Chebeague United Methodist Church Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
Thank you for the donations of items for our Sunday School health kits. We couldn’t be more proud of our younger church members and Cheryl Hillicoss for overseeing them.
NE Discerners is the group of clergy and laity who have developed the process we have undertaken for discerning the future of our church. Please visit their website at ne-discerners.org for updates on all the changes happening in the larger Methodist Church community. Our discernment sessions will be posted on the Events page of our church website.
Book Group meets at the Library, Sundays at 4:30. We are reading Life of David by Ralph Wilson and Naked Spirituality by Brian McLaren. All are welcome!
Pastor Melissa on Leave – Our relief pastor is Linda Brewster (207) 807-2210 jlibre@maine.rr.com
Vision: To be a people of diverse traditions who welcome, worship, serve, and find joy together. Mission: To know and work with our neighbors near and far as we grow in God’s love together.
Sundays Sunday School, 9:45 AM, PH Worship, 10:00 AM
Thursdays Office Hours, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Ladies Aid, 11:00 AM, PH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, PH
Tuesdays Yoga with Katy McCann, 8 AM
Fridays Yoga with Katy, 8:00 AM
Wednesdays Sew Good, 2 nd & 4 th , 1:00–5:00 PM Yoga with Katy, 5:45 PM
Values: Community Fellowship Rootedness Creativity Inclusivity Innovation
Saturdays Catholic Communion, 4:00 PM
Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the lights are on outside and the sanctuary is available for you.
Notices Ladies Aid: Please join us for crafty projects and camaraderie at 11:00am each Thursday. Catholic Communion Service: A regular Catholic Communion Service will be held every Saturday at 4:00pm at the church. Sew Good: Sew Good will meet Sept 11 th and 25th from 1:00-5:00pm at the Parish House. For more information, please call Lola Armstrong (846-4737) or Karen Corson (846-0938).
Classified Ads Top Shelf Cleaning and Services: Cleaning, moving cars to and from the Stone Pier or Chandlers Wharf, snowplowing and snowblowing, and winter house watching—daily, weekly, or monthly—lawn mowing, and light tractor work. For more information, call Cindy at 207-846-1055. Seasonal Rental at 13 Island View Rd: Fully equipped summer home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and private right of way to the water; $1100 per week plus a $300 security deposit. Contact Richard Bowen at rhbowen3@gmail.com or 207-831-6148.
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