No application for a proposed retail marijuana establishment or retail marijuana social club shall be processed. No person or organization shall develop or operate a business that engages in retail or wholesale sales of a retail marijuana product, as defined by 7 M.R.S.A. § 2442. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to prohibit any lawful use, possession or conduct pursuant to the Maine Medical use of MarijuanaAct, 22 M.R.S.A. c.558-C. Section 4. Effective date; duration. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment by the municipal legislative body unless otherwise provided. Section 5. Penalties. This ordinance shall be enforced by the municipal officers or their designee. Violations of this ordinance shall be subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions of 30-AM.R.S.A. § 4452. Shall the Town approve the Charter amendments reprinted below to be effective upon Town Meeting approval? (Additions are underlined, deletions are strikethrough) Section 2.07 Vacancy or Forfeiture of Office (b) Forfeiture of Office. A person shall forfeit the office of Selectman if he/she: (3) is convicted of a crime or offense punishable by a sentence term of imprisonment for more than thirty (30) days six months. (d) Vacancies. If a seat in the Board of Selectmen becomes vacant more than 90 Days prior to the next annual municipal regular election, the Board of Selectmen shall call a special election to fill the unexpired term. Vacancies occurring during a regular term shall be filled by appointment by the Selectmen when there is more than 90 days till the next annual municipal scheduled election, with the exception of any board committee or commission governed by an adopted ordinance shall not be subject to this section. All vacancies shall be posted in 5 (five) local stores or put into the Buxton News and shall allow at least 7 (seven) days thereafter before a list of candidates is formed. The successful candidate shall serve until the next scheduled election at which time the voters of the Town shall elect, by secret ballot, a person to assume the remainder of the unexpired term. Section 3.03 Elected Positions (b)
Article 4.
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