Generousity of our Supporters and Their Families
Paul and Sandy Penna Robert T. Peters and Karen Weiburg Peters Thomas Poirier Joyce P and Faye Pond John and Gail Post Raymond and Kim Poulin Charles and Barbara Qualey Robert Radowicz Jr and Janette Radowicz Deborah Randall and Dawn Farrell Donna Rauschke Rachael Ann Redlon Gordon R and Brenda Reynolds Beverly and Eduard Richter Gary Robbins Robert and Mary Burton Roberge Cynthia Rogers John P and Debra Roma Becki Rush Marion Sawyer Steve and Gwen Sayian Don Seidel Bill Seixas Eileen and Stephen Shields Bruce, Exe Skilling Richard L and Laura H Small Anne T. Smith Cynthia Somes Stephen and Janice Stilkey Martha Strong Tom and Linda Strout Patricia Sullivan Richard and Jane Sullivan Stephen and Susan Swan Marcella Sweet Pamela F Taylor Roland and Linda Tetrault James Theiss and Julia Bruce Michael and Christine Thiim Susan Thomas Karen Toman Bruce and Sharmon Toner Arthur L and Sandy Turcotte Robert and Bonnie Turner David and Judith Vance Diane and Ralph E Vance David and Michelle Violette Richard Vosburgh Ann Walker Constance and Warren Ward Simon Ward Lucia and Peggy Warren Robert and Karen Wescott John and Carol West Tom and Judith Weston Albert and Mary Wilde Susan Worthing Elmer Young Jean-Marie Young and Dyer, Jayne Rogan, Jane Sharon and David Young John and Meredith Zerillo In Memory of Richard Stephens $545.00 * Additional thanks to these donors who contributed to our Endowment.
Jeff and Regina Ham Richard and Evelyn Hart Susan Hawkes
Howard P Broisman and Renee Labossiere Jason and Crystal Brown Leonard and Donna Brown PC and EA Brown Robert and Betty Brown Thomas L and Diane Brown Michael Bruck Michael E Burba and Sweekim Lim Kevin and Heather Cady Stephen and Lois Calautti Stephen and Jean Cameron John and Karen Caprio Marilyn Caramanica Douglas Carmichael Dorothy and Dickie Caron James Michael and Jacqueline Caron Timothy and Valerie Carrico Nola Chaisson Robert and Pauline Chervincky Russell Clement Alberta Ann and Melissa L Cobb Alice and Paul Cobb John S. and Ann E Cobb Bruce Collins, Jr Anne Connolly John and Wendy Connolly Frederick and Lisa Connors George and Leona Connors Ronald S and Deja Cook Andre and Sue Ellen Cote Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Cullen Rayann Burnham Cummings and Stuart Haines Francis and Jane Curty Priscilla Cutts Kimberly Darling Joseph and Lynn DeAndrade Neil and Cathy D’Entremont Martie DiBiase Dianne J and John Doyle Arnold and Harold Eames Elizabeth Eaton Rod Elliott and Karen Elliot Richard B Esty Andrew and Joan Faerber Robert and Joan Farrell Meade Fasciano Dennis and Judith Fitzgerald Otmar Foelsche Florence Fossett Kevin R Foster and Kimberly Lederer Patrick and Margaret Foster Daniel and Jeri Fitzpatrick David and Couri Flaherty
Timothy Laflamme Arthur LaFond and Deborah Loomis LaFond Ronald W and Karen Langille Robert and Lorraine Langlois Marie Langlois William LaPrade Jack and Rosemary Lasche Daniel LaVallee Joseph N and Mona Leavitt Garett Lefebvre Marianne Lefebvre Lawrence Lindenberg and Christine Bertolaccini Lisa Sue Litman and Ingrid Vorisek Stephen and Julie London Joseph C and William Loring Richard and Deborah Loveitt Scott Lowell Marcia M Lowery * Michael W and Sandra MacDonald Kenneth and Donna MacDonald Alice MacNeil Forbes MacVane Diana and George Mallard John & Kirsten Mallia Dottie Davies Marais Diane M Marcou Catherine and Stephen Martin Doreen McConnell Brian McDonnell Terry and Nancy McGovern Daniel and Nancy McHale Joseph and Jerilyn McMemamin John and Sue Meade Vincent J Micale Laurence Minott and Constance Ramsay-Minott Sheila Morrison Robert and Susan Moulton Jeffrey and Claudia Murray Walter Murray Jr and Lillian Murray Cheri Ann and Steven Narducci Norma P. and Ralph E. Nathanson Samuel and Bette Novick Warren Eddy Nowlin Linda A and Fred Oertel Susan and Thomas Oliver Steven and Gail Pacifico Philip M, Trustee and Michael Pastore Charles Pickelhaupt and Margaret Pickelhaupt Wendy A R Pickett Christopher Pitts and Terri Noyes * Ronald Poirier and Holly Nichholson Peter and Christina Poitras Nancy Polito and Michael True David and Carol Pollard William and Jeanne Pollock Michael and Maureen Poore Bill Readdy and Colleen Nevius Leslie Reuter * Patricia Roberson and John Robinson Bruce Robinson Ed and Ellen Robinson Thomas and Patrice Rossini Robert and Judith Roy Richard L Roy JR and Barbara Roy Charles and Sharon Noyes Julie and Dennis O’Brien Anne O’Donovan
Clark and Virginia Rundell Wendy Russell and Bonnie Mitchell Allan Ryder James and Melissa Sampson Christopher and Kristi Sarchi James L and Lesley M Schwab Ronald and Anna Seekins Helen V and Donald & Barbara Sheets David and Elizabeth Sherlock Elaine Shirfan Fay and George Small Frederick M and Jo-Anne Snowman * David and Jean Southard Robert and Tammy Souza Norma and Gregory St Angelo Jr. Peter and Sharon St. Clair Robert and Judith St. Pierre Marla A St. Pierre and Claire Beamis Patricia and Henri St. Pierre Helen B and Harlow Sternberg Alan Stevens James H and Kathleen A Stewart Jan Strout Richard and Jill Strout Anne H and Paul J. Strout William and Mary Sturtevant Kevin and Laura Sullivan Collin V Sullivan Kenneth and Douglas Truscott Daniel and Nicole Tully Thomas and Joyce Vacca David and Lisa Viola Rodney and Barbara Voisine Charles and Lois Waldron Johanna and Thomas Walsh Karen H and Gary Westerman Nancy Wilson Douglass and Mary Wolfe Douglas W Wright Stanley and Joanne Zeboski Friend $1 - $49 David and Vicki Aaskov Mary Aceto Donald and David Allen Robert G and Cheryl Allen Kevin Ameele and Nancy Fitz Smith Michael and Carol Anderson Robert E Armitage Edward and Barbara Arnold Fredric J and Janis Astle Jean Atherton Ralph and Beverly Bailey Paula Balcom Paul and Pauline Barrows Keith and Sonnia Bearce Mark S and James Beckman Normand and Mary Begin Margaret and Robert Beland Linda H Bentley Jason Bisson Arthur Black and Teresa Sawyer-Black John C. Bohnson III Alice Borella * David and Heather Brackett James and Mary Branscombe Jonathan Brass and Anne Lassar Ryan Brazell
Robin Herrick Christy Hewitt Rodney Hill Jr and Heather Hill Donald Hills Stephen and Karen Holdtman Thomas and Johan Houghton William R Howe Brien G and Anne Hoye Donald Johnson Scott and Frances Johnson Lawrence Jolliffe Sr. and Angela Jolliffe Philip W and Patricia Jones Dorothy Jonson Jean I & Diane Jordan and Deborah J Richio Lee Erlan and Nicole Jordan John Keimel and Alice Oldford Laura and Bruce Keith Beverly A Keniston Gary and Cindy Kenny John & Agnes and Patricia Kent Ronald Koster and Denise Ohlsen- Koster Brenda and Al Lamanda Sharon Lane Gary Lanoie Elizabeth and Christopher Lanoue Michele and Trevor Laverdiere Susanna Lee Donna S Leith Cheryl Leo and Virginia Elliot Robert and Cheryl Leo Joyce Foster Leonard and Ann Foster Bixby George and Edith-Anne Lydick Lyons Point Road Assocciation Arthur L. MacVane Joseph Marshall Marsha Martin Michael Mastromonaco Robert Mathews and Stephen Matthews Kevin Matthews Paula Maus Robert and Sylvia Maxwell Robert and Tina Mayhew Linda and John Mayol Susan McGaulley Roy E McKinney Robert and Enid McNeally Christopher and Signe Meals Daniel and Lana Merchant Ralph M and Maureen A Merrill Julie Millard Peter and Denise Moore Robert and Lillian Mountain Sally Noel Janet and Larry Nowinski Terri Noyes and Christopher Pitts Robert and Helen Olesen James L Olson Jack R Pannier and Susan Mortimer Pannier Sally-Lou Patterson Olive H Lewis Amy Lippman
David Fournier Joan Frustaci Muriel Gade Dave and Ann Gagnon Wilfred and Nancy Gagnon Raymond and Nina Geissler Samantha Gibson Diane Gilpatrick Joanne and Jeff Goguen Barbara R Gordon James and Mary Graham Anna and Donald Green Tim and Sue Greer Sharon and Ronald Gregor Kathryn Hall
James D Briggs Evelyn Brissette
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