Chebeague Island Council Calendar
#11 | NOVEMBER 2019
NOVEMBER 2019 • Issue #11 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar
The deadline for submissions for the November issue is noon on November 20. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission. The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. Available on-line at Chebeague Island News ( www. chebeague.org ) or www.islandcalendar.weebly.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island, for a small additional fee, it can also be delivered by first-class mail to Island Council members who are off island at the time of publication. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (PO Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Road) or emailed ( cheabeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com ) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at island.calendar@ chebeague.net as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charges at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.islandcalendar.weebly.com . On the Cover This month’s cover features a sweet photograph, pulled from our museum archives by Donna Damon, of Gary Ross’ first Thanksgiving Dinner in 1958, with his parents Sylvia and James (Brother) Ross, at his grandmother Ellen Hamilton’s home. Remember that the island museum is preparing for its upcoming exhibit and would love your help! The exhibit will be exploring growing up on Chebeague Island and the CIHS would love to see photos or items you might want to loan that pertain to that theme. Please email the museum for more information at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com . About the Calendar
Contents From the Island Council Island Commons News From the Town Office
3 4 6 7 8
Marty’s Memories
CTC News
9, 10,11
Library News CUMC News
12 13 14 16
Rec Center News November Calendar
Publisher Chebeague Island Council
Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant,
Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Christine Englund, Jennifer Hackel, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Sarah Hopkins, Ester Knight, Corie Meehan, Marjorie Stratton, Christine Nadeau, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office 247 South Rd.
Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com
Enter the Great Chebeague Family Cook Off at the Hall November 9!
The theme is Anything but Turkey, and there will be prizes for the best entree and dessert! Who will be judged the best family cook on the island? There are slots open for 20 cooks in each category and your neighbors will also be the judges! Sign up at the Hall or by contacting a Hall board member. The Foot Doctor The Foot Doctor, Dr. Rybka, is coming to Chebeague on Wednesday, November 6 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.
This Community Supper is sponsored by Russ Hunter, who wishes you a warm and cozy fall. As usual, there will be plenty of food, fun, and good spirits! Doors open at 5:30 BYOB Veterans eat free!
The Wellness Center with a MaineHealth Nurse Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information. No appointment needed. No charge for these services. Tuesday November 12 and 26, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
The Wellness Center is also now offering Tele-Medicine; call 846-4988 for an appointment.
Now on Island - Custom Window Blinds By Steve Auffant - 31 South Road
Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 commons@chebeague.net
Our new generator was put to the test during the multi day October power outage and passed with flying colors!
In Home Care Program: Winter on the island can be a challenge (is that anunderstatement?). Our Chebeague Cares team is available to lend a hand to make your season a little more enjoyable. Light housekeeping, meal preparation, rides to the store/library, and more. If you’d like a little assistance to navigate the colder months, give us a call. All inquiries confidential Financial assistance available thanks to our partnership.
We’re delighted to welcome Jim Lunt and Kip Webb to the Island Commons Board. They’re already hard at work! Thank you, Jim & Kip. Adele Gorody has stepped down after many years of dedicated service. We’ll miss you, Adele!
News & Events: Annual HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 6, 4:30 6:30 Come celebrate with us! We ll have a great selection of raffles, hearty appetizers, beer wine. Bring family friends!
Henry’s first visit to Island Commons Four generations of the Bob Dyer family enjoying lunch together with residents at the Commons. (photo by Kristin Buxbaum)
Bruce R. Bowman Professional Land Surveyor
Boundary Surveys
Site Plans
184 John Small Road Chebeague Island, ME 04017 Phone/Fax: (207) 518-2030
Cell: (207) 632-0078 Surveying Chebeague Island for over 30 Years
Recompense Fund News
Recompense thanks all its patrons for their generous support. Your faithful donations exclusively focus on Chebeague’s nonprofits which support and keep our year round community sustainable and vibrant.
Please keep an eye out for our Annual Report.
Join Us on “The Result” for fun, friendly, fast and safe trans- portation on your schedule! We look forward to seeing you aboard! Same day round trip, between Chebeague and Cousins, for up to 6 people, between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. Look for information on upcoming cruises!
Chebeague Water Taxi
Contact Us: 846-LOVE(5683)
chebeaguewatertaxi.com for more rates and information. chebeaguewatertaxi@gmail.com
Relax, We Got This!
Summer Cruises Available: *The Lobster Experience — Bring home the freshest Maine Lobsters! * Lunch and a Tour — Fresh Maine Lobster Roll Basket* * Sunset Cruise — Watch a Beautiful Sunset and bring your favorite beverage! * Cocktails and Constellations Evening Cruise — See the Milky Way, planets, and more! Featur- ing Ebb & Thyme signature cookie exclusively baked for Chebeague Water Taxi! Food by Ebb & Thyme Bakery BOOK STUDY GROUP Sunday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. at the Library. A 52-week series on spiritual formation. Everyone is invited to join in.
For more information contact Gloria Brown at gjbrown58a@gmail.com or 846-3491.
From the Town Office
Office Hours – We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As always, if you need assistance during other days and times, please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Call 846-
Inland Fisheries andWildlife, visitedChebeague Island September 18 th and answered questions and concerns about coyotes. Some of his recommendations for pet owners are (1) Stay with your dog when you let them out, (2) keep your pets inside overnight, and (3) use extra caution dusk through dawn.
3148 for information. **PLEASE NOTE** We will be closed Monday, November 11 th for Veterans Day and November 28 th and 29 th for Thanksgiving.
He also explained that there is a long hunting season for coyotes and they can also be trapped. We have information here at the Town Office if you want more details about hunting and trapping rules and regulations. Dog Licenses – New Dog Tags are available now. Please be sure to register your dogs!
Election Day is November 3 rd – There are two State Referendum questions. Question 1 is a Bond Issue question to build or improve roads, bridges, railroads, airports, transit and ports and make other transportation investments. Question 2 asks about amending the Constitution of Maine to allow persons with disabilities to sign petitions in an alternative manner as authorized by the Legislature. Coyotes – Scott Lindsay, State Wildlife Biologist from
Tax Bills – Tax bills were mailed recently and the first half was due September 30 th . If you have any questions, please call the Town Office. The tax bills are based on the owner as of April 1, 2019.
Thank you for your support and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Coffee Hour Every Wednesday at 9am at the Hall
Soup & Coffee Every Wednesday at Noon at the Hall Donations Accepted
Chebeague Island Historical Society News
Black Friday Sale at the Chebeague Island Museum November 29 th 1-4 t-shirts sweatshirts hats coffee mugs books jewelry and more!
The museum is looking to hire a gift shop sales associate for next summer. Please contact the museum for more information.
The Museum Needs You! T he Historical Society wants to tell island stories through the eyes of its children. The one thing we all have in common is childhood so if you spent any part of your childhood - year-round or summer on Chebeague, the Historical Society hopes that you will share childhood artifacts and your favorite Chebeague childhood picture so that it can be used in the 2020 exhibit, Growing Up On Chebeague. We are also looking for childhood photos of your ancestors like the Halloween photo on this Calendar cover. We plan to have one wall with folks favorite photos (going back to the beginning of photography) as well as sections of the exhibit showing birthday parties, picnics, sports, working, boating, fishing, playing, fashion, island weddings, holidays, organizations, large family groups, dressing up and dressing down, church and school programs, theater, and many more topics. Photos with toys, costumes, etc would also enhance the exhibit. We can scan your photos and return them or you can scan your own at 1200 TIFF and send it to us. Chebeague childhood experiences and friendships contributed to the people we have become. In addition to sharing your photos and loaning some treasures from childhood, we hope you will share some of your favorite Chebeague childhood memories by emailing or mailing your thoughts to the Chebeague Historical Society: PO Box 28, Chebeague or chebeaguehistory@gmail.com . For more information email the Museum or call Donna Damon. We hope this is our most inclusive exhibit yet, but it takes time to create an exhibit! Deadline for Submission is January 15, 2020. No exceptions.
Notices Ladies Aid: Please join us for crafty projects and camaraderie at 11:00am each Thursday. Catholic Communion Service: A regular Catholic Communion Service will be held every Saturday at 4:00pm at the church. Sew Good: Sew Good will meet Sept 11 th and 25th from 1:00-5:00pm at the Parish House. For more information, please call Lola Armstrong (846-4737) or Karen Corson (846-0938).
Classified Ads Top Shelf Cleaning and Services: Cleaning, moving cars to and from the Stone Pier or Chandlers Wharf, snowplowing and snowblowing, and winter house watching—daily, weekly, or monthly—lawn mowing, and light tractor work. For more information, call Cindy at 207-846-1055. Seasonal Rental at 13 Island View Rd: Fully equipped summer home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and private right of way to the water; $1100 per week plus a $300 security deposit. Contact Richard Bowen at rhbowen3@gmail.com or 207-831-6148.
Marty’s Memories - Trees November 2019 by Marty Trower
Is it just a coincidence that while I was heavily into reading the intriguing book Overstory (by Richard Powers- whose underlying theme is trees, not only their connection to each other but to our own personal human history) I opened my window shades Thursday morning to find two huge and magnificent arboreal monuments lying horizontal in my yard? I should not have been surprised. The night before I’d had no choice but to lie in bed and listen and watch with horror as my house was battered and shaken not only by the strongest winds I’ve ever experienced but by the constant slashing and beating of porch furniture and anything else I hadn’t tied down, against the house. I had not lashed them to the porch railings because, after all, it was my home, not a boat. I dared not open the glass door to the porch to secure the items, knowing I would not be able to close it again. The sky was strangely white in places. How could that be, I wondered. The antique but flourishing hydrangea tree in front of the porch waved its blurry image, whipping erratically, energetically, never taking a rest, like a strange ghost trying to find peace but finding none. How could this tree possibly survive? Somehow, towards dawn I must’ve slept for a while because suddenly it was quiet, and dawn’s light was there but I was too tired to get up and explore the damage. How could it be that I
never heard the trees falling? Throughout the days of cleaning up and camping out without power, I thought about those regal trees and all the many other giants that fell that early morning on the island. I thought of Deer Point and the disastrous damage its trees have incurred in the last decades. I remembered, also, hearing about a great fire that had raged in the forests on the point in the forties. The evergreens came back and they and I flourished at the same time in the intervening years. The way to the shore was canopied by them in those years as we made our way through the magic pathway to the rocks where the red bell buoy clanged, and surf foamed white around our picnic on the rocks. I thought about the maple tree Maggie and I used to climb behind her house in our youth, where we worked out a lot of dreams and ideas while scrambling and hanging and perching in its arms. When the giant oak in front of our family cottage started losing soil around its roots and water oozed from its hold onto the ground, we worried but could do nothing. Then it went over and took a big part of the bank with it as well as a lifetime of memories in its realm. Today the hydrangea, its remaining blossoms soft mauve in color clung sadly but strong and devoted to it home where it has grown for longer than my family has owned the property, over seventy years.
Saturday, November 23 rd Noon to 2 PM at the Parish House Enjoy Lunch Handmade Items of All Kinds Knives and Utensils Baked Goods and The Fudge
Orders taken for Christmas Wreaths
November 2019
Who qualifies to use ferry Resi- dent/Parking Permit tickets? CTC offers discounted “green” ferry tickets to island residents and people who purchase an annual parking permit. To qualify as a resident, you must reside on Chebeague Island at least nine months per year and be eligible to vote on the Island. To qualify as a parking per- mit holder, you must purchase an annual parking permit at either the Cousins or Cumber- land parking lots for the current year. Spouses and children (age 21 and younger) of the parking permit holder/resident also qualify to purchase this ticket. Unfortunate- ly, the deckhands report that some people are using their green tickets for persons who do not qualify. Please follow the eligibility requirements that are posted on our website. CTC has copies of many customers’ keys at both our lots. We suspect that we have keys for cars long gone and for people who no longer live on or visit Chebeague. If you have given us a key at one of our lots that should be returned to you or discarded, please email or call the office and let us know. Thank you! Keys, Keys, Keys...
Holiday Schedule
FREE BOAT DAYS December 7th December 14th
7:45 AM
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM 10:15 AM
11;45 AM
12:15 PM
3:30 PM
3:45 PM
4:00 PM
Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Linnea Schwarz -11/5 Basil Morrison -11/6 Kim Munroe-11/9 Happy Birthday! John Wilkinson (CTC bus driver) is offering his service to clean off and shovel out your car after storms at both the Route One & Cousins Island lots. He will start your vehicle and even drive it briefly to charge the battery at no additional cost. Con- tact John at 207-671- 8305. Snow Removal Services Commuter Parking at Cousins Lot starts on November 1st. EMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYS
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:15 PM
6:30 PM
Cousins Island Annual Parking Applications Due By 11/22/2019
Applications for annual parking permits will be mailed by Novem- ber 1st to current permit holders. The applications will also be post- ed on the “Parking and Bus Ser- vice” page on our website and available on the ferry. Parking spaces are very limited at the Cousins Island lot and we urge customers to consider moving to the Route One satellite lot. Due to space limitations, it is not possible to provide Cousins per- mits to all applicants. Priorities must be set. The first priority is to issue a permit to one resident of each household that has met the crite- ria for a resident household (detailed in our application). If there are available spaces after issuing one to each household, second household permits will be issued to commuters, island busi- nesses, and families with school
children if the first household permit is held by a full-time com- muter. In 2017, CTC implemented a “partial year” permit. This permit allows parking at the Cousins lot during certain months only. Please review carefully all the terms and conditions detailed in our application package to deter- mine if believe you qualify for a Cousins Island permit. Customers who are more than 30 days in arrears for payment (for any service) will not receive a Cousins permit and will only re- ceive a Route One permit when the account is paid in full. Applications for the Cousins lot must be received at the office or post marked by 11/22. Applications received or post- marked after the due date will not be considered for a Cous- ins Island spot.
May 2019
Cousins Lot Maintenance
Yarmouth Daily Parking Spaces Barge will be launched 4/29 In the next few weeks we will be hav- ing the Cousins Lot r e ce i ve a n nu a l maintenance.
The “Independence”
CTC OFFICE (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Starting May 1st Monday - Friday 9am-4pm We thank the majority of our customers who respect and comply with our parking policies. For those persons who do not comply, we will tow violators. This includes vehicles parked with no or expired tickets and those abusing the “loaner” policy shown above. It is a long-standing CTC policy that parking permit customers may substitute a “loaner” vehicle when the stick- ered vehicle is being repaired. This program may not be used to, in effect, share a sticker between vehicles. Use of a loaner must be authorized by the Office. Key: Summer Office Hours Parking Policies Enforcement “ Loaner” Vehicle Policy
The delivery date of the Inde- pendence has been changed by Washburn & Doughty due to delays in construction of other boats at their yard. The estimat- ed launch date is now 6/21 at 2 PM. The Independence will have to undergo sea trials and required testing for regulatory approval. Therefore, it is uncer- tain at this time when the Inde-
pendence will be home and able to carry passengers. We are planning a launch party at W&D in East Boothbay and are hopeful that many Islanders will be interested in joining us for that event. CTC will provide bus transportation to the launch. As plans are finalized we will post the details. November-19
We are pleased to announce that CTC boats (Islander, Independence, and Dovekie) will all have Automated Identification Systems (AIS) installed. The Islander’s AIS is operational now—the Dovekie’s will be working May 1st. You can track their location at www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/shipid:442737/zoom:15 or down- loading an App. Suggested Apps will be posted on our Facebook page. Please be advised that there could be a several minute delay in the transmission of the data, so do not rely on the AIS to give you the vessel’s exact location . During the first or second week in May, Bartlett Tree will spray the Route One lot for brown-tail moth. The spraying should be completed before the first bus of the day. The spray may get on vehicles but it will not damage the paint. Customers are urged to park in the center rows of the lower part of the lot to minimize exposure. As soon as we have a definite date, we will post it. However, it would be prudent to park away from trees beginning the end of April. Summer Ferry Fee Increases effective 5/1/2019 Child (Ages 6-11)/Pet (20 tickets) - $26.00 Resident/Parking Permit Holder—Adult (10 tickets) - $39.00 CTC Carts We provide carts for our customers at a considerable cost. Please do not overload the carts and don’t put them on the float at Cousins when it is windy—several have been lost overboard!! SPRAYING FOR BROWN-TAIL l regularly scheduled boat WITH assistance available 2019 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:15 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:30 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 11 - 1 Friday m m m m l l l l l l m m m 11 - 2 Saturday l m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 3 Sunday m m m l l l l 11 - 4 Monday l l m m m l l l l l m 11 - 5 Tuesday l l l m m l l l l l l l 11 - 6 Wednesday l l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 7 Thursday l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 8 Friday l l l l m m m m m l l l l 11 - 9 Saturday l l l l m m m l l l l 11 - 10 Sunday l l l m m m l 11 - 11 Monday l l l l l m m m m m l l 11 - 12 Tuesday m l l l l l m m m m l l 11 - 13 Wednesday m m l l l l m m m m m l 11 - 14 Thursday m m l l l l l m m m m l 11 - 15 Friday m m m l l l l l m m m l 11 - 16 Saturday m m l l l l m m m m l 11 - 17 Sunday m m l l l l m 11 - 18 Monday m m m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 19 Tuesday l l m m l l l l l l m m 11 - 20 Wednesday l l l m m l l l l l l m 11 - 21 Thursday l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 22 Friday l l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 23 Saturday l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 24 Sunday l l l m m m l 11 - 25 Monday l l l l l m m m m m l l 11 - 26 Tuesday m l l l l m m m m m l l 11 - 27 Wednesday m m l l l l m m m m m l 11 - 28 Thursday m m m l l l l m m m m l 11 - 29 Friday m m m l l l l l m m m m l 11 - 30 Saturday m m l l l l l m m m m 12 - 1 Sunday m m l l l l m Morning trips Afterno n Trips Evening Trips CTC Annual Meeting July 20th at 9 AM at the Hall In order to better manage Yarmouth resident vehicles using the Town’s daily parking spaces, signs will be in- stalled shortly re- serving spaces exclu- sively for Yarmouth day parkers. Mary Todd—5/1 Martha Hamilton- Doughty—5/9 Amanda Campbell - 5/12 Jeremy Ames—5/23 Happy Birthday! Where’s the CTC Boat? CTC Trips indicating crew assistance bas d on Tide Level CTC Birthdays Key: m there is a boat scheduled BUT below half-tide and crew can NOT provide assistance 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 0.7083 0.7708 0.8125 0.8438 0.8958 0.9479
Insert new rules from meeting, article o buses. Update on ferry Yankee fees Don t take carts home Blanchard lot scraping Don’t open chaings or try to tie up boat
CTC OFFICE (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Starting May 1st Monday - Friday 9am-4pm We thank the majority of our customers who respect and comply with our parking policies. For those persons who do not comply, we will tow violators. This includes vehicles parked with no or expired tickets and those abusing the “loaner” policy shown above. It is a long-standing CTC policy that parking permit customers may substitute a “loaner” vehicle when the stick- ered vehicle is being repaired. This program may not be used to, in effect, share a sticker between vehicles. Use of a loaner must be authorized by the Office. Parking Policies Enforcement “ Loaner” Vehicle Policy
We are pleased to a and Dovekie) will a installed. The Island working May 1 www.marinetraffic.c loading an App. Su Please be advised the transmission you the vessel’s ex During the first or Route One lot for b before the first bus o not damage the pain the lower part of th definite date, we will from trees beginning SPRAYI The delivery date pendence has been Washburn & Dou delays in construc boats at their yard. ed launch date is PM. The Indep have to undergo s required testing f approval. Therefor tain at this time w Whe
December-19 D cem er-19
CTC Trips indicating crew assistance based on Tide Level
2019 Key:
l regularly scheduled boat WITH assistance available
Summer Office Hours 2019 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:15 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:30 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 12 - 1 Sunday m m l l l l m 12 - 2 Monday m m m m l l l l l l m m 12 - 3 Tuesday l l m m m l l l l l m m 12 - 4 Wednesday l l l m m l l l l l l m 12 - 5 Thursday l l l m m m l l l l l l 12 - 6 Friday l l l l m m m l l l l l m 12 - 7 Saturday l l l m m m l l l l l 12 - 8 Sunday l l m m m m l 12 - 9 Monday l l l l l m m m m l l l 12 - 10 Tuesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 11 Wednesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 12 Thursday m l l l l l m m m m l l 12 - 13 Friday m m l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 14 Saturday m m l l l m m m m m l 12 - 15 Sunday m l l l l m m 12 - 16 Monday m m m l l l l l l m m m 12 - 17 Tuesday m m m m l l l l l m m m 12 - 18 Wednesday l m m m l l l l l l m m 12 - 19 Thursday l l m m m l l l l l l m 12 - 20 Friday l l l m m m l l l l l m m 12 - 21 Saturday l l m m m l l l l l m 12 - 22 Sunday l l m m m l l 12 - 23 Monday l l l l m m m m m l l l 12 - 24 Tuesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 25 Wednesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 12 - 26 Thursday m l l l l l m m m m m l 12 - 27 Friday m m l l l l l m m m m l l 12 - 28 Saturday m m l l l l m m m m l 12 - 29 Sunday m l l l l m m 12 - 30 Monday m m m l l l l l l m m m 12 - 31 Tuesday m m m m l l l l l m m m Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips Key: m there is a boat scheduled BUT below half-tide and crew can NOT provide assistance 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 .7083 . 708 0. 1 5 .84 8 . 9 8 . 4 9
Summer Fe Child Resident/Parki
We provide carts fo not overload the car when it is windy—s
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com Our Catalogue is now online at: https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Chebeague Island Library
Winter Hours
NEW BOOKS Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow • The Institute by Stephen King Quichotte by Salman Rushdie • Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger NEW FILMS Poms • The Art of Racing in the Rain • Toy Story 4 Ken Burns – Country Music • The Tomorrow Man
Sunday & Monday Closed Tuesday 4:00pm - 8:00pm Wednesday 10:00am - 1:00pm Thursday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (until further notice)
Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm
As we enter into storm season, please remember that if the power goes out, the CICC entrance is opened as soon as someone gets there. The entrance remains open until the power is restored. This gives access to heat, bathrooms, water, electricity and WiFi. The Library will keep its regular hours during outages.
Please check your listing for accuracy. Send your changes to gulldirect@hotmail.com . All updates are printed in the monthly Calendar.
New Library bags are available for $28.00. We also have lots of used books and movies for sale.
Statement of Board of Trustees of the Chebeague Island Library. For many years, the Chebeague Island Library (CIL) was pleased to host the Chebeague.org site on its server.We all recognize how vital and important the site is to the Chebeague community. Last year, the CIL, moved to a web-based system that is more secure, responsive and easier to maintain. Because of the move, we no longer used the library server. Housed in a small room, the heat and noise of the server inhibited use of the space. We are pleased that Beverly Johnson has found a new web-based home for Chebeague.org , and will continue the wonderful work that we have all come to expect. This frees up needed space in the library. The Board also wants to recognize the extraordinary time, expertise and equipment that David Hill donated to the Library for many years as a Library Trustee and volunteer. The Board knows that the move for Chebeague.org was not without cost; we encourage renters who list on Chebeague.org to help cover the costs to Beverly and pay to list on the site. As part of that effort, the Library wants to be the first to help cover those costs and will donate $150 to continue this vital community resource.
Directory Corrections
BOUSQUET, Bruce & Pam (Dobush) 416 South Road 846-4057 7820 Sugar Pine Blvd Lakeland FL 33810 863 859-5996 Bruce bmbpdb1@icloud.com Pam b mbpdb1@icloud.com 863 608-8537 CALDER, Dianne 132 Littlefield Rd 846-3499 LAYNG, John G & Amanda 11 Zaugg Ln 846-4111 707 Willowwood Ln Naples FL 34108 203 966-2587 John jlayng@me.com Amanda ablayng@me.com
ROSS, Michael & Jan (Colbeth) 24 Casco Bay Landing Rd 846-4512 31 Redtail Dr Buffton SC 29909 Michael msrgv97@gmail.com 530 913-5173 Jan jrcheb16@gmail.com 530 913-1919 SAWYER, Scott & Ellen 19 South Shore Dr
218 Nayatt Rd Apt 2 Providence RI 02903 Scott sasawyer1@gmail.com 401 714-6543 Ellen ellenmsawyer@gmail.com 401 714-3987
TURNER, Jack & Tee Taggart 7 Zaugg Ln 846-4801
93 Larch Rd Cambridge MA 02138 617 491-4558 Jack jack@tagturn.net Tee h-taggart@taggart-assoc.com
Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
Thank you to everyone who has dropped off items for our Food Pantry this season! As we look toward November and December, we appreciate your financial contributions to help us create Holiday baskets. Gifts can be made payable to the church with “Food Pantry” in the memo. NE Discerners is the group of clergy and laity who have developed the process we have undertaken for discerning the future of our church. Please visit their website at ne-discerners.org for updates on all the changes happening in the larger Methodist Church community. Our discernment sessions will be posted on the Events page of our church website. Please contact the church office for more information or if you are interested in participating remotely. We are looking to do our discernment sessions on the fourth Sunday of each month. Book Group meets at the Library, Sundays at 4:30.We are reading Life of David by RalphWilson and Naked Spirituality by Brian McLaren. All are welcome! Annual Meeting – November 23 rd at 9 AM – Our Annual Church Conference is Saturday, November 23rd at 9 AM in the sanctuary with Rev. Ho-Soon Han, the elder that our District Superintendent has designated to lead our church conference. We will look back over the past year and look ahead to the future. Everyone who calls CUMC their church home and is interested in the presence of the church on the island is welcome to attend. Christmas Worship Services: Save these dates on your calendar to celebrate Christmas with your friends and neighbors at CUMC: -- Saturday, December 21 st , time TBD join us for a Blue Christmas service, acknowledging the reality that the Holiday Season can be a difficult one for many. Come to this meditative service to find peace and support in the quiet and comfort of others. - - Tuesday, December 24 th at 7 PM – our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. We remember the story of Jesus’ birth, sing carols, and share the light of Christ with one another. Stay tuned to our Facebook page and our website for more information about participating in our annual Christmas pageant, Christmas fellowship events, and more! Climate Change – As part of the growing awareness around this global crisis, CUMC will be looking for creative ways to address this issue on the island – both through education and advocacy. Our faith calls us to care for creation. If you have ideas or want to help, please let us know! From Melissa and Ben – THANK YOU! We want to thank everyone who has helped us settle in as a family of four.We appreciate all those who have brought food, walked our dog, dropped off gifts (for Genevieve and for Michael!), made playdates with Michael, and held our baby at island events. We are thankful to live in such a caring community and are truly touched by all of your generosity. Thank you, also, to everyone who stepped up and helped keep the church going while I was on leave – from those who preached to those who helped lead worship to those who looked after all the small details. I look forward to ministering with you as we look to the winter season and the new year together. Melissa, Ben, Michael, and Genevieve Yosua-Davis.
Sundays Sunday School, 9:45 AM, PH Worship, 10:00 AM Tuesdays Yoga with Katy McCann, 8 AM Wednesdays Sew Good, 2 nd & 4 th , 1:00–5:00 PM Yoga with Katy, 5:45 PM
Thursdays Office Hours, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Ladies Aid, 11:00 AM, PH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, PH Fridays Yoga with Katy, 8:00 AM Saturdays Catholic Communion, 4:00 PM
Vision: To be a people of diverse traditions who welcome, worship, serve, and find joy together. Mission: To know and work with our neighbors near and far as we grow in God’s love together. Values:
Community Fellowship Rootedness Creativity Inclusivity Innovation
Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the lights are on outside and the sanctuary is available for you.
WWW .M AINE I SLAND E NERGY . COM 207.808.3222
Introducing the Leonard Thompson Federle Team
Meet the newest member of our team! Jodi Federle
Helping to Navigate Your Way in Casco Bay and Beyond
Jane Leonard 207.831.9951 jane@homesinmaine.com
Karen Thompson 207.329.6729 kthompson@homesinmaine.com
Jodi Federle 207.215.4006 jodi@homesinmaine.com
3 CUMC worship, 10:00
5 Election Day Scrabble, IC, 3:30 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 8am
6 Dr. Rybka 9-11:30 Council Office Bingo, IC, 3:30 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 5:45pm
7 Ladies Aid, PH, 11:00
9 Community Supper 5:30 Hall
Book-Study Group, CIL, 4:30
10 CUMC worship, 10:00
11 Veteran’s Day
12 Wellness Ctr, 9- 11:30 Scrabble, IC, 3:30 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 8am
13 Bingo, IC, 3:30 Sew Good,
14 Ladies Aid, PH, 11:00
15 Ice Cream Social Rec Ctr
Book-Study Group, CIL, 4:30
PH, 1:00-5:00 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 5:45pm
Free 7pm
17 CUMC worship, 10:00
19 Scrabble, IC,3:30 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 8am
20 Bingo, IC, 3:30
21 Ladies Aid, PH, 11:00
23 Ladies Aid Christmas Fair Noon-2
Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 5:45pm
Book-Study Group, CIL, 4:30
Parish House
24 CUMC worship, 10:00
26 Wellness Ctr, 9:00-11:30; walk-in service Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 8am
27 Yoga w/ Katy CUMC 5:45pm Sew Good, PH, 1:00-5:00
28 Thanksgiving
29 CIHS Black Friday Sale 1-4pm
Book-Study Group, CIL, 4:30
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