MSA Continues Partnership with Life Flight Medical Services By Alan Swett
stories from injured snowmobil- er’s tell me if it was not for Life- flight they’d be passed on. They save lives. So, this is why we’re on another mission to get clubs to have Landing Zones on their trail systems. I know its more work but what’s needed is an area of 100 X 100 so the chopper can land safely. JR Roebuck is my contact at Life- flight he’s been there for many years he’s a Mainer and knows the territory. I can go over what the requirements are and what has to happen once you build one. They will help in the long run, and this year I have a feeling we’ll be busy with lots of sledder’s. Recuse Boggan’s are also in the news! Many clubs have these and
lots are having training on weekly and monthly basis. The Hermon Fire Department have an awe- some set-up and they have train- ing quite often up there. I’m mak- ing a updated list from your clubs so we’ll know who has them and who needs them. Please email me to let me know or call the office and leave a message.
1 st prize 2020 Ski-doo Renegade 600 Carb Delivery By 2 nd prize
L ifeflight Medical Services offers air transportation for those critically injured folks. They have three helicopters and a fixed wing airplane. One of the choppers, based in Bangor can go from Fort Kent to Boston non- stop because of a larger fuel tank. Since 1998 Lifeflight has trans- ported more than 28,000 patients rather to the major trauma centers in Maine or off to Boston. We are very fortunate to have teamed up with this elite team. I’ve heard
2020 Arctic Cat Z-120
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3 rd prize
2-Place Trailer
Donated By
4 th & 5 th prize $500 Gift Cards for Kittery Trading Post
Ripley Trail Riders Bridge Dedication
PLUSGIFT&LODGINGCERTIFICATESDONATEDBY: Abbott'sPowerEquipment-EWaterboro •AirlineLodge&SnackBar-Beddington •AroostookHospitality Inn-Washburn •BinghamMotor Inn-Bingham •BreezyAcresCamps-Eustis •Central MainePowersports-Lewiston •ChandlerFarms Inc-Mapleton •Comfort Inn&Suites-Wilton •CorriveauArcticCatPlus-FortKent •EverlasterUSA-Hermon •FortKentPowersports-FortKent • Harry’sMotorsports-Presque Isle •HuffPowersports-Pittsfield • IndianHillTradingPost-Greenville • InnByTheRiver-TheForks • InnofAcadia-Madawaska • InternationalMotel-Calais • Jackman Powersports-Jackman •Kramer’sArcticCat-Sidney •LincolnPowersports-Lincoln •LongLakeMotor Inn-StAgatha •Martin’sMotel-Madawaska •MatagamonWildernessCamps-T6R8/Patten • MooseheadMotorsports-Greenville •NewEnglandOutdoorCenter-Millinocket •NorthCountrySki-doo-Augusta •NorthCountryRivers-Bingham •NorthernDoor Inn-FortKent •Northern Outdoors-TheForks •OverlookMotel-EagleLake •RangeleySaddleback Inn-Rangeley •Rev-It-UpSportShop-Rangeley •ReynoldsMotorsports-Gorham •Richardson’sSki-doo-Windham • RichmondNapa-Richmond •SallyMountainCabins-Jackman •ShakerHillOutdoors-Poland •ShinPondVillage-MountChase •SnowTrackerUSA-Hermon •TrailsidePerformance-Winslow • WallingfordEquipment-Auburn •WhiteRockOutboard-Gorham •WildwoodsTrailsideLodge-Brownville •Woody’sPerformanceCenter-Topsham
TICKETS $2 6/$10
DRAWING: December 17, 2020 @ Augusta Civic Center GrandPrizewinnerswillbenoti edby telephone | Gift&LodgingCerti cateswillbemailed towinners Proceedsbene t theMSA&participatingMSA clubs | Prizewinnersare responsible foranyapplicable taxes. MaineSnowmobileAssociation | POBox80 | AugustaME04332 | www.mesnow.com
Super “Super” Club Prize!
I t’s been no secret that the MSA has strived to help its clubs fund- raise with the Super Raffle for many years. This fundraiser has turned many of coin for any club (and MSA) willing to participate with little effort short of selling the tickets. MSA provides all the advertising materials, availability of the top prizes and the tickets themselves. Supporters of MSA are relentless and we can’t thank you enough! Even our own mem- bers have lugged home new sleds with this great event. Formerly, as encouragement to up the ante, MSA has offered up the “Lucky” Club prize of an additional cash bonus directly to the club for par- ticipating. This was done by ran- dom drawing to the top two clubs in each region. In 2020, just like everything else is mixed up, MSA will do the same! One of our strong supporters of MSA, Wildwoods Restaurant and Cabins, has put up a prize
that will truly reward your club in exactly what we love doing. Cheri, has donated a prize that will truly make the efforts as a team working together enjoyable. This season, the club that wins, scores a night for 10 people in three cabins at Wildwoods. Addition- ally, a 50 dollar appetizer voucher will be given for the winners to sit and toast their hard work. This will be a Sunday thru Thursday option, but should your club decide on a great weekend trip, she will up the ante to “buy one night (for 10) you will get the second night free”. If your clubs wins, what a way to cel- ebrate than to go snowmobiling! To enable your club, grab some tickets and start selling! All clubs that sell 400 or more tickets will be enabled in this drawing, which will be held the same night as the Super Raffle drawing. Let it Rip Folks! As always, we can’t thank all of you enough for supporting the MSA and look forward to the night we can pull your club from the pot!
T he Ripley Trail Riders Dedi- cate a bridge to Ernest Sevey. Ernest was one of the first pio- neers in snowmobiling. Back in the 1950’s he purchased land and water rights to Ripley Pond
and became what we call today a “Landowner”. He allowed a bridge to be constructed on his land that connected the two sides of town, as it was divided by a pond. In addition, Ernest was the first in the
area to develop several local trails and maintained them with his own machine and drag. His passion for the sport was like no other and his legacy will be remembered by all who cross over the Sevey Bridge.
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