
Town Treas (July 1, 2016 -

Town Treasurer’s Report (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017)

Greetings from the Treasurer; In this year's town report I have included the following information as a general overview of the town's standing for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. A general fund expenditures chart showing the various operating expenses as a percent to total operating costs, a 5-Year tax assessment table, a list of revenues, a list of deposit accounts as well as a listing of all outstanding lien receivables for 2016-2017. An overview of this information shows that our expenses have increased 2.25% and our revenues have increased 2.10% over those in fiscal year 2015-2016. Our fund balance remains strong at $3,482,068, with an increase of $415,496 over the year ending balance of June 30, 2016. As always, the complete post-audit report for the last municipal year ending June 30, 2017, is available for review at the municipal office. Please fee free to contact me or stop in if you should have any questions. Respectfully, Greetings from the Treasurer; In this year’s town report I have included the following information as a general overview of the town’s standing for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. A general fund expenditures chart showing the various operating exp nses as a percent to total operati costs, a 5-Year tax assessm nt table, a list of revenues, a list of deposit accounts as well a a listing of all outst nding li n receivables for 2016-2017. An overvi w of this information hows th t our expenses have inc ease 2.25% and our evenues have increased 2.10% ov r th se in fiscal year 2015-2016. Our fund balance remains strong at $3,482 068, with an increase of $415,496 ver the year e ding balanc of June 30, 2016. As always, the complete post-audit r port for the last municip l year ending June 30, 2017, i available f r review at the municipal office. Please fee free to contact me or stop in if you should have any questions. Respectfully,

Kimberly A. Beam, Town Treasurer Kimberly A. Bea , r


Capital Outlay, 1.7%

Community Services, 0.3% Debt Service, 1.1%

County Tax, 3.6%

Pubic Works, 8.1%

Education, 54.2%

Recreation & Culture, 0.5%

Health & Welfare, 5.6%

Public Safety, 13.3%

General Government, 11.5%

General Government includes town office administration, voter registration, and code enforcement. Public Safety represents our police, dispatch, fire, rescue, and other public safety. Recreation and Culture includes our parks, libraries, and cemeteries. Community Services represents non-profit agency funding. General Govern e t in l t istration, voter registration, and code nforcement. Public Safet ts our police, dispatch, fire, scue, and other public safety. R creation and Culture includes our parks, libr ies, and cemeteries. Community Services repres nts non-profit agency funding.


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