Land Management Planning Committee (LMPC) A focus of the committee’s effort was on developing a number of “housekeeping changes” to zoning ordinance with an emphasis on streamlining the development review process. A joint meeting and public hearing were held on the proposed amendments which were subsequently approved at the Town Meeting. The Committee also oversaw the development of Voluntary Design Guidelines for the Upper Village aimed at promoting high-quality development there. The Planning Board subsequently endorsed this document as a working draft. Thanks to all who served: Linda Chase, Sam Coggeshall, George Colby, Jean Couturier, Karen Gilles, Donald Libby, Jean Libby, Caitlyn Davison, and Lawrence Zuckerman. Economic Development Committee During this period, committee activities included: • Cosponsoring the 7th annual business forum in conjunction with the Gray-New Gloucester Economic Development Corporation (GNG-EDC). The forum, which was held at Pineland, featured new SAD15 Superintendent Craig King and other business updates. • Running a full-page advertisement touting New Gloucester in the in the annual GNG Magazine. • Created a “New Gloucester Business of the Business of the Month” display at Town Hall. Thanks to all who served: Jean Couturier, Jason Libby, Michael Splane and Nichole Stevens. Other Projects Fairground Improvements: Staff provided contract administration regarding the state grant awarded to this project, with a focus on implementation of key features such as the design and construction of a central pavilion. Staff was also involved with multiple improvements to the waterfront area funded with a grant from Royal River Conservation Trust. New Public Works Facility: Planning Staff continued to serve on and assist the Public Works Design Committee. Staff assisted with RFP development, bid evaluation, cost analysis and meeting logistics. Morse Road Culvert Replacement: Staff provided continued administrative support for this project which involved securing multiple grants to fund the replacement of a culvert on Morse Road that was undersized and prevented fish passage. Installation of the new culvert was completed in the summer 2017. During my 2014-17 tenure, I appreciated the hard work and dedication of the town’s staff and volunteers, and enjoyed getting to know many of your personally. I wish you and new Town Planner, Scott Hastings, the best of luck going forward. Respectfully submitted, Will Johnston Former Town Planner
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