
Chebeague United Methodist Church Reconciling Congregation

Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org

Due to ongoing, evolving issues – with the UMC, for updates on information regarding disaffiliation, please check the church website for more information: http://www.chebeagueumc.org/special-general-conference-response.html Reconciling Congregation – CUMC is excited to announce that we are now a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network. You can find more information about their work here: ( www.rmnetwork.org ). Pastor Melissa on Leave – Our relief pastor is Linda Brewster Linda Brewster (207) 807-2210 jlibre@maine.rr.com Thank You! – Vacation Bible School was a wonderful success. Thank you to Cheryl Hillicoss, Deb Wallace, Polly Wentworth and the other VIV’s (very important volunteers!) who had fun right along side the 13 attendees and 3 teen helpers. To all the Chedemption volunteers, thank you very much for helping out.

Vision: To be a people of diverse traditions who welcome, worship, serve, and find joy together. Mission: To know and work with our neighbors near and far as we grow in God’s love together. Values:

Sundays Sunday School, 9:45 AM, PH Worship, 10:00 AM Tuesdays Yoga with Katy McCann, 8 AM Wednesdays Sew Good, 2 nd & 4 th , 1:00–5:00 PM Yoga with Katy, 5:45 PM

Thursdays Office Hours, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Ladies Aid, 11:00 AM, PH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, PH Fridays Yoga with Katy, 8:00 AM Saturdays Catholic Communion, 4:00 PM

Community Fellowship Rootedness Creativity Inclusivity Innovation

Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the lights are on outside and the sanctuary is available for you.



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