Report from the Planning Board For Fiscal Year 2018-2019
The Planning Board has nine members, seven regular and two alternates appointed by the Select Board. We review subdivision proposals, conditional use applications, and proposed shoreland zone development. We meet with applicants, administer projects through the permitting process, consider public input and consult with experts in planning and design when needed. Our goal is to be fair and unbiased, and to balance the rights of the property owner with concerns of the public. We follow the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, along with other applicable State and Federal laws. We also work to promote changes in local ordinances when it is appropriate. Over this past year we made the following actions: - One new subdivision was approved for the Durgin Road Subdivision. - Four Subdivision Revisions were approved: Darbick Terrace for Adam & Elizabeth Winslow, Highland Ridge for David & Martha Smith, Day Farm Estates for Joshua Waterhouse of JW Group, LLC and Bean Street for Van Hertel, Jr. - Five Shoreland Zone Permits were issued: Bruce & Linda Theriault on Water’s Edge, Melissa LeClerc on Hemlock Cove Road, Marjorie McDonald on Hemlock Cove Road, Doug Alcaide on Alcaide Lane, Johanne & Scott Danis on River Road. - One Conditional Use Permit was approved for Fourth Dimension Properties (formerly Day One property) - One Shoreland Zone Permit was referred to the Appeals Board: Kevin Martell on Bonny Eagle Road - We revised and approved new Fire Protection Regulations. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank outgoing member Bruce Wishart for his contributions. We welcomed one new member, Max Kenney. Martha Turner continues to be an invaluable asset in her work as Secretary to the Board; we depend on her positive outlook and diligent minutes. The Board has been relying on the planning services of Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission. Their expertise is a great resource. Meetings are scheduled on alternate Wednesday evenings, as needed. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and contribute to the discussions. Meetings are recorded and re- broadcast on Saco River TV for those who like to watch at home; archived video recordings are also available online. Agendas, meeting minutes, and all our communications and documents are available for public access at the Town Office. We are often in need of new members. If you are inclined to be involved in town affairs in a meaningful way please consider joining. We can only be effective with diverse opinions and respectful debate.
Paul C. Mattor, Chairman Hollis Planning Board
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