and Brian there will steer you in the right direction to make sure your application is done right and you have the best chance to be awarded a USDA RBG. The key to this grant is to prove how important snowmobiling is to the

businesses in your area and how the groomed trails direct people to those businesses. This grant appli- cation is a lot more involved than the CEG, but the reward is much bigger (up to $100,000) so the extra work is definitely worth the effort. This year, there were 33 appli- cants for the Capital Equipment Grants. The “pot” of money gener- ated by the snowmobilers of Maine was roughly $430,000. Funding from that fund would have covered about 2/3 of the applicants. Enter the USDARBG grants. This year, 5 clubs (Ft. Kent, St. Agatha, Portage, Roxbury and Dexter) were awarded USDA grants totaling $411,365. These monies not only helped these clubs, but also allowed the CEG to fund all 33 CEG applicants! That is a huge help to all the clubs who applied. Taking advantage of any and all grant programs is essential for the Maine snowmobile program and I would encourage all clubs to participate. In closing, the CEG and USDA RBGs generated over $841,000 for new grooming equipment in Maine for the 2019-2020 season. I know clubs all over the state will be improving their trails, which are the key to producing the best snowmo- bile trails in the Northeast.

working on equipment, groom- ing, or mowing. His attention to detail and first class personality made him a legend in Aroostook County. In Addition Fred spent 15 years as the Town of Caswell’s First Selectman. He was a faithful parishioner of St. Joseph Church, Hamlin, and, as a dedicated brother of the Knights of Colum- bus, Council #1635, Van Buren, he proudly served many years as the Third Degree’s Grand Knight, Fourth Degree Assembly’s Faith- ful Navigator, State District Dep- uty, and served many other posts. We salute you Fred! Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Fred St. Pierre Pleasant Ridge Riders Limestone, ME

Fred St. Pierre, was one of the founding members of Pleasant Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club in 1997 and continued to serve as President and par-

ticipated with trail main- tenance for well over 20 years. Fred’s work ethic was sec-

ond to none and he could often

be found at the clubhouse year round

Jill St. Peter, LUTCF

Walk in, Mail in, Call in, Click in ® 319 Wilson Street Brewer, Maine 04412-1504 Jill.stpeter.jb4s@statefarm.com Bus 207-989-1288 • Fax 207-989-6697

Portage Lakers Groomer





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