Elected Municipal Officials for the Town of Hollis, Maine Municipal Officials are elected for three-year terms unless specified
Select Board & Overseer of the Poor Rita B. Perron 2020 David McCubrey 2021 Mike Seely, Sr. 2019 resigned in May of 2018 John Rogala Nov. 2018 -2019 to fill unexpired term
Tax Collector Motor Vehicle Registry Agent Anna M. McClay 2019
Anna McClay was appointed by the Select Board as Tax Collector in June 12th of 2019. Anna was re-elected as Tax Collector on the November 5, 2019 Ballot and will serve a three-year term until June of 2022.
Town Clerk Martha E. Huff 2020
The town clerk ran a year early in June of 2019, in error, Martha was elected to a three-year term from 2019- 2022. In 2022, The Town Clerk will run for a one-year term to correct this error.
Treasurer Diane M. Meserve 2021
Road Commissioner (two-year term) Robert M. Hanson, Jr. 2020
Maine School Administrative District #6 School Board Director Lester R. Harmon 2019 Trevor Hustus 2021
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