

ANNU L REPO T 2016-17


Solid Waste Recycle, recycle, recycle, that is the mindset that I would like for all who use the transfer station. The more materials that are recycled, the less the impact on our environment and the less money it costs the town for removal. This past year the transfer station crew worked hard at getting more residents to recycle. With the reduced hours of operation, it was more difficult at times to watch and see who wasn’t doing their part. Thank you to all who have made recycling a habit this year. The following figures, in tons, are the amounts we transferred for disposal/recycle: (2017) (2016) Bulky Waste 10.95 9.24 OCC (corrugated cardboard) 32.99 32.36 Newspaper/magazines 14.53 20.1 #1 and 2 plastics 5.03 5.11 Loose mixed paper 22.6 20.23 Tin/aluminum cans 4.77 4.54 MSW (Solid waste) 368.89 454.25 Clear glass 3.84 7.2 As you can see by the figures above, some tonnages for this past year went up and some were down as compared to 2016. We also recycled 375 tires, 24 fire extinguishers, 76 propane tanks, 19.98 tons of scrap lumber, and 82 appliances containing refrigerant. Brush removal cost us $2530. We continue to separate metals as best we can in order to get the most from the salvage income. For 2017 we received $7298.79 from metal sales. The Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG) continues to provide a means for the disposal of household hazardous wastes. They no longer accept paint; it must be taken to the Depot Square Hardware and Variety store. Contact the Transfer Station for more information or directions. Les Johnson Transfer Station Manager Solid Waste Recycle, re ycle, re ycle, that is t e mindset that I would like for all who use the transfe station. The mor at rials that are recycled, the less th impact on our environment and the less money it costs the own for rem val. This past ye r h transfe station crew worked hard at getting more resident to recycle. With the reduced hours of operation, it was more difficult at times o watch and see who wasn’t doi g their part. Th nk you to all who have m d recycling a habit t is year. The following figures, in tons, are the amounts we transfe red o disp sal/recyc e: (2017) (2016) Bulky Waste 10.95 9.24 OCC (corrugated c rdbo r ) 32.99 32.36 Newspaper/magazines 14.53 20.1 #1 and 2 plastics 5.03 5.11 Loose mixed paper 22.6 20.23 Tin/aluminum cans 4.77 4.54 MSW (Solid waste) 368.89 454.25 Clear glass 3.84 7.2 As you can see by th figur s above, s m t nnages for this past ye r went up and some were down as compared to 2016. We also recycled 375 tires, 24 fire ext nguishers, 76 propane tanks, 19.98 tons of scrap lumber, and 82 appliances containing refri e ant. Brush removal c st us $2530. We continue to separat metals as best we can in order t g t he most from he salvage income. For 2017 we received $7298. 9 from metal sales. The Androscoggin Valley Council f Governments (AVCOG) continues to provide a m ans for the disposal of house ld hazardous wastes. Th y no longer acc pt paint; it must be taken o the Depot Square Hardware and V riety store. C ntact the Transfe Station for more inf mati n or directions. Les John on Transfe Station Manager


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