August 20, 2017
August 20, 2017
Town of New Gloucester 385 Intervale Road New Gloucester, ME 04260
Town of New Gloucester 385 Intervale Road New Gloucester, ME 04260
Dear friends and neighbors; I would like to thank each and every resident of New Gloucester for allowing me to represent you in the Maine State Legislature. I appreciate all of the interest many of you have shown in the important work we do on your behalf at the State House. Once again, I’m serving as the Assistant House Republican Leader, which provides an opportunity to work closely with many other legislators on issues important to them and to the people of Maine. Whether the Legislature in session or not, I’m always willing to help constituents who are working with state agencies to solve problems, and encourage you to contact me at any time with your questions, concerns or suggestions about state government. My legislative office number is (207) 287-1440, and is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please don’t hesitate to share your perspective, after all, it is through your input that I can best represent the people who call New Dear friends and neighbors; I would like to t ank eac and every resident of New Gloucester for llowing me to represent you in the Maine State Legislature. I appreciate all of the interest many of you have shown in the important work we do on your eh lf at the State House. Once again, I’m serving as the Assistant House Republican Leader, which provides an opportunity to work closely with many other legislators on issues important to them and to the people of Maine. Whether the Legislature in session or not, I’m always willing to help constituents who are working with state age cies to solve problems, nd encourage you to contact me at any time with your questions, concerns or suggestions about state government. My legislative office number is (207) 287-1440, and is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please don’t hesitate to share your perspective, after all, it is through your input that I can best represent the people who call New Gloucester home. Warmest regards,
Gloucester home. Warmest regards,
Ellie Espling State Representative
Ellie Espling State Representative
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