The Recompense Fund
Come join us upstairs at the Niblic from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday July 6. Everyone attending will have the opportunity to hear new proposals from nonprofits, the school, and the town that may help sustain the island as a thriving, year-round community.
You will hear about new proposals, new opportunities, and recent accomplishments. You will be able to ask questions and learn more about the remarkable ongoing efforts on Chebeague that benefit us all. Feel free to bring friends and family with you. Just let us know you are coming and how many you are by writing to recompensefund@chebeague.net . Space is limited only by the size of the room. The Recompense Fund is Chebeague Island’s community fund, working to sustain our year-round island community through financial support to its nonprofit organizations. Visit us at www. recompensefund.com .
Many organizations and their volunteers do a great deal for our community. The Recompense Fund is humbled by their efforts and values all their ideas. The fund also takes seriously the confidence of its many donors who trust the fund to make sound decisions when awarding grants.
The Mail
Sincere Thanks During a hasty return to the island on Father’s Day, I misplaced a shoulder bag that contained a lot of valuable items. My sincerest thanks to Martha Hamilton and the CTC staff who helped locate and arranged to return it to me on the island. Your efforts are truly appreciated, particularly during your very busy season. Thank you again, Thank you Chebeague Island! We would like to thank everyone who helped us after David and his drill press had a bit of a confrontation. Thanks to the team of the Chebeague Island Rescue, the crew on the CTC boat, the Yarmouth Rescue guys, and John Holt who provided some necessary transportation. Sincerely, Tony Gorody
THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS Hopefully, by the time this is published, the transition of my trucking/junking business will be complete. I now will have more time to focus on my electrical business and will have better response times. I apologize to those who have “fallen through the cracks” on the schedule. I also want to take the time to again thank all of my patrons and supporters of the trucking/junking business. Please extend your patronage and kind words to Island Services for this much needed service. Sincerely, Kim Boehm Kim@IslandElectric A Note of Thanks Although I took my digger back in June, my memory of that experience remains vivid...and mostly POSITIVE due to the incredible care I received from friends and neighbors. Much thanks to my kind and competent rescuers, Ehrhardt, Martha, and Mike; to the CTC crew, Jeremy and Kim; and to the Yarmouth Rescue team. The cheer and comfort you provided to me (in the middle of the night) will never be forgotten. Also, many thanks to all who sent cards and well wishes (and flowers!!). I feel very blessed to live on Chebeague.
David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson
With much aloha, Dianne Whetham
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