

We hope you are enjoying reading this newly improved Spring Newsletter! Enclosed with this in the envelope was a Request for Support,

chairs. They are being made and donated by Allan Alterman and Steve Sohn! And of course we all need another kayak, right? As you can see from the budget which is printed in this newsletter- it takes

raffle tickets and a return envelope. If you haven’t yet, please fill out this form, edit any information necessary and return it along with raffle stubs and your donation. Upon receipt of your donation we will mail you out a receipt for your tax records and your 2018 LSLA sticker for you to display.

L i t t l e S e b a g o L a k e A s s o c i a t i o n MEMBER 2018

approximately $100,000.00 to follow our mission statement each year. Please do your part to help us with our mission. The future of our lake depends on you to contribute – please don’t assume that enough of your neighbors will take care of the

lake for you. Be a proud supporter and look for your name in print as a contributing member of our association.

Please consider supporting us by also purchasing some raffle tickets. The prizes are perfect for you to enjoy on our lake. Paddle boarding is becoming so popular; wouldn’t it be great to win one? Second prize is two custom made Adirondack



RAFFLE TICKET HELP IN THE PREVENTION OF MILFOIL Drawing to beheldonSaturday, July 8,2017 at “TheAnnual Meeting” 3FOR $25 “2017 LSLA FUND RAISER” ➊ Rush11.6PaddleboardwithPaddle (shown left) . ➋ OldTownHeron9 (shown bottom center) . ➌ TwoMade inMaineAdirondack chairs (Shown bottom right) . $10 EACH RAFFLE TICKET HELP IN THE PREVENTION OF MILFOIL Drawing to beheldonSaturday, July 8, 2017at “TheAnnual Meeting” 3FOR $25 “2017 LSLA FUND RAISER” ➊ Rush11.6PaddleboardwithPaddle (shown left) . ➋ OldT nHeron 9 (shownbottom center) . ➌ TwoMade inMaineAdirondack chairs (Shownbottom right) . RAFFLE TICKET HELP IN THE PREVENTION OF MILFOIL Drawing tobeheld onSaturday, July 14,2018at “TheAnnualMeeting” 3FOR $25 “2018 LSLA FUND RAISER” ➊ Rush11.6PaddleboardwithPaddle (shown left) . ➋ Two i eAdirondack chairsmade byAllanAlterman andSteveSohn (Shown bottom right) . ➌ OldTownHeron 9 (shownbottom center) .

_________________________ Phone ____________________ _________________________ Phone ____________________ $10 EACH Name __________________ Address _________________ $10 EACH

Name __________________ Address _________________ Name __________________ Address _________________

_________________________ Phone ____________________

Don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets and send in the stubs with your dues payment!


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