Hopkins Dam Report
The winter of 2017/2018 has been one of extremes. December started with temperatures pushing 60 and ended with double digit below zero temps. January started with those double digit below zero lows, but warmed up to the 50s. We had snow in early December, followed by a melt, followed by a white Christmas. The rain/ice/snow continued throughout the season -culminating with successive nor’easters in March We’ve had above average snowfall, but the intermittent melts have resulted in a near average snow pack on the ground in March as this article is being written. Despite these weather extremes, the Hopkins Dam has fared extremely well. Little Sebago Lake’s 125+ year old dam is functioning well and is structurally sound. The winter drawdown was initiated a few days late on October 18 th . We then had some heavy rain which kept the lake level high enough to be able to enjoy the lake through some fantastic fall weather. The lake reached its winter low of 17” below summer high on December 3 rd . This level was maintained for most of the winter. The 30+ recent inches of snowfall has started to push
the water level back up – as of March 11 th , Little Sebago Lake is 13” below the summer high water level. We will start to close the Hopkins Dam on April 15 th . The rate at which the dam is closed will be based on existing snow pack and weather forecasts. Historically, spring rains when there is still snow pack cause most of our flooding problems. Our goal is to reach the summer high water level and have a full lake by Memorial Day weekend. Of course, Mother Nature may impact that goal. We will try to post water levels on the Little Sebago Lake Facebook page on a weekly basis this spring as we bring the lake level up. The Hopkins Dam is in good condition. We have completed all maintenance requests from the state dam inspector. Our Emergency Action Plan submitted last fall has been accepted by the State Dam Safety Office. We will continue the tree maintenance started last summer and the basic dam maintenance we normally do. Many thanks to the Dam Committee members for all of their volunteer efforts and to the Little Sebago Lake Association Board of Directors for all of their support.
LSLA Dam Committee: Bruce Micucci, Jim Theis, Jonathan Bernier, Chris Micucci, Rod Bernier, Justine Beaudoi
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