From the Town Office
All Mattresses and box springs - $16.00 each Tires – Under 16” $7.00 each, 16” and over $28.00 each We continue to do better with our recycling. Eco Maine reports that we are down to 2% contamination. Not perfect, but very good. If you have questions about recycled materials, please ask the attendant, Gail Jenkins. Thank you for your efforts. Shellfish Licenses Available – Shellfish Licenses are available. Please call the Town Office is you have any questions. Second half of Taxes Due – The second half of Property Taxes is due March 31 st . Interest will begin to accrue April 1, 2020. Thank you for your support and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Office Hours – We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As always, if you need assistance during other days and times, please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Call 846-3148 for information. **PLEASE NOTE** We will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents’ Day. Presidential Primary and Special Referendum Election – Tuesday, March 3 rd . Transfer Station – We are back to Winter hours. Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. *Increase in Fees* - We will be increasing our Transfer Station fees for: Construction & Demolition Debris - $50.00 cu. yard, $100 for average pickup load
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com Our Catalogue is now online at: https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Chebeague Island Library
NEW BOOKS By Its Cover by Donna Leon • Forged in Crisis: The Power of Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times by Nancy Koehn I Am Coyote by Geri Vistein • Silence by Shusaku Endo NEW FILM Shetland seasons 1 & 2 • Eating Animals Once Upon A Time… in America • My Brilliant Friend
Winter Hours Adjustent
2020 phone directory - all edits, additions, deletions please send to: gulldirect@hotmail.com . Sunday & Monday Closed Tuesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (until further notice) Wednesday 10:00am - 1:00pm Thursday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (until further notice) Friday & Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm
February 22 nd – Polar Plunge & Chili / Chowder Cook Off! www.ChebeagueRec.com • 207-846-5068 • Steve Auffant • ChebeagueRecreation@gmail.com
Chebeague Recreation Center
The Kids’ Place Licensed Child Care Center
Rec Membership Plans Adult Monthly: …….…. $40 Adult Yearly: …………. $215 Student Yearly: ………. $115 Student Summer: ……. $60 Family Yearly: ………… $430 (2 Adults + Children 18 and Under) Drop-In Fitness: ……… $5 Drop-In Pool: …………. $6 10-Punch Pool Pass: . $50
: The Chebeague Recreation Center is happy to announce a favorite event Please consider joining the Rec Center as a Yearly member Polar Plunge & Chili / Chowder Cook Off Saturday February 22 nd We are looking forward to supporting our plungers and then to come back inside for some warm Chili & Chowder! ChebeagueRec.com
Did you know? At The Kid’s Place, we adjust our staff levels based on the number of infants and toddlers placed under our care. Parents reserve and pay for their child’s enrolment in advance, this allows us to plan and provide the best possible care. We are here to help!
MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the Chebeague Recreation Center is to provide children, teenagers, adults and seniors with a facility in which they can participate year- round in activities specifically designed to fulfill their recreational, educational and social needs and to enhance their skills and enjoyment. The activities will be conducted in a positive alcohol and drug free environment. The diversity of the programs will benefit the entire community. A 501 (c) (3) Charitable Corporation
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