Eastern Region VP
6 September 2020 Maine Snowmobiler
H ello Snowmobilers! What a crazy seven to eight months these last ones have been! Mid March- great snow condi- tions in portions of the state and many people still looking to ride, then BAM- COVID-19 becomes a household name and a world wide pandemic. Businesses shut down, trails no longer groomed, every type of meeting you could think of was cancelled, no large gatherings, schools going virtual and so much more happened. Since then phrases such as social distancing and wear a mask have become common place. We still aren’t allowed to gather in large groups but at least businesses are opening in some ways. To make matters even more diffi- cult, Mother Nature decided this would be the summer of the three H’s- hazy, hot and humid! What ever we all did to make the pow- ers that be angry at us, we need to stop doing so we can attempt to get back to something more normal. With fall approaching clubs are looking to start their activities and get memberships on track. So many clubs have lost their abil- ity to sell Super Raffle tickets at the fairs as they have been can- celled for this year, so they will be looking for ways to make up this lost revenue. PLEASE- if newspaper it’s great to be back and looking forward to another fantastic season. It certainly is a strange year with covid, but we’re making the best of it. The Maine Snowmobile Show will not be happening this year due to the restrictions on public gatherings. What is happening is the “SUPER RAFFLE” and prizes include new snowmobile, kids sled, $500.00 gift cards to Kittery Trading Post, plus many more gift G reetings to all SNOW Lovers! 1st edition of our
Northern Region VP
you receive this paper and are not a club member, contact a club near you, where you ride, or any place you please and join. If you need assistance contacting a club, contact me or the MSA office and we can help. Clubs will be strug- gling a great deal this year, so all hands-on deck will be greatly appreciated. CONGRATULATIONS To Ebeemee Snowmobile Club for being chosen MSA Snowmobile Club of theYear and to Traci Hart- mann from that club being chosen MSA groomer of the year. Also congrats to Kevin Sedwick of Eastern Me Snowmobilers-photo contest winner, Moosehead Rid- ers, Blue Ridge Riders, Northern Timber Cruisers and Penobscot snowmobile clubs for being in the top ten in memberships last year and to Paul Bunyon, Eastern Me and Clifton snowmobile clubs for being the only three clubs in the state with perfect attendance at the directors meeting, receiving the Phil Fletcher Award. What a great showing for the Eastern Region. I am so proud of ALL my eastern Region clubs for what you do to make snowmobiling great in Maine. A MESSAGE TO EASTERN REGION CLUBS- If you need Super Raffle tickets please con- tact me as I have some at my Coastal Region VP certificates. This is a great way to make money for your club, so please sell, sell, sell!!! Clubs are starting to prepare for the season trail work, groomer upkeep. Thank you to all who volunteer. In case you have not heard MSA has a new store with great new items which you can purchase online and it will be shipped to your home. Check it out at www. mesnow.com. As always start doing your “SNOW DANCE” be safe, ride right and enjoy!!!
H ello everyone, it’s that time again. My name is Jim Boyce I’ve been trail master for the Kingfield Sno-wanderers for 10 seasons and also a regional director and I am on the trails committee for the MSA. I stepped in for Roland Bowie who was western director for many years and who stayed on as a regional director. I will be asking a lot of questions about being a bone for the western region. Thank you, Roland, for staying on. Enough about me, if you are like me we get that itch for snow, well it’s that time. I know a lot of clubs have lost their fundraisers in this time of COVID, but we have to think outside the box. Super raffle tickets make clubs good money, so do memberships. As I’m writing this it’s time to check on bridges, also go to town hall and look for landowner changes and if you’re like us in Kingfield there is a lot it’s been busy all summer. If any you have any questions please reach out to me and I might not I would also encourage you long term club members to reach out to those who do not currently join and ask them…we need more people assisting in club events, fundraisers & trail maintenance to ensure what we have today remains possible in the future. The only way we do this is to welcome new people into our clubs, allow them the opportunity to bring new energy & ideas. H ello fellow snowmobilers, Who is looking forward to the upcoming snowmobile season? I know I am. The chance to spend the day checking out a new trail, ride to your favorite overlook, gather with friends, meet new folks at a trail intersection or whatever you enjoy most about the sport. As this paper goes to all registered snowmobilers, I hope something in here encourages some of you who have not been a member of a club to find one to join. It is a great way to meet new folks, lend a helping hand & spend time with others that enjoy the sport as much as you do. It is a very rewarding feeling to ride a stretch of trail you have helped to maintain in person or helped to maintain financially.
Matt Stedman, 207-557-1921 PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.Matt@jdirving.com
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com
This season may be different with clubs trying new ways to have fund raisers & social events to gain the proper funding and memberships to run their winter programs. We always find a way to make it work, and it shows because so many folks from all over the country have come here to enjoy. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. I look forward to meeting as many folks who help drive snowmobiling in the Northern Region as possible, you are a hard- working crew!
house. Thanks to some wonderful support from businesses we once again have many prizes for this annual event. On a somber note- my sympa- thy goes to the family of Roger “Jay” Marden. Many of you may remember Jay’s father, Maurice, from trail committee days. These two along with Craig, Cooper and other family members have been involved in snowmobiling for many, many years. Jay will be greatly missed in the Parkman area. To everyone- join a club or two or three as soon as you can, register your sleds before winter arrives, volunteer to help do trail work, attend club activities and most importantly, stay safe! Until the next edition
Western Region VP
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Road Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com
have all the answers, but I will steer you in the right direction. Until next month enjoy the ride and stay safe.
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