Watershed Report
Clean water matters. Let’s all do our part.
The health and well being of our planets water resources are affected by the use and development all of us contribute within their watershed. As we cut vegetation, disturb soil, cover surfaces with buildings and asphalt, import chemicals, nutrients, pesticides, and the like we alter the clarity, enjoyment and potential usability of the resource for all who need it. Clean water is one thing that links all of us. No living thing on earth can do without it. So it is of upmost importance that we protect this resource, not only here on Little Sebago, but that we carry this awareness with us where ever we go. Here on Little Sebago your state and lake association have been actively working to protect water quality for many decades. State Shoreland Zoning came into effect in the 70’s and was a first large step to protecting water quality by placing some guidelines and restrictions on development within close proximity to the shoreline. Since 2002 Little Sebago Lake Assn., Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District and Maine DEP have been working together to evaluate and remediate sedimentation and erosion issues in our watershed whereby soil particles entering the water body plug fish habitat and carry excess nutrients which promote unwanted algae and plant growth. This partnership between LSLA, CCSWCD, and Maine DEP has resulted in more than $700,000
worth of erosion control projects done in part with grant money provided through the federal clean air and water act, in addition to donated time and match funds from towns, road associations, and individuals. More than 150 high priority sites around the watershed have repaired and restored since 2002 resulting in a decrease of nearly 250 tons of sediment going into the lake annually. However, there are still over 200 sites previously identified as having erosion issues that have not as yet been addressed. Now that grant funding from state and federal agencies is less available for watershed remediation projects, LSLA itself is continuing this program to make use of the information gathered and to continue this water quality effort as an ongoing program. We have developed our own cost share plan to encourage individuals, groups, and road associations to address sedimentation issues affecting the lake. To do this we will be offering financial support of up to 50% of a project cost with a $500 cap, in conjunction with recommendations for work to be done, help with permitting where required, and ongoing technical advice if needed through CCSWCD. There will probably be materials or plants available at a reduced cost as well. Many of the issues to be addressed have fairly simple solutions and we have electronic and paper copies of instructions with photos available that may meet your needs
LSA - Before
LSA - After
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