
H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES 2 S TATE H OUSE S TATION A UGUSTA , M AINE 04333-0002 (207) 287-1440 TTY: (207) 287-4469 H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES 2 S TATE H OUS S TA ION A UGUSTA , M AINE 04333-0002 (207) 287-1440 TTY: (207) 287-4469 H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES 2 S TATE H OUSE S TATION A UGUSTA , M AINE 04333-0002 (207) 287-1440 TTY: (207) 287-4469

Amy B. Arata P.O. Box 2, New Gloucester, ME 04260 Residence: (207) 333-1817 Amy.Arata@legislature.maine.gov Dear Friends & Neighbors: Amy B. Arata P.O. Box 2, New Gloucester, ME 04260 Residence: (207) 333-1817 Amy.Arata@legislature.maine.gov Amy B. Arata P.O. Box 2, New Gloucester, ME 04260 Residence: (207) 333-1817 Amy.Arata@legislature.maine.gov

March 16, 2020

March 16, 2020 I write this on the eve of adjournment frommy first term as a member of Maine’s House of Representatives. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to the good people of New Gloucester for allowing me to be your voice in Augusta. At the onset of the Legislature’s First Regular Session, my colleagues and I were optimistic about 2019, maintaining an open mind with a thoughtful and caring appr ach. Our state was positioned well economically, with record-low unemployment, record-high State revenues, and a record-high numb r of jobs. Now we face unprecedented un rtainty, not knowing h w long we must deal with the crisis caused by Covid-19 or how great an impact it will have on our economy. Please know that your legislature is hard at work to make this as easy for you as possible. As I write this from the State House, we are preparing a bipartisan emergency supplemental budget that will keep governme t running while addressing the extraordinary challenges we are facing due to this pandemic. The unique privilege and responsibility of appointment to three committees was bestowed upon me. I was appointed to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs (AFA), the Co mittee on Taxation, and the bipartisan Government Oversight Committee (GOC). The GOC is unique in that it consists of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. It is charged with ensuring that public funds are expended for intended purposes, and that programs and activities are effectively, efficiently, and economically managed. In my assignment as a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, I have enjoyed familiarizing myself with the State’s General Fund appropriations and fiscal policy. The adopted budget resulted in an 11% increase to $8 Billion. I could not vote for this budget because my priorities were to create a robust Rainy Day Fund for emergencies while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, maintaining our infrastructure and schools, and keeping taxes down. Unfortunately, we are now experiencing exactly why a Rainy Day Fund is necessary. The days ahead may be difficult, but I am prepared to roll up my sleeves and work hard with my colleagues across the aisle to get us through this. As your representative, I encourage you to take an active interest in the events unfolding under the State House dome. You can monitor committee proceedings and floor debate in the House and Senate via the Web, http://legislature.maine.gov/, while my regular e-newsletter contains beneficial administrative insight and public service announcements. If you have not yet signed up to receive this publication, please send me your e-mail address. Again, the faith and trust you have placed in me to serve you at the capitol is appreciated. I always enjoy hearing from you and want to help you in any way I can. As Mainers, we are strong and will get through this together! Dear Friends & Neighbors: I write this on the eve of adjournment from my first term as a member of Maine’s House of Representatives. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to the good people of Ne Gloucester for allowing me to be your voice in Augusta. At the nset of the Legislature’s First Regular Session, my colleagues and I were optimistic about 2019, maintaining an open mind with a thoughtful and caring approach. Our st te was positioned well ec nomically, with record-low unemployment, reco d-high St e revenues, and a record-high number of jobs. Now we face unprecedented uncertainty, not knowing how lo we must deal with the crisis caused by Covid-19 or how great an impact it will have on our economy. Please know h t your legislature i hard at work to make this as easy for you as possible. As I write this from the State House, we are preparing a bipartisan emergency supplemental budget that will keep government running while addres ng he extraordinary challenges we are facing due t this pandemic. The unique privilege and r sponsibility of appointment to three commi t es was bestowed upon me. I was appointed to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs (AFA), the Committee on T xation, and the bipartisan Gov rnm t Overs ght Committee (GOC). The GOC is unique in that it consists of an qual number of Democrats and Republicans. It is charged with ensuring that public funds are expended for intended purposes, and that programs and activities are effectively, efficiently, and economically managed. In my assignment as a ember of the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, I have enjoyed familiarizing myself with the State’s G neral Fund appropriatio s and fiscal policy. Th dopted budget resulted n an 11% increase to $8 Billion. I could not vote for this budget because my priorities were to create a robust Rainy Day Fund for emergencies while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, maintaining our infrastructure and schools, and keeping taxes down. Unfortunat ly, we are now experiencing exactly why a Rainy Day Fund is necessa y. The days ahead may be difficult, but I a prepared to roll up my eeves and work ard with my colleagues across the aisle to get us through this. As your representative, I encourage you to take an active interest in the events unfolding under the State House dome. You can monitor committee proceedings and floor debate in the House and Senate via the Web, http://legislature.maine.gov/, while my regular e-newsletter contains beneficial administrative insight and public service a nounce ents. If you have not yet signed up to receive this publication, please send me your e-mail address. Again, the faith and trust you have placed in me to serve you at the capitol is appreciated. I always enjoy hearing from you and want to help you in any way I can. As Mainers, we are strong and will get through this together! Sincerely, Dear Friends & Neighbors: I write this on the eve of adjournme t from my first term as a member of Maine’s House of Representatives. I want to take this opportunity to ex ress my grat fuln ss to the good people of New Glouc ster for allowing me t be your voice in Augusta. At the nset f the Legislature’s First Regular S ssion, my colleagues and I were optimistic about 2019, maintaining an open mind with a th ghtful and caring approach. Our state was positioned well economically, ith record-low unemployment, recor -high State revenues, and a record-high nu ber of jobs. Now e face unpreced ted u certainty, not knowing h w long we must deal with the crisis cau ed by C vid-19 or how great an impact it will h ve on our econ my. Pl a know that your legislature is hard t work to make this as easy for you as possible. As I write this from the State House, we are preparing a bipartisan emergency supplem nta budget that will keep government running whil addressing t e ex r ordinary challenges we are facing due to this pandemic. The unique privilege and responsibility of appoin ment to three comm ttees w s bestowed upon me. I was appointed to the Joint Standing Commit e on Appropriations and Financial Affair (AFA), the Committee on Taxation, nd the bipartisan Government Oversight Com it e (GOC). The GOC is unique in that it consists of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. It is charged with ensuring that public funds are expended for intended purposes, and that programs and activities a effect vely, efficiently, and economically managed. In my assignment as a member of the Joint Standing Committee o Appropriations and Financial Affairs, I have enjoyed familiarizing my elf with the State’s General Fund appropriations and fiscal policy. The adopted budget esulted in an 11% ncreas to $8 Billion. I could not vote for this budget because my priorities were to create a robust Rainy Day Fund for emergencies while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, maintaining our infrastructure a d schools, and keeping taxes dow . Unfortunately, we are n w experiencing ex ctly why Rainy Day Fund is necessary. The days ahead may be difficult, but I am repa ed to roll up my sleeves and work har with my col eagues across the aisle t get us through this. As yo r representative, I encourage you to take an active inter st in the events unfoldi g under the State House do e. You can monitor committee proceedings and floor debate in the House and Senate via the Web, http://legislature.maine.gov/, while my regular e-newsletter contains beneficial administrative insight and public service announcements. If you have not yet signed up to receive this publication, please send me your e-mail address. Again, the faith and trust you have plac d i me to serve you at the capitol is appreciated. I always njoy hearing from you and want to help you in any way I can. As Mainer , w are strong and will get through this together! Sincere y, Dear Friends & Neighbors: I write this on the eve of adjournment from my first term as a member of Maine’s House of Representatives. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to the good people of New Gloucester for allowing me to be your voice in Augusta. At the onset of the Legislature’s First Regular Session, my colleagues and I were optimistic about 2019, maintaining an open mind with a thoughtful and caring approach. Our state was positioned well economically, with record-low unemployment, record-high State revenues, and a record-high number of jobs. Now we face unprecedented uncertainty, not knowing how long we must deal with the crisis caused by Covid-19 or how great an impact it will have on our economy. Please know that your legislature is hard at work to make this as easy for you as possible. As I write this from the State House, we are preparing a bipartisan emergency supplemental budget that will keep government running while addressing the extraordinary challenges we are facing due to this pandemic. The unique privilege and responsibility of appointment to three committees was bestowed upon me. I was appointed to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs (AFA), the Committee on Taxation, and the bipartisan Government Oversight Committee (GOC). The GOC is unique in that it consists of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. It is charged with ensuring that public funds are expended for intended purposes, and that programs and activities are effectively, efficiently, and economically managed. In my assignment as a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, I have enjoyed familiarizing myself with the State’s General Fund appropriations and fiscal policy. The adopted budget resulted in an 11% increase to $8 Billion. I could not vote for this budget because my priorities were to create a robust Rainy Day Fund for emergencies while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, maintaining our infrastructure and schools, and keeping taxes down. Unfortunately, we are now experiencing exactly why a Rainy Day Fund is necessary. The days ahead may be difficult, but I am prepared to roll up my sleeves and work hard with my colleagues across the aisle to get us through this. As your representative, I encourage you to take an active interest in the events unfolding under the State House dome. You can monitor committee proceedings and floor debate in the House and Senate via the Web, http://legislature.maine.gov/, while my regular e-newsletter contains beneficial administrative insight and public service announcements. If you have not yet signed up to receive this publication, please send me your e-mail address. Again, the faith and trust you have placed in me to serve you at the capitol is appreciated. I always enjoy hearing from you and want to help you in any way I can. As Mainers, we are strong and will get through this together! Sincerely, Amy B. Arata, State Representative March 16, 2020

Amy B. Arata, State Representative Amy B. Arata, State Representative

District 65 New Gloucester and Poland (part)

9 District 65 New Gloucester and Poland (part) District 65 New Gloucester and Poland (part)

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