From the Town Office
Office Hours— We are open Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As always, if you need assistance at other times, please don’t hesitate to call (846-3148) and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. The Office will be closed Tuesday January 1 in observance of New Year’s Day and Monday January 21 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. Tax Bills— The first half of the tax bill was due September 28, 2018. Interest at 8% began to accrue September 29, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Office. Dog Licenses— Please come in and license your dog. Failure to license your dog before January 31 will result in an additional $25.00 late fee. Transfer Station Hours— The Transfer Station changed is open Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:00 and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. The Transfer Station is closed Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Please remember that this is a pay-as-you-throw facility. RECYCLING NEWS!! — We are doing better, but ecomaine continues to charge us for contaminated recycled materials that are sent to them. Contaminated items are basically garbage that gets in the wrong container.The last container we sent to ecomaine included 3 full bags of trash, 20+ empty plastic bags, styrofoam, twine, scrap metal, and packing foam. If you don’t know what items are appropriate for recycling, please ask the attendant or check the side of the recycling container for information. We do not want to be charged for contamination; please be diligent about what you place in the recycling container.
Words to Ponder from the Planning Board: No Aquifer = No Island! The Planning Board has begun working through high-level goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The first goal we’re addressing is protection of the aquifer on Great Chebeague Island. As you may know, we have one aquifer on the island from which all wells draw water; this means that protection of this aquifer is vital to the viability of our community. After our recent public workshop on Protecting the Aquifer, we’ve outlined four major areas to address: septic systems; oil tanks; pesticides, herbicides, and hazardous chemicals; and leakage from vehicles (especially those no longer in use— “junk cars”). For now our efforts will focus on education regarding these topics and, in some cases, improving our database of information (septic systems and wells come to mind). Look for future information here on these topics in the coming months. And thanks in advance for your help in protecting Chebeague’s aquifer. Thank you for your support, and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Island Electric 846-2468 islndelt@juno.com
Repair and servicing of electric appliances, water heaters, water-pump systems, septic-pump systems, sump pumps, lamps and light fixtures. Installation and repair of electrical systems and components, including generator sales and service. Installation and repair of wiring for telephones, computers, televisions, and sound systems. Wiring of boats and marine facilities, such as docks and piers. Thanks for your business, and remember to support your local island businesses. Kim Boehm
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