Chebeague Island Historical Society News
Fall Open House
Cleaning Your Attic? We are compiling a complete set of Island Council Calendars and we are missing occasional issues in the 1960s thru the 1990s. If you have back issues to donate, please drop them off at the Museum or leave us a message for someone to pick them up.
Sunday, October 20 1:00 – 4:00
Last chance to see the current exhibit before it comes down. Refreshments will be served.
Chebeague island calendars are on sale for 2020. Great gift for friends & family at Christmas!
OCTOBER HOURS: Saturday and Sunday 1-4 pm, & Monday, October 14 (Columbus day), 1-4 pm. Closed for the season after Columbus Day.
Chebeague Island Historical Society
Now you can browse all past issues of our historical newsletter, the Sloop’s Log, online! Visit: www.chebeaguehistory.com
137 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 207- 846 -5 23 7
The Museum Needs You! T he Historical Society wants to tell island stories through the eyes of its children. The one thing we all have in common is childhood so if you spent any part of your childhood - year-round or summer on Chebeague, the Historical Society hopes that you will share childhood artifacts and your favorite Chebeague childhood picture so that it can be used in the 2020 exhibit, Growing Up On Chebeague . We are also looking for childhood photos of your ancestors like the Halloween photo on this Calendar cover. We plan to have one wall with folks favorite photos (going back to the beginning of photography) as well as sections of the exhibit showing birthday parties, picnics, sports, working, boating, fishing, playing, fashion, island weddings, holidays, organizations, large family groups, dressing up and dressing down, church and school programs, theater, and many more topics. Photos with toys, costumes, etc would also enhance the exhibit. We can scan your photos and return them or you can scan your own at 1200 TIFF and send it to us. Chebeague childhood experiences and friendships contributed to the people we have become. In addition to sharing your photos and loaning some treasures from childhood, we hope you will share some of your favorite Chebeague childhood memories by emailing or mailing your thoughts to the Chebeague Historical Society: PO Box 28, Chebeague or chebeaguehistory@ gmail.com . For more information email the Museum or call Donna Damon. We hope this is our most inclusive exhibit yet, but it takes time to create an exhibit! Deadline for Submission is January 15, 2020. No exceptions.
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