Little Sebago Lake Association Summer 2018
BOARD MEMBERS President Pam Wilkinson Vice President Peter Gellerson Secretary Diane Burnell Treasurer Jim McBride Other Members Cheryl Alterman Rod Bernier Steve Davis Tim Greer Sharon Lamontagne Debra Lavoie
What’s inside... LSLA Board members............................... 2 Contact Us................................................. 2 Annual Meeting ........................................ 3 Plant Give Away......................................... 3 Message from The President.................... 4 12 th Annual Pirate Parade.......................... 5 I Remember When................................. 6-7 Little Sebago Lake Fish Stocking Reports.... 8 LSLA Functions & Finances...................... 8 Hopkins Dam Report................................. 9 Watershed Report.............................. 10-11 LSLA Merchandise.................................. 11 Boating Safety Courses........................... 12 Membership Address Update.................. 12 Maine Aides To Navigation System........ 13 Milfoil Militia Polk-A-Dot Legend.............. 13 Safety Patrol Program............................. 14 2018 Safety Program.............................. 15
LSLA Endowment Fund..................... 16-17 Treasurer’s Report.................................. 18 Membership Update................................ 18 LSLA 2017-2018 Budget......................... 19 2018 Milfoil Militia Report................... 20-21 Milfoil Militia Tallies to Date..................... 21 Loon Preservation, Spring 2018........ 22-23 Ice Cream Boats and Little Sebago Lake- An Illustrious History..................... 24-27 Ice Cream................................................ 27 LSLA Scholarships.................................. 28 Boat Ramp & Courtesy Boat Inspection... 29 Fireworks! Fun for a Night?.......................29 LSLA Dues Reminder.............................. 30 2018 LSLA Fund-Raiser Raffle............... 30 Thank You To Our Supporters................. 31 Closing Message.................................... 32
Scott Lowell Andy Mayo Kevin Murphy Arnie Rosario
RESOURCE HELPERS Database & Membership Support Sharon Young LSLA Merchandise Tammy Rosario Pirate Parade Organizer Deb Gellerson
Water Quality Rick Sullivan CCSWCD Liaison Carol Ann Doucette COMMITTEES Dam Committee Bruce Micucci Jim Theiss Jonathan Bernier Chris Micucci Justine Beaudoin Loon Committee Sharon Young Dorothy Bates Betty Caton Island Committee Wendy Pickett Carol Ann Doucette
Little Sebago Lake Association P.O. Box 912, Windham, ME 04062-0912 • 207-809-4706 info@littlesebagolake.com • www.littlesebagolake.com
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