Chebeague United Methodist Church News
Chebeague United Methodist Church Worship: Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Office Hours: Thursdays, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
We want to stay in touch with you! We have a new e-mail newsletter that will share stories and memories and let you know what is happening in your community church throughout the year. Want to be on our list? Email us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com and we’ll be sure to sign you up, or visit our website to connect with us.
Food Pantry Donations Needed! — After this particularly difficult winter, our food pantry is in need of extra donations. Current needs include tomato products, like spaghetti sauce; salt- free butter; low- or no-sodium soups, like vegetable and chicken noodle; tuna; and ground beef and ground turkey. Drop off nonperishable goods in the back room of the Parish House; for perishable items, contact the church office at 846-6987 or drop items off during Thursday office hours. Easter Sunday: Sunday April 1 — Easter Sunrise service on the East End at 6:00 a.m., with a light, informal, potluck-style breakfast to follow at the Parish House. Easter Worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.
Raise Your Voices — Easter isn’t just one day, it’s a whole season! What good news do you celebrate? Where are you experiencing hope and new life? Share it with us as we Raise our Voices as Easter people celebrating new life. During the weeks of April 15 through May 20, join us for Bible study at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish House on Sunday. What are your gifts—do you know? Want to find out? We’ll be talking about spiritual gifts—and how we are invited to use them to serve others.
New Choir Director and Accompanist! — Our church is excited to welcome Ben Yosua-Davis as our new church musician! He is looking forward to working with our choir and leading us in our music ministry. We’re always looking to celebrate our musical gifts in worship; if you would like to join our choir or have other questions about music in worship, contact Ben at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com .
Mechuwana Brochures Available — Pick up summer camp brochures in the entryway to the sanctuary! Mechuwana is a camp in Winthrop, Maine, that offers a variety of camps for children and youth: arts, swimming, soccer, musical theater, and more! Scholarships are available; contact Pastor Melissa. Church Website — Be sure to visit our website for the most up-to-date information about the church. You can even give online through Paypal to support the ministry of this church in the community. We’re always grateful for the many ways you make the work of this church possible.
Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the sanctuary is available for you.
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