PHONE: (207) 287-3531 (Voice) 888-577-6690 (TTY) www.maine.gov e will also develop a world- lass workforce st rting with Pre-K for every 4-year- ld in aine d more post-high school options that result in a valued credential. Attracting talented young ople to move here and make Maine their home will be top priorities of my Administration. aine communities, especially rur l communities, are confronting a severe workforce shortage d an aging and declining population. It is time for bold, dynamic ideas that will change Maine the better. That is w y I, along with e le ranging from small business owners, innovators d entrepreneurs, to economists and every day, hard-working Mainers, developed an economic n designed to make it easier for small businesses to grow, for people to come and stay, and for aine to thrive. welcome your ideas. We are all in this together. We all want Maine to have a beautiful vironment, happy people, and prosperous communities ank you, FAX: (207) 287-1034 www.maine.gov Dear Friends: It was the highest honor of my life to take the oath of office to become Maine’s 75th governor. Over the next four years, I will do everything in my power to make Maine the safe, beautiful, prosperous state we all want for our children and grandchildren. That is why on my first day in office I directed the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to implement Medicaid expansion as quickly and efficiently as possible. My Administration will ensure that it is paid for sustainably; that the cost of health insurance is controlled; and that the cost of prescription drugs is reined in. In addition to creating a Director of Opiate Response to marshal the collective power and resources of state government to stem the tide of the opioid epidemic, we will make Narcan widely available, increase access to medication assisted treatment and recovery coaches, and expand drug courts. We also need a healthy environment. My Administration will embrace clean energy; change our modes of transportation; weatherize homes and businesses; and reach a goal of 50 percent of our energy coming from Maine renewable resources. By reducing the impacts of climate change, we will create good-paying jobs, preserve our environment, and protect our state’s farming, fishing, and forestry industries. We will also develop a world-class workforce starting with Pre-K for every 4-year-old in Maine and more post-high school options that result in a valued credential. Attracting talented young people to move here and make Maine their home will be top priorities of my Administration. Maine communities, especially rural communities, are confronting a severe workforce shortage and an aging and declining population. It is time for bold, dynamic ideas that will change Maine for the better. That is why I, along with people ranging from small business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs, to economists and every day, hard-working Mainers, developed an economic plan designed to make it easier for small businesses to grow, for people to come and stay, and for Maine to thrive. I welcome your ideas. We are all in this together. We all want Maine to have a beautiful environment, happy people, and prosperous communities Thank you, Dear Friends: It was the highest honor of my life to take the oath of office to become Maine’s 75th governor. Over the next four years, I will do everything in my power to make Maine the safe, beautiful, prosperous state we all want for our children and grandchildren. That is why on my first day in office I directed the Maine Department of Health and Human Serv ces to implement Medicaid xpansion as quickly and efficiently as possible. My Adminis ration will ensure that it is paid for sustainably; that the cost of health insurance is controlled; and that the cost of prescription drugs is reined in. In addition to creating a Director of Opiate Response to marshal the collective power and resources of stat government to stem the tide of the opioid epidemic, we will make Narcan widely available, increase access to medication assisted treatment and recovery coaches, and expand drug courts. We also need a healthy environment. My Administration will embrace clean energy; change our modes of transportation; weatherize homes and businesses; and reach a goal of 50 percent of our energy coming from Maine renewable resources. By reducing the impacts of climate change, we will create good-paying jobs, preserve our environment, and protect our state’s farming, fishing, and forestry industries. ill also develop a world-class workforce starting with Pre-K fo every 4-year-old in Maine re post-high sch ol options that result in a valued credential. Attracting talented young pl to move here and make Maine their home will be top priorities of my Administration. aine communities, especially rural communities, are c fronting a severe workforce shortage and an aging and declining population. It is time for bold, dynamic ideas that will change Maine for the better. That is why I, along with people ranging from small business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs, to economists and every day, hard-working Mainers, developed an economic plan designed to make it easier for small businesses to grow, for people to come and stay, and for Maine to thrive. I welcome your ideas. We are all in this together. We all want Maine to have a beautiful environment, happy people, and prosperous communities Thank you, ear Friends: It was the highest honor of my life to take the oath of office to become Maine’s 75th governor. Over the next four years, I will do everything in my power to make Maine the safe, beautiful, prosperous state we all want for our children and grandchildren. That is why on my first day in office I directed the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to implement Medicaid expansion as quickly and efficiently as possible. My Administration will ensure that it is paid for sustainably; that the cost of health insurance is controlled; and that the cost of prescription drugs is reined in. In addition to creating a Director of Opiat Response to marshal the collective power and resources of state government to stem the tide of th opioid epidemic, we will make Narcan widely available, increase acc ss to medicati n assisted treatment and recovery coaches, and expand drug courts. We also need a healthy environment. My Administration will embrace clean energy; change our modes of transportation; weatherize homes and businesses; and reach a goal of 50 percent of our energy coming from Maine renewable resources. By reducing the impacts of climate change, we will create good-paying jobs, preserve our environment, and protect our state’s farming, fishing, and forestry industries. We will also develop a world-class workforce starting with Pre-K for every 4-year-old in Maine and more post-high school options that result in a valued credential. Attracting talented young people to move here and make Maine their home will be top priorities of my Administration. Maine communities, especially rural communities, are confronting a severe workforce shortage and an aging and declining population. It is time for bold, dynamic ideas that will change Maine for th better. That i why I, along with people ranging f om small business owners, innovators and entrepreneurs, to economists and every day, hard-working Mainers, developed an economic plan d sign d to make it easier f r small businesses to grow, for peop e to come and stay, and for Maine to thrive. I welcome your ideas. We are all in this together. We all want Maine to have a beautiful environment, happy people, and prosperous communities Thank you, ar Friends: was the highest honor of my life to take the oath of office to b come Maine’s 75th governor. er the next four years, I wi l do everything i my power to make Maine the safe, beautiful, osperous state we all want for our children and grandchildren. at is why on my first day i office I directed the Maine Department of Health and Human rvices to implem nt Medicaid exp nsion as quickly a efficiently as poss ble. My ministration will ensur that it is paid for sustainably; that the cost of health insurance is ntrolled; and that the cost of prescription drugs is reined in. In addition to creating a Director Opiate Response to marshal the collective power and resources of state government to stem tide of the opioid epide ic, we will make Narcan wi ely avail ble, i crease access to dication assist d treatment and recovery coaches, and expand drug courts. e also need a heal hy envi onment. My Administration will embrace clean energy; change our des of transportation; weat erize homes and businesses; and reach goal of 50 percent of our ergy coming from Maine re ewable resources. By reducing the impacts of clima e change, we l create good-paying jobs, preserve our environment, and protect our state’s farming, fishing, d forestry industries. Janet T. Mills Governor Janet T. Mills Governor Janet T. Mills Governor PHONE: (207) 287-3531 (Voice) 888-577-6690 (TTY) FAX: (207) 287-1034 PHONE: (207) 287-3531 (Voice) 888-577-6690 (TTY) FAX: (207) 287-1034
net T. Mills vernor
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