Updates from the Hollis Town Clerk Everyone is always glad to see Diane Meserve the Town Treasurer, she brings our paychecks. Diane strives to keep accurate records and accountability for all of the Town’s financial records. She also serves as a Deputy Tax Collector. The Hollis Select Board members David McCubrey, Rita Perron and Jack Rogala work diligently for the Town of Hollis. One of the changes they implemented was moving our election voting place back to the Hollis Community Building. Currently in 2020, they are having an additional ramp installed to assist with the flow of voters during the upcoming Presidential Election in November of 2020. The move of elections back to the Hollis Community Building has greatly improved efficiency in the Clerk’s Office. I have a huge thank you for all of Hollis’ Election Staff. It is reassuring to have wonderful people to call on to work the elections. This group’s efforts make long election days go smoothly. Our Election Warden Lila Wilkins is accurate and knowledgeable. I appreciate each and every election worker. We have several young people in our community that have shown interest inworking the polls on Election Day: Trevor Hustus (currently serving as one of our MSAD 6 School Board Director’s for Hollis and their Chairperson), Max Salvesky and Augie Salvesky. This past year, Augie Salvesky assisted me with cleaning and organizing the Town safe. His agility and patience were invaluable. He cleaned off the high shelves and moved all of the very heavy old record books from shelf to shelf and sometimes back again. I hope to have him come after the July 2020 election to organize some more of the Town’s records. Before undertaking the safe organizing project, Rick Hinds the town’s custodian reinforced the shelves in the town’s safe. He is a skilled worker and has undertaken many projects at the town hall complex. I appreciate all of his efforts; it is nice to see our buildings and grounds being improved. Last but not least, Martha Turner who serves as Secretary for the Finance Committee, Planning Board&Appeals Board. She always has a great attitude and keeps accurateminutes. Thank you to all of the remaining employees, board members, committee members and volunteers that make Hollis a wonderful place to work and to live. Martha E. Huff, Hollis Town Clerk
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