
The Recompense Fund

We are delighted to announce thatwehave had a banner annual appeal. Chebeaguers, both year-round and summer natives, understand the

grant applications beginning today. If you have any questions about your ideas and submission please contact any member of the RRT: Betts Mayer ( BettsGMayer@gmail.com ), Leila Bisharat ( leilabisharat@gmail.com ), Chip Emery ( cemery@sps70. com ), Sandi Whiston (s andiwhiston@gmail.com ), or Manny Morgan ( mannymorgan@hotmail.com ). Preliminary applications may be submitted anytime until May 15 th for review and feedback with the final application due May 31st. We aim for all our nonprofits to succeed with their application and receive and early response.

importance of making our beloved island community sustainable and vibrant, today and in the future. Now is the time for leaders of Chebeague nonprofits to imagine how The Recompense Fund can support their missions. Our Rapid Response Team (RRT) is stands ready to provide coaching and feedback for

Don’t miss the 9:00 coffee hour and soup at noon at the Hall every Wednesday! Soups for February and March are sponsored by Jack’s Property Service! Thank you, Jack’s!!

The Foo t Doc t o r

Book Study Group meets on Sunday afternoons at 4:30 at the Library. Each week we look at one chapter of each book. Our discussions begin with the assigned lessons but may range far afield. All are welcome to join in at any time. For more information contact Gloria Brown at gjbrown58a@gmail.com or 846-3491

The Foot Doctor, Dr. Rybka, is coming to Chebeague on Wednesday, February 19 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.



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