Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $459,469 from taxation and other sources for the ensuing year for the following:
Budget Committee $186,875 $223,837 $2,500 $7,850 $38,407 $459,469
Article 4 110 111 112 114 115
Selectmen $186,875 $223,837 $2,500 $7,850 $38,407 $459,469
Emergency Medical Services Fire Department Emergency Management Street Lights Public Safety Dispatch
The Budget Committee & Board of Selectmen recommend passage as presented.
Motion: Second:
James Fitch moved that Article 4 have passage at $459,659
George Carman
Discussion: None Vote:
It was voted that Article 4 have passage at $459,659
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $963,587 from taxation and other sources for the ensuing year for the following:
Budget Committee $726,762 $236,825 $963,587
Article 5 116 120
Selectmen $726,762 $236,825 $963,587
Public Works Solid Waste
The Budget Committee & Board of Selectmen recommend passage as presented.
Motion: Second:
James Fitch moved that Article 5 have passage at $963,587
George Carman Discussion: Kathleen Potter commented on this article Vote:
It was voted that Article 5 have passage at $963,587
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