Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $25,000 from taxation and other sources for the Bridge Capital Reserve Account ( G1-405 - $25,919) in the ensuing year.
Account 127
Bridge Capital Reserve Account
$25,000 Tax
TOTAL $25,000 The Board of Selectmen recommend passage.
Motion: Second:
Kathleen Potter moved that Article 12 have passage at $25,000
James Fitch
Discussion: None Vote:
It was voted that Article 12 have passage at $25,000
Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $37,500 from taxation and other sources for the Public Works Capital Reserve Account (G1-389 – $211,653) in the ensuing year.
Account 127
Public Works Capital Reserve Account $37,500 Tax
TOTAL $37,500 The Board of Selectmen recommend passage.
Motion: Second:
George Carman moved that Article 13 have passage at $37,500
Kathleen Potter
Discussion: None Vote:
It was voted that Article 13 have passage at $37,500
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