
Watershed Report (Cont.)

compliments of CCSWCD and MDEP. Some of you may be contacted directly this spring if your property was identified in previous surveys as having a potential erosion issue or if you have previously reached out to us by email or at meetings. For anyoneelsewho thinks youmight haveanerosion or sedimentation issue on your property or nearby road and would like some help determining how to proceed; now is the time. There are opportunities to get involved in this initiative, protect our water, improve the looks and performance of your property, repair your road, have plan and permit help, and get part of your costs covered as well. The request forms and requirements are very straight forward. Much of the work to reduce erosion, especially on

residential properties, is simple to understand and often can be done with hand tools. Please remember that protection of our waters is a process that starts with thought and awareness and is an important responsibility we all share. For most of us reading this newsletter, that responsibility is part of our front yard. Please; get in touch and ask some questions. All of us at LSLA, DEP, and CCSWC will be happy to provide guidance and assistance to work with you toward common goals and clean water. LSLA, Scott Lowell salowell@maine.rr.com 653-4378

LSLA Merchandise

In November of 2017, we took over responsibility for the Little Sebago Lake Association’s (LSLA) merchandise sales from Deb Gellerson. We look forward to continuing Deb’s excellence in providing LSLA merchandise for our lake residents. We will be concentrating on ramping up our inventory levels prior to the annual meeting on July 14, 2018 with plans to re- stock some of your favorites and hopefully to introduce some new items as well.

If you have realized that it is now 2018 and you did not get your Little Sebago Lake calendar, I have one small ($15) and nine large ($20) calendars in stock!! Prices reflect a $3 reduction. Please email me if you’re interested in purchasing a 2018 calendar or any other merchandise - we have a limited number of baseball caps, pajama bottoms, sweats and youth/infant clothing if you’re looking for gift ideas. Arnie & Tammy Rosario, arnier1000@gmail.com


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