Article 43. To see what sumnot to exceed $821,997.00 (Eight HundredTwenty One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the Public Works Department for fiscal year 2018-2019 as follows: Requested Selectmen Budget Comm. General maintenance of
highways, bridges, culverts, street signs, brush removal, and salaries Snow and ice removal Equipment repairs
$541,325.00 $541,325.00 $541,325.00 $113,960.00 $113,960.00 $113,960.00 $107,372.00 $107,372.00 $107,372.00 $ 59,340.00 $ 59,340.00 $ 59,340.00
Winter Sand
Total Requested $821,997.00 Selectmen Recommend $821,997.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Yes 6 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $821,997.00
Article 44. Shall the Town of Buxton voters authorize the purchase of two 2018 Freightliner 10 wheel dump/plow trucks (the “Equipment”) in a principal amount not to exceed $344,000.00; authorize the Treasurer and Chair of the Board of Selectmen to execute and deliver a promissory note (which may be called or prepaid) and security agreement with Biddeford Savings Bank to finance the Equipment in the name and on behalf of the Town at a fixed interest rate of 3.27% for a term of not more than five years using the Equipment as collateral and on such customary commercial lending terms as the Treasurer and Chair may approve; and raise and appropriate $73,570.00 (Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars) as the debt service obligation for fiscal year 2018 2019? Treasurer’s Financial Statement [30-AM.R.S.A. § 5772(2-A)] 1. Total Town Indebtedness: Bonds/Notes outstanding and unpaid $1,952,000.00 Bonds/Notes authorized and unissued $___________ Note to be issued if this article is approved $ 344,000.00 Total: $2,296,000.00 2. The estimated cost of this borrowing will be: Principal $ 344,000.00 Interest (3.27% for a 5-year term) $ 23,850.00 Total Debt Service: $ 367,850.00
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