Article 28. To see what sumnot to exceed $1,034,416.00 (OneMillionThirty FourThousand Four Hundred Sixteen Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate to be used for the Buxton Fire and Rescue Department for fiscal year 2018-2019 as follows: Requested Selectmen Budget Comm. Fire Police $ 27,079.00 $ 27,079.00 $ 27,079.00 Rescue $585,708.00 $585,708.00 $585,708.00 Fire Division $421,629.00 $421,629.00 $415,629.00 Total Requested $1,034,416.00 Selectmen Recommend $1,034,416.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $1,034,416.00 Yes 6 No 0 Absent 1 Article 29. To see what sum not to exceed $8,000.00 (Eight Thousand Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the Dry Hydrant Account for fiscal year 2018-2019. Requested $8,000.00 Selectmen Recommend $8,000.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $8,000.00 Yes 6 No 0 Absent 1 Article 30. To see what sum not to exceed $54,641.00 (Fifty Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty One Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the fifth payment of a five year lease/purchase agreement for the purchase of a Tanker/Pumper Fire Truck for the Buxton Fire/Rescue Department, pursuant to the vote taken underArticle 35Annual Town Meeting June 14, 2014 for fiscal year 2018-2019. Requested $54,641.00 Selectmen Recommend $54,641.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $54,641.00 Yes 6 No 0 Absent 1
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