
Notes from the Hall

We are pleased to announce that the weekly Coffee Hour has started early this year. Come on down on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 for coffee and a pastry and to catch up on everything that’s happening around the island. Our Wednesday soup and Community Lunch program will resume in October. There are sponsorships slots open, and we are also looking for a guest soup chef of the month. This is your opportunity to show off your soup skills, so don’t be shy! A huge thank you goes out to Jan Ross and Mary Anne Shube for their indefatigable help setting up the Martha Hamilton Arts and Crafts Extravaganza. Once again we had incredibly generous donors and many happy customers scooping up the bargains. We can’t wait to see what you have made from your haul of arts and crafts supplies!

The Community Center should be getting a new and fresher look as we spiff up the exterior this fall. We have received a grant from the Recompense Fund to help with the significant expense of this undertaking. And, when you venture inside the Hall, you may notice our wonderful energy-efficient lights being installed by Island Electric and paid for in part by a grant from Casco Bay Islands Alliance. We are grateful for both grants and for the continuing and enthusiastic support of the community we so happily serve. As the season of inclement weather approaches, remember that the Community Center is a designated Red Cross Emergency Shelter. We now have a larger and new generator that will keep the entire building running during times of power outages.

The Recompense Fund

Property Maintenance

It’s a pleasure to announce our new Recompense Fund Board Chair, Beverly Johnson. A big thank you to Leila Bisharat who has worked tirelessly as our Chair for the past two years.

Lawn Mowing, Bush Hogging, Wood Chipping, Stump Grinding, Brush Removal, Rototilling, Driveway Grading, Snow Removal, and more...

We are also pleased to announce that similar to last year, all nonprofits that applied for grants to the Recompense Fund received funding. They include Island Commons for $8,000; Kids’ Place for $15,000; Chebeague Island Historical Society for $4,000; Chebeague Recreation Center for $10,000; Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for $6,000; Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust for $3,500; Chebeague Parents Association for $1,500; and a special board member donation to fund the Chebeague Island School for $500. We are now in our second year of the four-year generous matching Challenge Gift of $250,000 from the Raymond Family Foundation (RFF). The RFF will match, dollar for dollar, all contributions to the Recompense Fund. This will enhance Recompense’s 10-year goal of annual increased grants to island nonprofits. In addition, the RFF match is the catalyst for the creation of a Recompense sustaining fund to enhance future grant making on Chebeague. For more information, go to www.recompensefund.com.

Call Nathan Doughty 712-4017 or 846-4133



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