Notes from the Hall
The Chebeague Island Council welcomed five new board members at their annual August meeting. Joining the board are Christine Englund, Denise Hamilton, Sarah Hopkins, Corie Meehan and Christine Nadeau. It has been an incredible busy season at Chedemption. You have probably noticed the full trailer and mountain of bags at the transfer station. A crew of volunteers has worked weekly all summer loading boxes and taking them to Chandler’s to be put on pallets, shrink wrapped and shipped to Portland via CBL. There they are picked up by Brighton Avenue Redemption. We will be shipping weekly until it is all cleared up. Thanks to all the Chedemption volunteers who keep this program rolling along. If someone has the need for the Samaritan or fuel assistance fund, please contact Ester Knight 846- 4178. All requests are confidential. The Hall has had another busy summer. We are grateful to the organizers of Island Music Night and the craft fair for their generous donations and pleased to have been hosts to yet another year of the CRC children’s theater program and the Ladies Aid Fair, among other fun events. The siding of the Community Center has been completed, and painting of the shake shingles and doors is imminent. Erin Whetham is designing the landscaping plan to wrap around the building and complement the existing layout, so by next summer you should expect a total transformation of the building! The Community Center is also researching the cost of heat pumps to provide air conditioning for the building, and the Hall is working with Chip Emery to buy and install a sound system. Thanks to the Chebeague Fire Department for their donation of a pull-down screen for the stage area, we will also soon be able to see multi-media presentations without squinting and trying to block out the sun’s rays. Notes From The Council
The Hall’s soup and Community Lunch programs are in transition. Community Lunch will now become Community Supper and be offered three times a year: Anything but Turkey in November, Italian Night in January, and International Night in March. Each supper will include a BYOB option. Soup will be offered eachWednesday if possible frommid-October through April, but to do so, Ruth is asking for weekly volunteers in the kitchen. If no one volunteers to help shop, cook, serve, and clean, the soup program will go the way of Community Lunch. Come winter, the Hall is the only place that serves food to the public on Wednesdays, so if you value this service, please show your support by volunteering. You may also sponsor a month of soups for $300. We already have sponsors for the three Community Suppers, including Rich Plumbing and Chebeague Water Taxi. The Hall’s coffee hour is in full swing, with Susie Stav at the helm and Gina whipping up toothsome baked goods each Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00. Stop by and catch up on the latest island news!
It’s Nothing to Sneeze About!
Flu Shot Clinic Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council No Appointment Necessary! Tuesday October 22 nd At the Hall 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
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