• The Code Enforcement Officer has worked with the Select Board for Ordinance changes and drafted a basic Rental Ordinance that was approved by the Town voters in November 2018. • The Real Estate market continues to remain strong. This results in our office spending a lot of time with brokers, potential land owners, surveyors, Title Companies, future business owners, etc. The CEO & Assessing Administrative Coordinator spends a large amount of time giving them direction, reviewing property files, and providing excellent customer service to the public’s demands. In summary, the volume of work that has come through our office has increased. When we prepare for the annual budget, we are forecasting what will happen 12 to 15 months in the future. A gradual increase can be forecasted for budgetary reasons, however, when the increase is more than doubled, it is a challenge to forecast that much in advance. I did not expect that much of increase in each last year’s forecasts, and as a result, I underestimated the revenues that were expected and the anticipated costs associated with administering the work load. However, each year, revenues have exceeded expenses. Our goals this upcoming year are: 1. Continue to enhance our Code Enforcement computer software program to stream line the process for the public. With this, we will work to attach and build our database to electronically link our recently digitized files. This is done in between other projects and daily workloads. We will also strive to electronically attach our digitized records to the new and enhanced Assessing Database. Doing this in-house saves the Town a lot money as digitizing files by a third party is very expensive. 2. Continue to address Dangerous Buildings and Illegal Junkyards. Many of these properties have deteriorated over several years and have a significant visual impact on the Community. Although these cases are often very time consuming and lengthy in a legal aspect, it is important to pursue these and bring them into compliance. 3. Work with the Planning Board to draft a Short-Term Rental Ordinance. 4. Continue to work on new permit applications to make them more customer friendly and available online. I want to give special thanks to the CEO & Assessing Administrative Coordinator in the office. Without her hard work and dedication, we would not have been able to achieve the aggressive goals we set for ourselves. I want to mention a special “shout out” to Deb Stitson, the Assessor, and Martha Turner, the Planning Board Secretary. You have been a strong support mechanism and graceful stewards of this office. Thank you to both of you. Martha Huff has gracefully offered her institutional knowledge and expert advice regarding various Ordinance issues and procedural protocols. Thank you, Martha. The Select Board has been supportive of our office. Without their continual support, we would not be able to move forward in streamlining and advancing our office beyond many of our surrounding communities. Thank you, to the Members of the Select Board.
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