Town Clerk’s Report July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017 Town Clerk's Repo t July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Town Clerk's Report July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017 o Clerk's Report ly 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017 Town Clerk's Re rt July 1, 2016 thru June 3 , 017 Town Clerk's Report July , 2016 thru June 30, 2017 Town Clerk's Repor July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017 83 Births 56 Marriages 273 Vital Records Recorded 61 Deaths 73 Burial Permits 83 Births 56 Marriages 273 Vital Records Recorded 61 Deaths 203 Burial Permits 79 Births 71 Marriages 411 Vital Records Recorded 58 Deaths 203 Burial Per its 79 Births 71 Marriages 411 Vital Records Recorded 58 Deaths 203 Burial Permits 79 Births 71 Marriages 411 V al Records Recorded 58 Deaths 203 Burial Permits 79 Births 71 Marriages 411 Vital Records Recor ed 58 Deaths 203 Burial Permits 79 Births 71 Marriages 411 Vital Records Recorded 58 Deaths Total Ballots Cast 3,995 Vot r Turn-Out 73 Burial Permits
or Meeting
Type of Election/Meeting
Ballots Issued
% Date
66.97% 11/4/14 0.25% 12/3/14 0.27% 5/28/15
State General & Referendum
915 n/a n/a
Special Town Meeting
n/a n/a
15 16
MSAD #6 Dist Budget Meeting Annual Town Meeting and
Voter Turn-Out Voter Turn-Out Voter Turn-Out Voter Turn-Out Voter Turn-Out
Voter Turn-Out
Turn- Turn- Out Turn- Out Out Out Election Election or Meeting Election Election or Meeting or Meeting Election % Date or Meeting % Date 79.97% 1/8/16 Out % Date 7 .97% 11 8/16 % Date 79.97% 11/8/16 1.12% 6/13/15 66.97% 11/4/14 0.25% 12/3/14 0.27% 5/28/15 9.86% 6/9/15 12/14/16 % Date 79.97% 11/8/16 12/14/16 0.04% 6/1/17 12/14/16 0.04% 6/1/17 0.04% 6/1/17 12/14/16 0.04% 6/1/17 1.12% 6/13/15 9.50% 6/13/17 9.50% 6/13/17 9.50% 6/13/17 9.50% 6/13/17 Turn- Turn- Election 9.86% 6/9/15 Out or Meeting % Date 79.97% 11/8/16 0.04% 6/1/17 9.50% 6/13/17 1.42% 6/17/17 1.42% 6/17/17 1.42% 6/17/17 1.42% 6/17/17 Turn- 12/14/16 1.42% 6/17/17
Total 687 Ballots Total Ballots Total Total Total Cast 4,898 Ballots Cast 3,995 Cast 4,898 Ballots Cast 4,898 Ballots Cast 4,898 n/a
Absentee Absentee Ballots Ballots n/a Ballots Issued Ballots Issued Ballots Issued Absentee Issued Absentee Issued 915 1,765 1,765 1,765 1,765 Ballots Issued 1,765 Absentee Absentee
MSAD #6 Dist Budget Meeting Annual Town Meeting and State Special Referendum, Annual Town Me ting and MSAD #6 Dist. Budget Meeting MSAD #6 Budget Val dation State Special Referendum, Special Town Meeting Annual Town Meeting and MSAD #6 Dist. Budget Meeting MSAD #6 Budget Validation State Special Referendum, Special Town eting A nual Town M eting Cont. Annual Town Meeting and MSAD #6 Dist. Budget M eting MSAD #6 Budget Validation State Special Referendum, Special Town Meeting Annual Town Meeting Cont. Annual Town Meeti g and MSAD #6 Dist. Budget Meeting MSAD #6 Budget Validation State General & Referendum State Special Referendum, Special Town Meeting Annual Town Meeti g Cont. Annual Town Meeting and MSAD #6 Dist. Budget Meeting MSAD #6 Budget Validation 172 Male / Female 1,165 Neuter / Spay MSAD #6 Budget Validation Annual Town Meeting Cont. Type of Election/Meeting Type of Election/Meeting Type of Election/Meeting Type of Election/M eting Type of Election/Meeting Type of Election/Meeting MSAD #6 Budget Val dation Annual Town Meeting Cont. State General & Referendum State General & Referendum State G neral & Referendum Annual Town Meeting Cont.
Attendance Attendance
Attendance Attendance
or Meeting
Cast 4, 98
Special Town Meeting Special Town Meeting State General & Referendum t te Ge R endu 5,965 Registered Voters on June 8, 2015 / n/a = not applicable
n/a /a 15 16 22 n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
No Count
n/a n/a 687 n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
No Count No Count
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
N Count
n/a n/a
62 n/a n/a
No Count
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
2 22
Cash Receipts:
n/a 601
n/a 51
67 n/a
1,712 Dog Licenses
90+ 6,990.00 90+ 123.00 960.00 168.00 90+ 1,892.00
5,965 Registered Voters on June 8, 2015 / n/a = not applicable 6,323 Registered Voters on June 12, 2017 / n/a = not applicable Annual Town Meeting Cont. 6,323 Registered Voters on June 12, 2017 / n/a = not applicable 6,323 Registered Voters on June 12, 2017 / n/a = not a plicable n/a n/a 6, 23 Registered Voters o June 1 , 2017 / n/a = not applicable n/a n/a 6,323 Registered Voters on June 12, 2017 / n/a = not applicable 41 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 320 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 Kennels
Police, Search & Rescue
- -
Cash Receipts: Cash Receipts: Cash Receipts: 1,712 Dog Licenses 2,098 Dog Licenses 2,098 Dog Licenses 282 Cash R ceipts: 2,098 Dog Licenses 2,098 Dog Licenses 2,098 Dog Licenses Cash Receipts: Cash Receipts:
0 Service Dogs
7 Replacement Tags
22 5 Dennett Map Copies Genealogy Information 12 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage Licenses $40 each 5 Dennett Map Copies Genealogy Information 2 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage Licenses $40 each 5 D nnett Map Copies Genealogy Information 12 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage Licenses $40 e ch 5 Dennett Map C pies G nealogy Information 12 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage L censes $40 each 5 Dennett Map Copies Genealogy Information 12 Junk Yard Permits, Auto 71 Marriage Licenses $40 each 76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriage, Certified Copies at $6 each Photo Copies, Faxes & Miscellaneous 76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriage, Certified Copies at $6 each 76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriage, Certified Copies at $6 each 76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriag , Certified Copies at $6 each 76 Marriage, Certified Copies at $15 each 79 Marriage, Certified Copies at $6 each 172 Male / Female 282 Male / Female le / Fem l 282 Male / Female 41 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 42 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 42 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 42 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 82 Male / Female 42 Male / Female Licensed Onlin Credit 42 Male / Female Licensed Online Credit 2 Transfer from Another Community Late Fees: 133 at $25 Each 1,165 Neuter / Spay 282 Male / Female 1,361 Neuter / Spay 1,361 Neuter / Spay 1,361 Neuter / Spay 1,361 N uter / Spay 320 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit 399 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit 399 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit 3 9 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit ,361 Neuter / Spay 399 Neuter / Spay Licensed Onlin Credit 399 Neuter / Spay Licensed Online Credit 7 Replacement Tags 6 Transfer from Another Community 6 Transfer from Another Community Police, S arch & Rescue And Service Dogs 6 Transfer from Another Co munity Police, Search & Rescue And Service Dogs 14 Replacement Tags 6 Transfe from Another Co munity Police, Search & Rescue And Service Dogs 6 Transfer from Another Community Police, Search & Rescue And Service Dogs 2 Transfer from Another Community Late Fees, 185 at $25 Each Late Fees, 185 at $25 Each Late Fees, 185 at $25 Each Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Certified Copies at $6 each Lat Fees, 185 at $25 Each Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Certified Copies at $6 each Late Fees, 185 at $25 Each Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Certified Copies at $6 each Late Fees: 133 at $25 Each Police, Search & Rescue Police, Search & Rescue And Service Dogs 6 Kennels 6 Kennels 6 Kennels 2 Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Certified Copies at $6 each Other Fees 147 Birth, Certified Copies at $15 each 42 Birth, Cert fied Copies at $6 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each 20 Burial Permits $20 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Death, Certified Copies at $6 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Death, Certified Copies at $6 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Dea h, Certified Copies at $6 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Death, Certified Copies at $6 each 21 Certificates of Sole Proprietorship 47 Death, Certified Copies at $15 each 147 Death, Certified Copies at $6 each 4 Kennels 6 Kennels 6 Kennels 1 0 Service Dogs 14 Replacement Tags 2 14 Replacement Tags 2 14 Replacement Tags 2 2 14 Replacement Tags
1,892.00 3,102.00 2.00 3,325.0 13,467.00 123.00 126.00 8,166.00 1,197.00 6,990.00 126.00 3,102.00 8,166.00 1,197.00 252.00
960.00 168.00 252.00 8,1 6. 0 1,197. 0 252. 0 126.00 8,166.00 1,197.00 252.00 - 3,102. 0 3,102.00 126. 0
8,166.00 1,197.00
- -
14.00 -
7.00 2.00 14.00 6.00
14. 0 14.00 6. 0 6.00
4,625.00 17,488.00
3,325.00 13,467.00 ,625.00 17,488.00
252.00 400.00 210.00 705.00 882.00 40.00 20.00 600.00 ,205.00 252.00 40 .00 21 .00 705.00 882.00 2,205. 0 252. 0 4 0. 0 210. 0 705. 0 882. 0 4,625.00 17,488.00 2,205.00 252.00 400.00 210.00 705.00 882.00 4 .00 2 .00 60 .00 2,840. 0 1,140. 0 40.00 20.00 600.00 2,840.00 1,140.00 4,625. 0 17,4 8. 0 40. 0 20. 0 6 0. 0 474. 0 474.00 474.00 875.36 2,84 .00 1,14 .00 474.00
4,625.00 17,488.00
52.00 40 .00 21 .00 705.00 882.00 4 .00 2 .00 6 .00
2,840.00 1,140.00
2,84 .00 1,14 .00
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