
We organize a fall foliage bus trip each year. Participants enjoyed a cruise on Moosehead Lake. We had a delicious lunch at Kelly’s Landing. It was a beautiful sunny day. Halloween: We offer a party at the Hollis Elementary Gymnasium for a minimal fee. There are games and a costume contest along with snacks. WINTER: The Recreation Department offers three leagues for Girls’ Basketball. There is a 2 nd -4 th grade league, a 5 th & 6 th grade league, and a 7 th grade though adult league. We also support a team for women over the age of 50 who play 3 on 3 half court. That team practices on Mondays from 7:00 – 8:30. All boys teams are offered through Bonny Eagle Boys youth league. We also offer some baseball/softball clinics when there is gym time available. There are peewee basketball clinics (co-ed for k-2 nd ), indoor soccer, and floor hockey offered after school in the winter months. SPRING: Spring Track is held on Mondays and Fridays after school. We have meets with Buxton, Wells, and Old Orchard. Each year we offer an Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday before Easter. It is open to children preschool through third grade. This year we had a juggler for entertainment. We also try to organize a Spring bus trip each year. We are always looking for new ideas for trips, so please share your requests and ideas with us! YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer the following year-round activities. Adult Exercise: 8-9am Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-10am Monday, Wednesday, Friday Kindergym: 10-11am Monday, Wednesday, Friday Senior Women’s Basketball: 7-8:30 Mondays at Hollis Elementary Gym Men’s Open Gym Basketball: 8:30-10:00pm Monday/Wednesday Hollis Elementary Gym Senior Luncheon/Cribbage: Twice a month on Tuesdays (check website for Dates)


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