Chebeague United Methodist Church Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
Vacation Bible School! August 12 – 16, 3 PM – 6 PM – Our theme for this summer’s Vacation Bible School – To Mars and Beyond! Visit our website ( www.chebeagueumc.org/vbs ) for more information. Our church youth are preparing Health Kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Donated funds can be made to the Chebeague United Methodist Church (note “Health Kits” in the memo). FMI: See Cheryl Hillicoss i.m.imaginable@gmail.com and https:// www.umcmission.org/umcor/serve/relief-supply-network/hygiene-kit Bossa NovaWorship Service with Paul English – Sunday, August 11 th , 10 AM – On August 11 th our choir joins Grammy Award-winning jazz vocalist, Kim Nazarian and Grammy Award winning trombonist/percussionist, Jay Ashby for a unique Bossa Nova service arranged by Houston’s jazz icon and composer, Paul English. Don’t miss it! Reconciling Congregation – CUMC is excited to announce that we are now a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network. You can find more information about their work here: ( www.rmnetwork.org ).We are proud to stand with other United Methodist congregations calling for full inclusion for all persons. Our newWelcome Statement is on our website at http://www.chebeagueumc.org/ Pastor Melissa on Leave – Our relief pastor is Linda Brewster Linda Brewster (207) 807-2210 jlibre@maine.rr.com Thank You! – The pavers are in! A huge “Thank You” to John Rent, Bo Beaupre, Genaro Balzano, Jim Hood, Josh Rent, Malcolm Rice and David Keyes for their hard work. It looks amazing.
Vision: To be a people of diverse traditions who welcome, worship, serve, and find joy together. Mission: To know and work with our neighbors near and far as we grow in God’s love together. Values:
Sundays Sunday School, 9:45 AM, PH Worship, 10:00 AM Tuesdays Yoga with Katy McCann, 8 AM Wednesdays Sew Good, 2 nd & 4 th , 1:00–5:00 PM Yoga with Katy, 5:45 PM
Thursdays Office Hours, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Ladies Aid, 11:00 AM, PH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, PH Fridays Yoga with Katy, 8:00 AM Saturdays Catholic Communion, 4:00 PM
Community Fellowship Rootedness Creativity Inclusivity Innovation
Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the lights are on outside and the sanctuary is available for you.
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