October 2017
CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY What’s New at CTC? Winter Ferry Fares effective 10/1/17
Upcoming Yard work for the Islander
In late Octo- ber the Is- lander will be hauled out at the Royal River Boatyard for s e v e r a l weeks. In addition to r o u t i n e m a i n t e - nance, the Coast Guard will perform the biennial hull inspec- tion. While the Islander is
Commuter Parking at Cousins Lot B e g i n n i n g November 1st, the commuter parking area will be re- served for those island resident per- mit holders who have a c o m m u t e r sticker on their permit. The parking is reserved for
WINTER: October 1st - April 30th
Cash Discount Cash Price
Individual Tickets
Round Trip Adult
16.00 $ 3.50 $
$ $
(1.00) (0.50)
15.00 $
Child (Age 6-11) (Under 6 free)/Pet
One Way Adult
8.50 $ 2.25 $
$ $
(0.50) (0.25)
$ $
8.00 2.00
Child (Age 6-11) (Under 6 free)/Pet
Ticket Books
55.00 $ 24.00 $ 36.50 $ 28.00 $ 23.00 $
$ $ $ $ $
(2.00) (1.00) (1.50) (1.00) (1.00)
53.00 $ 23.00 $ 35.00 $ 27.00 $ 22.00 $
Adult (Age 12 and up) (10 tickets)
Child (Age 6-11) (20 tickets) (Under 6 free)/Pet
Resident/Parking Permit Holder and Reverse Commuter- Adult (10 tickets)
Commuters (10 tickets)
Commuters - Holiday week (8 tickets)
Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com According to agree- ments and court or- ders, CTC must re- strict the number of vehicles in the Cous- ins lot to 165. Of these, 15 are reserved for Yarmouth resi- dents. Thus, 150 spaces are reserved for Chebeague resi- dents . c o mm u t e r s who travel at least three days per week Monday - Friday. Rules at Cousins Parking Lot One way
3.50 $
Office hours change on October 1st. Winter hours are Monday- Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM. We appreciate your patience and under- standing while the Islander is away. at the boatyard, CTC will be using the M e r r y m e e t i n g (previously named the Pied Piper) under an agreement be- tween Maine Mari- time Museum and CTC.
2018 Parking applications
Applications for annual parking permits will be mailed in October to current permit holders. The application will also be posted on the “Parking Ser- vice” page on our website and can be picked up at our office after 11/1/2017. Each year we receive more applications than availa- ble spaces. Applicants may be asked to prove resi- dency by providing a copy of a driver’s license and/or vehicle registration. The deadline for applications is November 27, 2017. Please check the application and terms and conditions carefully to ensure you will qualify for a spot.
Since converting to a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, CTC has saved over $63,000 in state and federal income taxes!
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