
In Remembrance of Hollis Residents who passed during the fiscal year of July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

Decedent Name Ames, Norma Jane Berry, Virginia Lillian Bradbury, Alice A.


Decedent Name



Mcinnis, Alexander Arthur

29 60 37


Moody, Lisa Ruth Mooney, Samuel A.

92 65 74 60 75 90 70 77 71 55 78 88 83 84 96 79 82 52 90

Chadboume, James Edward

Morey, Van Lee 67 Murphy, Columbanus Edward 47 Nelson, Gary Wayne 72 Nickerson, Edwin George Sr. 83 Nusom, Anna Matkosky 100 Phelps, Timothy Scott 53 Phinney, Marjorie Ann 71 Pinet, Marsha Jane 69 Sabine, Tenrance Lee 64 Smith, Alva D. 91 Smith, Elton L. 94 Spofford, lrene 56 Sughrue, Bart James IV 40 Swasey,E verett Philip Sr. 84 Vachon-Hanson,Wendy Beth 46 Van Gaasbeek, Leonard Sitzer Jr. 88 Wescott,Arthur Stevens Jr. 86 Williams.Paula Rae 68

Cole, Frederick W. Jr.

Cote, Keith A.

Curran, John James

Dearborn, Eugene Richard Denbow, Lester Eugene Sr.

DeSilva, Helena Mae Fournier, Robert N. Gardner, Beth Jean

Gardner, Marguerite May Garrigan, Shirtey Margaret Goyette, Michael Joseph Sr.

Harmon, Alvin Arthur Keniston, Floyd Francis Libbey, Gregory Scott

Ligouri, Joan G

London, Barbara Mary Maggs, Char1es Frederick


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