Chebeague Island Historical Society News
Cleaning Your Attic? We are compiling a complete set of Island Council Calendars and we are missing occasional issues in the 1960s thru the 1990s. If you have back issues to donate, please drop them off at the Museum or leave us a message for someone to pick them up. Visit our museum for a last look of our current exhibit, Chebeague and Maritime Industry. Open through September 15 Tues–Sat: 11:00 am–4:00pm * Sun: 1:00pm–4:00pm After Sept.15, please check online, www.chebeaguehistory.com.
Mark Your Calendar September 9 , 7:00 PM, Island Hall Lecture Series 5 * Muriel Hendrix “Stories of Aquafarming in Maine”
Many thanks to everyone who helped in August with our most successful House Tour ever! Homeowners, docents, chefs, drivers, artists and writers all made it a wonderful day.
Chebeague Island Historical Society
Now you can browse all past issues of our historical newsletter, the Sloop’s Log, online! Visit: www.chebeaguehistory.com
137 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 207- 846 -5 23 7
Special Chebeague Opportunities
Charming antique cottage
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Sub-dividable Land 7 acres near school and ballfield, soils tested and ready to go new price of 105,000
More Land! Buildable site near Chebeague Island Golf Club. Resort convenience on 4+ private acres
Don’t miss the boat… Call Jane Leonard 207.831.9951 www.chebeaguerealestate.com Jane@homesinmaine.com The Common at 88 Middle St, Portland, ME
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